Tuesday, September 5, 2023

The Japanese will release toxic nuclear radioactive water for the next twenty years. Why?

 Today Reading 📚 Only

The Japanese will release toxic nuclear radioactive water for the next twenty years. Why?

Many have commented already that it is to save money. Storing the toxic radioactive water is not something the Japanese want to do. It costs money, and they just want to be rid of the water because it's so toxic, as confirmed by the BBC.

I don't think it's about money at all. Capitalists love to spend billions in the name of the environment so corporations and their subsidiaries can fill their stockings up on government contracts and money. My thesis is that the releasing of Fukushima radioactive Japanese cancer water relates to two things:

  1. Japan's devastating defeat in WW2, and how it and its Emperor bowed and fully submitted before the Americans;
  2. Their personality type as an island people.

Until the last decade or so, we never spoke of ‘narcissism’ but of the ‘anal-sadistic character’. With the rise of popular psychology in the West, much of the deep insights of psychoanalysis have been gentrified to be more palatable and marketable to the ever increasingly under-educated masses that constitute Anglo-American societies.

The Japanese character type is ‘anal-sadistic’. The anal-sadistic stage of psycho-sexual development takes form during the second year of life for Freud, and is devoted to the ‘drive for mastery’. You’ve heard the phrase of someone being ‘anal’ when they are very fussy, controlling, neat and precise. When we call someone ‘anal’ it comes from Freud’s typification of the anal sadistic character. We would say of the Japanese character as being: ‘fussy, controlling, neat and precise’. That means they are ‘anal’.

Let me clarify this notion of ‘anality’. For Freud, the infant is focused on the mother's breast initially for food and touch. But, this paradise doesn't last long as the infant becomes older he loses the total focus of his mother. There are times when the mother scolds the child, ignores it, and sometimes is even unimpressed by it. The child now has internal conflicts - it both loves the mother, but also has anger and hate inside him for the times he’s felt injured, ignored or slighted. This conflict has to be resolved.

The toddler will do one of two things: refuse to defecate as an act of defiance against the authority and perceived tyranny of the mother. Or, to refuse to stop defecating and create mess after mess.

The infant, through their defecation, seek to explore ways to manipulate and master the mother, who is now beginning to be differentiated and separated from the infant. "The child looks upon its stools as a part of itself that it may either expel or retain (a gradual differentiation between inside and outside) and that thus becomes a medium of exchange between itself and the adult" (Golse, 1992). The play between the infant and its stools is about regaining a sense of control for the child.

The stools and poop of the infant are of course the Fukushima Japanese toxic cancer water. Thus understood, it becomes clear why Freud placed special emphasis on the symbolic meanings of giving and withholding attached to the activity of defecation. He showed how infantile anal erotism, which is linked to both destructive expulsion and conservative retention, assigns to feces the role of an object that the child can use either to please or to challenge the mother.

"Defaecation affords the first occasion on which the child must decide between a narcissistic attitude and an object-loving attitude. He either parts obediently with his faeces, 'sacrifices' them to his love, or else retains them for purposes of auto-erotic satisfaction and later as a means of asserting his own will" (Freud, 1917c, p. 130).

Japan, like an infant, fears it is losing control of its mother/China. China has grown wealthy, powerful and respected in the world. Japan always thought China would be her minion, that Japan would assert her infantile control and power over China. For years now China doesn’t do what Japan wants it to do, this makes Japan feel inadequate and incomplete.

The Fukushima water problems are all about Japan’s infantile and fragile sense of self. The release of the Fukushima radiation water was precisely to ‘challenge the mother’ - namely, China! This is Japan’s Oedipal conflict being played out before the world.

Alan Wong on TikTok
Alan Wong's short video with ♬ original sound - Alan Wong

This is why many Japanese seek to mock the Chinese for their own humiliation in refusing to deal with the radioactive waste from the explosion of the nuclear reactors of Fukushima honorably and competently. Like excrement for the infant, the detritus and toxicity of Fukushima became the site where Japan could play the game of hiding the Fukushima water from everyone, then dumping it all over the world’s oceans when it wanted to. Like the excrement of the anal sadistic, the anal-sadistic character/Japan ‘either parts aggressively with his faeces, or else retains them for purposes of auto-erotic satisfaction.’

Japan is deriving fun and pleasure out of dumping Fukushima water onto the world. The same libidinal joy and release a toddler experiences in defecating in public when he is not meant to. The problem is this: the anal sadistic and Japan do not have the depth of character to deal with the shame of being humiliated by China and the world for dumping its shit into the world. Japan will only hate itself more for acting like an immoral idiot in dumping toxic radioactive waters into the oceans, which only make the Japanese feel emptier, requiring even more ridiculous hate and propaganda from the Japanese towards the Chinese.

The Japanese want to discharge their self-loathing, like their Fukushima water, onto Chinese shores. This is the psychological manipulation currently taking place. China is seen as the parent by Japan, and must accept all of Japan’s acting out.

Moreover, and rather implicitly, Japan blames China for Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not the US. Japan identifies with the US like she did with Nazi Germany. Japan cannot attack her American bully because she only knows how to be supplicant and comforting to the Western Whites. In dumping her toxicity into the oceans, the cry Japan is making towards China is: ‘yes we massacred many of your peoples, but why did you have to turn on us and allow the Americans to come bomb us like that? Hiroshima and Nagasaki are caused by you, China, and you and the world shall pay for what you allowed to happen to us!’

The Japanese can’t see what happened in any other way. To do so would be to admit that they are not without fault, that what they did in WW2 is unparalleled in human history for violence, menace, and crazed indecency.

By releasing the Fukushima toxic Japanese water into the oceans Japan wants to regress to an infantile world where there is no right and wrong, and all is well in the garden of Eden. The releasing of Fukushima water is analogous to the child relieving itself. For Ernest Becker, ‘Often the child deliberately soils himself or continues to wet the bed, to protest against the imposition of artificial symbolic rules: he seems to be saying that the body is his primary reality and that he wants to remain in the simpler physical Eden and not be thrown out into the world of "right and wrong.” ― Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death

Japan wants to return to infantile serenity. And any attempt by China to hold Japan account will be met with repressed infantile rage that is meant for the US, but aimed at China. Japan is so hollow and empty on the inside she can barely hold herself together.

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