Monday, September 11, 2023

Dinosaur Carries Wolf 恐龍扛狼 kǒnglóng káng láng:

 雲南權妹 Yúnnán quán mèi ● Yunnan Quanmei :

" 欢迎你们的加入 Huānyíng nǐmen de jiārù ● Welcome to join us

来到现场跟我一起跳舞 Lái dào xiàn chǎng gēn wǒ yī qǐ tiào wǔ ● Come on site and dance with me 

晚上做穿线的手工活 Wǎnshàng zuò chuānxiàn de shǒugōng huó ● Doing manual threading work at night

我怕太多亲戚朋友会看到 Wǒ pà tài duō qīnqī péngyǒu huì kàn dào ● I'm afraid too many relatives and friends will see it 

我就害羞... Wǒ jiù hàixiū... ● I'm just shy...

我还是会害羞的 Wǒ háishì huì hàixiū de ●I will still be shy

第二天爆火了 Dì èr tiān bào huǒle ●It exploded the next day

我的手机一直咚咚咚咚铃声 Wǒ de shǒujī yīzhí dōng dōng dōng dōng My handphone keeps ringing 

哈哈哈 Hāhā hā ● Hahaha 

四月份 Sì Yuèfèn ● April 

整个月我都觉得 Zhěnggè yuè wǒ dū juédé ●The whole month I felt

是昏昏沉沉的 Shì hūn hūn chénchén de ●is groggy  

我感觉... Wǒ gǎnjué...● I feel...

那不是... Nà bùshì...● that is not...

那不是现实的感觉...Nà bù shì xiàn shí de gǎn jué...● That's not what reality feels like...

是...做梦 Shì... Zuò mèng● It's...dreaming

是一场梦的吗 Shì yī chǎng mèng de ma ●Is it a dream? 

这条桥啊 Zhè tiáo qiáo a ● This bridge 

晚上八九点的时候 Wǎnshàng bājiǔ diǎn de shíhòu ● At eight or nine o'clock in the evening

都是满人的 Dōu shì mǎn rén de ● There are all full of people

我才发现 Wǒ cái fāxiàn ● I just found 

天呐..这是真的 Tiān nà.. Zhè shì zhēn de ●Oh my's true 

因为我也只是个 Yīnwèi wǒ yě zhǐshì gè● Because I'm just a

普通的打工族而已 pǔtōng de dǎgōng zú éryǐ ● Just ordinary working people 

我没有太大的抱负和理想 Wǒ méiyǒu tài dà de bàofù hé lǐxiǎng ● I don't have too big ambition and ideals 

希望的是 Xīwàng de shì● What I hope is

更多的宝宝 Gèng duō de bǎobǎo ● even more babies

能得到开心快乐就好了 Néng dédào kāixīn kuàilè jiù hǎole ● can get open heart  happy, that'll be fine

"我们是植物,不管我们承认与否 必须连根从大地中成长起来 为的是能在天穹中开花结果” ——海德格尔 

"Wǒ men shì zhíwù, bùguǎn wǒ men chéngrèn yǔ fǒu bìxū lián gēn cóng dàdì zhōng chéngzhǎng qǐlái wèi de shì néng zài tiānqióng zhōng kāihuā jiē guǒ” ——Hǎidé gé ěr

"We are plants, whether we admit it or not, we must grow up from the earth in order to blossom and bear fruit in the sky." - Heidegger

Martin Heidegger was a German philosopher. 马丁·海德格尔是德国哲学家。 Mǎdīng·hǎidé gé ěr shì déguó zhéxué jiā.

