Thursday, September 7, 2023

independent space (Adult And Child Relationships) 独立空间

 八岁孩子说的一番话 值得所有的家长反距离中考仅 Bā suì háizi shuō de yī fān huà zhídé suǒyǒu de jiāzhǎng fǎn jùlí zhōngkǎo jǐn ● The words of an eight-year-old child are worthy of all parents' anticipation.

你的意思就是说以 后我不用管你了nǐ de yìsi jiùshì shuō yǐhòu wǒ bùyòng guǎn nǐle ● You mean that I don't need to care about you in the future

我不是不要你管 Wǒ bùshì bùyào nǐ guǎn ● I do not mean I don't want you to care

你可以管我只是你 不要什么都管 Nǐ kěyǐ guǎn wǒ zhǐshì nǐ bùyào shénme dōu guǎn ● You can control me but you don't control everything

小孩子也有自己的 独立空间 Xiǎo háizi yěyǒu zìjǐ de dúlì kōngjiān ● Children also have their own independent space 

你们大人上完班回 来都不想说话 Nǐmen dàrén shàng wán bān huílái dōu bùxiǎng shuōhuà ● You adults when you come back from work , also in no mood to talk.

更不要说提前工作 Gèng bùyào shuō tíqián gōngzuò ● Not to mention working in advance

我们小孩子下课之 后也需要放松 Wǒmen xiǎo háizi xiàkè zhīhòu yě xūyào fàngsōng ● We children also need to relax after class 

也需要被理解 Yě xūyào bèi lǐjiě ● also need to be understood 

那你现在放松了 Nà nǐ xiànzài fàngsōngle ● Then you are relaxed now 

那你以后就是一个 没有用的人 Nà nǐ yǐhòu jiùshì yīgè méiyǒu yòng de rén ● Then you will be a useless person from now on 

你不要用自己的思维来定义我们的 未来 Nǐ bùyào yòng zìjǐ de sīwéi lái dìngyì wǒmen de wèilái ● You don't use your own thinking to define our future 

万一你就不能把我们想象的好点吗 Wàn yī nǐ jiù bùnéng bǎ wǒmen xiǎngxiàng de hǎo diǎn ma ● What if you can't imagine us better? 

我觉得你你的教育方式是错误的 Wǒ juédé nǐ nǐ de jiàoyù fāngshì shì cuòwù de ● I feel you your education method is wrong 

我哪里错了 Wǒ nǎlǐ cuòle ● where did I go wrong

我每次一问错你就要骂我 Wǒ měi cì yī wèn cuò nǐ jiù yào mà wǒ ●  Every time I make a mistake, you will want to scold me

这对一个8岁的小孩子有多大的心理伤害吗 Zhè duì yīgè 8 suì de xiǎo háizi yǒu duōdà de xīnlǐ shānghài ma ● How much psychological damage does this do to an 8-year-old child? 

我上完课也很枯燥 也很乏味 Wǒ shàng wán kè yě hěn kūzào yě hěn fáwèi ● Even after I finished the class, it was very boring and boring.

你知道 Nǐ zhīdào ● you know

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