【I LOVE MUSIC】 ============================= 雲南權妹 - 恐龍扛狼 : 我沒K 我沒K 我沒K 我沒K 我沒K 我沒K 我沒K 布魯biu 布魯biu 恐龍扛狼扛狼扛 蹦龍ㄎㄧㄣ林扛 愛都是非對錯 已太多 來到眉飛色舞的場合 混合他的沖動 她的寂寞 不計較結果 理由一百萬個 有漏洞 快說破說破 以後最赤裸 事後愛不愛我 理不理我 關系著後果 你說我要結果 中間不必停留 你說我要 一轉頭再來過 男的女的 都不要再等候 去遊去遊 現在就要去遊 幫幫啦 幫幫啦 幫幫啦 幫幫啦幫 幫幫幫幫幫 龍龍了龍 龍了龍 龍了龍 ㄅㄧㄤ拔辣 ㄅㄧㄤ ㄅㄧㄤ ㄅㄧㄤ ㄅㄧㄤ ㄅㄧㄤ 幫幫啦幫 咩呼 來睡 什麼five 什麼超 什麼調 什麼five 什麼K 來到眉飛色舞的場合 混合他的沖動 她的寂寞 不計較結果 理由一百萬個 有漏洞 快說破說破 以後最赤裸 事後愛不愛我 理不理我 關心著後果 你說我要結果 中間不必停留啊 你說我要 一轉頭再來過 男的女的 都不要再等候 去遊去遊 現在就要吃肉 你說我要 中間不必停留啊 你說我要 一轉頭再來過 男的女的 都不要再等候 去遊去遊 現在就要去遊

[I LOVE MUSIC] ============================= yúnnán quán mèi - kǒnglóng káng láng: Wǒ méi K wǒ méi K wǒ méi K wǒ méi K wǒ méi K wǒ méi K wǒ méi K bù lǔ biu bù lǔ biu kǒnglóng káng láng káng láng káng bèng lóngkyin1 lín káng ài dū shìfēi duì cuò yǐ tài duō lái dào méifēisèwǔ de chǎnghé hùnhé tā de chōngdòng tā de jìmò bù jìjiào jiéguǒ lǐyóu yībǎi wàn gè yǒu lòudòng kuài shuōpò shuōpò yǐhòu zuì chìluǒ shìhòu ài bù ài wǒ lǐ bù lǐ wǒ guānxìzhe hòuguǒ nǐ shuō wǒ yào jiéguǒ zhōngjiān bùbì tíngliú nǐ shuō wǒ yào yī zhuàn tóu zài láiguò nán de nǚ de dōu bùyào zài děnghòu qù yóu qù yóu xiànzài jiù yào qù yóu bāng bāng la bāng bāng la bāng bāng la bāng bāng la bāng bāng bāng bāng bāng bāng lóng lóngle lóng lóngle lóng lóngle lóng bi1ang1 bá là bi1ang1 bi1ang1 bi1ang1 bi1ang1 bi1ang1 bāng bāng la bāng miē hū lái shuì shénme five shénme chāo shénme diào shénme five shénme K lái dào méifēisèwǔ de chǎnghé hùnhé tā de chōngdòng tā de jìmò bù jìjiào jiéguǒ lǐyóu yībǎi wàn gè yǒu lòudòng kuài shuōpò shuōpò yǐhòu zuì chìluǒ shìhòu ài bù ài wǒ lǐ bù lǐ wǒ guānxīnzhe hòuguǒ nǐ shuō wǒ yào jiéguǒ zhōngjiān bùbì tíngliú a nǐ shuō wǒ yào yī zhuàn tóu zài láiguò nán de nǚ de dōu bùyào zài děnghòu qù yóu qù yóu xiànzài jiù yào chī ròu nǐ shuō wǒ yào zhōngjiān bùbì tíngliú a nǐ shuō wǒ yào yī zhuàn tóu zài láiguò nán de nǚ de dōu bùyào zài děnghòu qù yóu qù yóu xiànzài jiù yào qù yóu

[English translation

【I LOVE MUSIC】 ============================= Yunnan Quanmei-Dinosaur carrying the wolf: I don’t have K, I don’t have K, I don’t  K I don’t have K I don’t have K I don’t have K I don’t have K brubiu brubiu Dinosaur carries the wolf carries the wolf carries the dragon  Loneliness doesn’t care about the outcome. There are a million reasons. There are loopholes. Tell it now. Tell it now. The most naked afterward is whether you love me or not. It doesn’t matter whether you love me or not. It doesn’t matter whether you care about me or not. You said I want the result. There is no need to stay in the middle. You said I want to turn around and come back to you.  Women, don't wait any longer, go swimming, go swimming now, help, help, help, help, help, help, help, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon, dragon.  ㄤㄅㄧㄤㄅㄧㄤㄅㄧㄤㄅㄧㄤ Bang Bang La Bang Baa Hu Lai Hu Lai Sleep What Five What Super What Tune What Five What K Come to the joyful occasion to mix his impulses Her loneliness does not care about the result There are a million reasons  There is a loophole, tell it now. Tell it now. Afterwards, you will be most naked. Do you love me or not? I don’t care. I care about the consequences. You said I want the result. There is no need to stop in the middle. You said I want to turn around and come back. Men and women, don’t wait any longer and go swimming.  Go swimming, I want to eat meat now. You said I want to go without stopping in the middle. You said I want to turn around and come again. Men and women, don’t wait any longer. Go swimming, go swimming. Go swimming now.

The background music is a modified adapter version by this China girl

恐龙扛狼 Kǒnglóng káng láng • Dinosaur carrying wolf

Sammi Cheng's song is 《眉飛色舞》 “ Méifēisèwǔ ” • Dancing with Joy

Later on, she becomes popular due to her own version lyric of the real original song ( by singer Sammi Cheng) below

After listening to 'dinosaurs carry wolves,' version , I want to come back and listen closely about the original song and the story behind the song, freedom = 自由 = zìyóu= kebebasan

“恐龙扛狼”是个啥梗?中国新“神曲”在Tiktok刮起“洋滇风” “Kǒnglóng káng láng” shìgè shà gěng? Zhōngguó xīn “shénqū” zài Tiktok guā qǐ “yáng diān fēng” ●What is the meaning of "dinosaur carrying wolf"? China's new "Divine Comedy" blows "Western Yunnan style" on Tiktok

“我没K,我没K!布鲁biu,布鲁biu!恐龙扛狼扛狼扛,恐龙扛狼扛狼扛。恐龙扛狼扛狼扛,恐龙扛狼扛狼扛。”你要是还不知道“恐龙扛狼”的梗,那不好意思,你已经“掉线”了。“Wǒ méi K, wǒ méi K! Bù lǔ biu, bù lǔ biu! Kǒnglóng káng láng káng láng káng, kǒnglóng káng láng káng láng káng. Kǒnglóng káng láng káng láng káng, kǒnglóng káng láng káng láng káng.” Nǐ yàoshi hái bù zhīdào “kǒnglóng káng láng” de gěng, nà bù hǎoyìsi, nǐ yǐjīng “diào xiàn”le. ● "I don't have K, I don't have K! Brubiu, Brubiu! The dinosaur carries the wolf, carries the wolf, the dinosaur carries the wolf, carries the wolf. The dinosaur carries the wolf, carries the wolf, the dinosaur carries the wolf, carries the wolf." If you don't still  If you know the "dinosaur carrying a wolf" meme, then I'm sorry, you have been "offline".

“土味情话版”“PS版”“地摊卖货版”……中国新魔性“神曲”诞生 “Tǔ wèi qínghuà bǎn”“PS bǎn”“dìtān mài huò bǎn”……zhōngguó xīn móxìng “shénqū” dànshēng  ●"Local love story version", "PS version", "street stall selling version"... The birth of China's new magical "Divine Comedy"

Who is she ? 她是谁? Tā shì shéi?

近日,话题词“恐龙扛狼”登上中国短视频平台热榜第一。jìnrì, huàtí cí “kǒnglóng káng láng” dēng shàng zhōngguó duǎn shìpín píngtái rè bǎng dì yī. ● Recently, the buzzword "dinosaur carrying wolf" has topped the hot list of China's short video platforms.

武汉九派新闻报道,这是今年4月,中国网红云南权妹唱郑秀文的《眉飞色舞》时,因为忘词,所以临时用云南方言给前奏编的词。Wǔhàn jiǔ pài xīnwén bàodào, zhè shì jīnnián 4 yuè, zhōngguó wǎng hóng yúnnán quán mèi chàng zhèngxiùwén de “méifēisèwǔ” shí, yīnwèi wàng cí, suǒyǐ línshí yòng yúnnán fāngyán gěi qiánzòu biān de cí. ● Wuhan Jiupai News reported that in April this year, when Chinese Internet celebrity Yunnan Quanmei sang Sammi Cheng's "Beautiful Dance", she forgot the lyrics, so she improvised lyrics for the prelude in Yunnan dialect.

谁曾想,一改编不要紧,现在愣是比原唱还火。Shéi céng xiǎng, yī gǎibiān bùyàojǐn, xiànzài lèng shì bǐ yuán chàng hái huǒ. ● Who would have thought that it would not matter if it was adapted, but now it is even more popular than the original song. 

图为博主@云南权妹在抖音上直播唱歌。(图/视频平台“抖音”截图)Tú wèi bó zhǔ@yúnnán quán mèi zài dǒu yīn shàng zhíbò chànggē.(Tú/shìpín píngtái “dǒu yīn” jiétú)●The picture shows blogger @云南quanmei singing live on Douyin. (Picture/Screenshot of the video platform “Douyin”)

广州ZAKER网报道,虽然听完后,不少网民还是没整明白《恐龙扛狼》哪牛了,但上网刷刷,就发现它早以迅雷不及掩耳之势,成了新魔性“神曲”。guǎngzhōu ZAKER wǎng bàodào, suīrán tīng wán hòu, bù shǎo wǎngmín háishì méi zhěng míngbái “kǒnglóng káng láng” nǎ niúle, dàn shàngwǎng shuā shuā, jiù fāxiàn tā zǎo yǐ xùnléi bùjí yǎn ěr zhī shì, chéngle xīn móxìng “shénqū”. ● Guangzhou ZAKER reported that although after listening to it, many netizens still didn't understand what "Dinosaur Carrying Wolf" was, but after browsing the Internet, they found that it had already become a new magical "divine song" with lightning speed. .

原视频的数据就堪称夸张了,点赞是百万计的,转发都有73万。评论区都是跟唱语音条。前阵子红透半边天的华语乐坛新“四大天王”,恐怕都没这待遇。Yuán shìpín de shùjù jiù kān chēng kuāzhāngle, diǎn zàn shì bǎi wàn jì de, zhuǎnfā dōu yǒu 73 wàn. Pínglùn qū dōu shì gēn chàng yǔyīn tiáo. Qián zhènzi hóng tòu bànbiāntiān de huáyǔ yuètán xīn “sì dà tiānwáng”, kǒngpà dōu méi zhè dàiyù.●The statistics of the original video are exaggerated. There are millions of likes and 730,000 retweets. The comments section is full of singing-along voice notes. The new "four kings" of the Chinese music scene who have become so popular a while ago probably don't get this kind of treatment.

网络可是“创作者的天堂”。短短几个月,这一小段魔性洗脑的演唱吸引了大批网民,许多博主剪辑这段音频为背景音乐进行二创。有“土味情话版”的、“PS版”的、“地摊卖货版”的。Wǎngluò kěshì “chuàngzuò zhě de tiāntáng”. Duǎn duǎn jǐ gè yuè, zhè yī xiǎoduàn móxìng xǐnǎo de yǎnchàng xīyǐnle dàpī wǎngmín, xǔduō bó zhǔ jiǎnjí zhè duàn yīnpín wèi bèijǐng yīnyuè jìnxíng èr chuàng. Yǒu “tǔ wèi qínghuà bǎn” de,“PS bǎn” de,“dìtān mài huò bǎn” de. ● The Internet is a "creator's paradise." In just a few months, this short piece of magical and brainwashing singing attracted a large number of netizens, and many bloggers edited the audio to create background music. There are "local love story version", "PS version", and "street stall selling version".

有人就为恐龙扛狼编了土味情话,“可惜你不听恐龙扛狼也不懂我”。Yǒurén jiù wèi kǒnglóng káng láng biānle tǔ wèi qínghuà,“kěxí nǐ bù tīng kǒnglóng káng láng yě bù dǒng wǒ”.● Someone made up an earthy love story about Dinosaur Carrying Wolf, "It's a pity that you don't listen to Dinosaur Carrying Wolf and you don't understand me either."


有人发挥PS技术,让早已灭绝的生物背上扛了一匹远古的狼在狂奔,怎么想怎么魔幻。Tú wèi wǎngmín pínglùn.(Qū/“dǒu yīn” jiétú) yǒurén fà huī PS jìshù, ràng zǎoyǐ mièjué de shēngwù bèi shàng kángle yī pǐ yuǎngǔ de láng zài kuángbēn, zěnme xiǎng zěnme móhuàn. ● Pictured are netizen comments. (Zone/Screenshot of "Douyin") Someone used PS technology to make an extinct creature run wildly with an ancient wolf on its back. It's as magical as you want.

图为网民创作出“恐龙扛狼”。(图/“抖音”截图)在一声声“我没K”中,权妹走向卖瓜老板,结果发现不仅缺斤少两,瓜的质量还不好,于是站上瓜摊舞了起来。小碎步打翻秤、踩烂瓜、跑路,一气呵成。Tú wèi wǎngmín chuàngzuò chū “kǒnglóng káng láng”.(Tú/“dǒu yīn” jiétú) zài yīshēng shēng “wǒ méi K” zhōng, quán mèi zǒuxiàng mài guā lǎobǎn, jiéguǒ fāxiàn bùjǐn quē jīn shǎo liǎng, guā de zhìliàng hái bù hǎo, yúshì zhàn shàng guā tān wǔle qǐlái. Xiǎo suìbù dǎ fān chèng, cǎi làn guā, pǎo lù, yīqìhēchéng.● The picture shows the "dinosaur carrying a wolf" created by netizens. (Picture/ Screenshot of “Douyin”) In the midst of "I don't have a K", Quan Mei walked towards the melon seller, only to find that not only was she missing a few pounds, but the quality of the melons was not good, so she stood on the melon stall and started dancing. In small steps, she tipped the scale, stepped on the rotten melon, and ran away, all in one go.




Tú wèi guā tān bǎn “kǒnglóng káng láng”.(Tú/“dǒu yīn” jiétú)

“zhòngjīnshǔ bǎn”“jítā shēnqíng bǎn”“hánguó ōu bā bǎn”……Tiktok shàng fāqǐle “yáng diān fēng”

zhè shēng “wǒ méi K” yě kāiqǐle “guójì fú”. Guójì yǒu rénmen yě zài Tiktok shàng guā qǐle “yáng diān fēng”, biān chūle “zhòngjīnshǔ bǎn”“jítā shēnqíng bǎn”“hánguó ōu bā bǎn” děng děng……

●The picture shows the melon stall version of "Dinosaur Carrying Wolf". (Picture/Screenshot of “Douyin”)

 "Heavy Metal Version", "Guitar Soulful Version", "Korean Oppa Version"... "Western Yunnan Style" was launched on Tiktok

 This "I don't have K" also opened the "international server". International friends also created a "foreign and Yunnan style" on Tiktok, compiling "heavy metal version", "guitar soulful version", "Korean Obama version" and so on...

图为重金属版“恐龙扛狼”。(图/“抖音”截图)Tú wéi zhòngjīnshǔ bǎn “kǒnglóng káng láng”.(Tú/“dǒu yīn” jiétú)● The picture shows the heavy metal version of "Dinosaur Carrying Wolf". (Picture/Screenshot of “Douyin”)

图为韩国欧巴版“恐龙扛狼”。(图/“抖音”截图)Tú wèi hánguó ōu bā bǎn “kǒnglóng káng láng”.(Tú/“dǒu yīn” jiétú)●The picture shows the Korean Obama version of "Dinosaur Carrying Wolf".  (Picture/Screenshot of “Douyin”)

爱卡点、动作大 云南网红成家乡“土味代言人” ài kǎ diǎn, dòngzuò dà yúnnán wǎng hóng chéng jiāxiāng “tǔ wèi dàiyánrén”●Yunnan internet celebrity becomes the “spokesperson of local flavor” of his hometown with his love for card points and big actions

对于为什么“恐龙扛狼”能火到海外,武汉大学文学院副教授、对外汉语教研室主任阮桂君表示,歌词里的云南方言“恐龙扛狼”是拟音词,表达燥热、富有节奏的氛围,即外国人读来也朗朗上口。此外,这种陌生化的文学表达也符合人们的求新求异心理。duìyú wèishéme “kǒnglóng káng láng” néng huǒ dào hǎiwài, wǔhàn dàxué wénxuéyuàn fùjiàoshòu, duìwài hànyǔ jiàoyánshì zhǔrèn ruǎnguìjūn biǎoshì, gēcí lǐ de yúnnán fāngyán “kǒnglóng káng láng” shì nǐ yīn cí, biǎodá zàorè, fùyǒu jiézòu de fēnwéi, jí wàiguó rén dú lái yě lǎnglǎng shàng kǒu. Cǐwài, zhè zhǒng mòshēng huà de wén xué biǎodá yě fúhé rénmen de qiú xīn qiú yì xīnlǐ.● As for why "Dinosaur Carrying Wolf" has become popular overseas, Ruan Guijun, associate professor at the School of Liberal Arts of Wuhan University and director of the Teaching and Research Office of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, said that the Yunnan dialect "Dinosaur Carrying Wolf" in the lyrics is an onomatopoeia word, expressing a hot and rhythmic atmosphere, that is, foreign countries It is also catchy for people to read. In addition, this kind of unfamiliar literary expression also conforms to people's psychology of seeking novelty and difference.

对于方言词的走红,阮桂君感到很欣慰。他觉得,这样能让更多人通过互联网,主动了解除自己母语和家乡方言外的其他语言文化样态。Duìyú fāngyán cí de zǒuhóng, ruǎnguìjūn gǎndào hěn xīnwèi. Tā juédé, zhèyàng néng ràng gèng duō rén tōngguò hùliánwǎng, zhǔ dòng liǎo jiěchú zìjǐ mǔyǔ hé jiāxiāng fāngyán wài de qítā yǔyán wénhuà yàng tài.● Ruan Guijun is very pleased with the popularity of dialect poetry. He believes that this will allow more people to take the initiative to learn about other languages ​​and cultures besides their mother tongue and hometown dialect through the Internet.

其实在闯荡“土味江湖”中,云南网红们早就成为“一代宗师”。他们独特的表达方式和别具一格的个性让人印象深刻。Qíshí zài chuǎngdàng “tǔ wèi jiānghú” zhōng, yúnnán wǎng hóngmen zǎo jiù chéngwéi “yīdài zōngshī”. Tāmen dútè de biǎodá fāngshì hé biéjùyīgé de gèxìng ràng rén yìnxiàng shēnkè.●In fact, Yunnan Internet celebrities have long become "grand masters" in their pursuit of "local flavor". Their unique expressions and unique personalities are impressive.

有人认为云南人隔一段时间就会出现新的网络热点。就比如去年的傈僳族小伙通过一段“我是云南的,云南怒江的”引发全网模仿。Yǒurén rènwéi yúnnán rén gé yīduàn shíjiān jiù huì chūxiàn xīn de wǎngluò rèdiǎn. Jiù bǐrú qùnián de lìsù zú xiǎohuǒ tōngguò yīduàn “wǒ shì yúnnán de, yúnnán nùjiāng de” yǐnfā quán wǎng mófǎng. ●Some people think that Yunnan people will have new Internet hot spots every once in a while. For example, last year, a Lisu boy triggered imitations across the Internet by saying, "I am from Yunnan, from Nujiang, Yunnan."

云南网红们的独特风格在短视频的世界里找到了一片天地。云南人热爱音乐的热情甚至超越了外省朋友。他们从小接受山歌的熏陶,对音乐的理解自然更高一层。他们追求动作和节奏的契合,而不在乎动作的熟练程度。云南人爱卡点,这种风格融合了各种元素。Yúnnán wǎng hóngmen de dútè fēnggé zài duǎn shìpín de shìjiè lǐ zhǎodàole yīpiàn tiāndì. Yúnnán rén rè'ài yīnyuè de rèqíng shènzhì chāoyuèle wàishěng péngyǒu. Tāmen cóngxiǎo jiēshòu shāngē de xūntáo, duì yīnyuè de lǐjiě zìrán gēng gāo yī céng. Tāmen zhuīqiú dòngzuò hé jiézòu de qìhé, ér bùzàihū dòngzuò de shúliàn chéngdù. Yúnnán rén ài kǎ diǎn, zhè zhǒng fēnggé rónghéle gè zhǒng yuánsù.●The unique styles of Yunnan Internet celebrities have found a world in the world of short videos. Yunnan people love music even more passionately than their friends from other provinces. They have been influenced by folk songs since childhood, and their understanding of music is naturally at a higher level. They pursue the fit of movement and rhythm, regardless of the proficiency of the movements. Yunnan people love card points, and this style combines various elements.

希望云南的网红朋友们放慢创作的频率,我有点跟不上你们节奏了!Xīwàng yúnnán de wǎng hóng péngyǒumen fàng màn chuàngzuò de pínlǜ, wǒ yǒudiǎn gēn bù shàng nǐmen jiézòule! ●I hope the Internet celebrity friends in Yunnan will slow down the frequency of creation. I can’t keep up with your pace!


Biānjí: Yuánzi

Editor: Yuanzi

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