Monday, October 23, 2023

Employee Engagement Is King 🤴

 So you are one of many employers in Singapore 🇸🇬  / 🌎 worldwide 🌐 


□Employee disengagement is a silent drain on organizations, 

■research identifies six key employee archetypes, offering insights to re-engage workers and safeguard organizational value

●Addressing this is not just about retention; it's about harnessing the full potential of every team member.

Six employee archetypes present in every organization:-

1. The quitters:

Headed for the door or already gone (Around 10% of the workforce)

2. The disruptors:

Actively disengaged and demoralizing others (11% of the workforce)

3. The mildly disengaged: Doing the bare minimum (32% of the workforce)

4. The double dippers: Holding 2 or more jobs. Moonlighting outside company

(5% of the workforce)

5. The reliable and committed: Going above and beyond (38% of the workforce)

6. The thriving stars: Creating real ✨️ value and elevating others💛

(4% of the workforce)

2. "In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.”

3. "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.” 

Full details :


3、“胜兵先胜而后求战,败兵先战而后求胜”。“ Shèng bīng xiān shèng érhòu qiúzhàn, bàibīng xiān zhàn érhòu qiú shèng”.

I’ll play devil’s advocate (disruptor) and say that researchers have got ”The disruptors” 180 degrees out. They get many things wrong, so hardly surprising. And if this is the blurb they’re pumping into world CEOs then it’s no wonder the workplace is in a state of disarray. 

In today’s complex and ambiguous world, your organisation NEEDS disruptors - dissenters, mavericks, contrarians, challengers, just to coin a few more terms. What researchers confuses them with is saboteurs - those who are actively disengaged and going out of their way to cause harm and trouble.

Sadly, this is what most “leaders” - and I use the term loosely - see disruptors as.

Why? Because leaders, they don’t like to be challenged. They like the status quo. Longevity Bias and the Ostrich Effect affects their decison making.

This is why critical thinking is THE essential skill for now and the future. It’s also the skill most lacking in the workplace.

As Daniel Kahneman¹ says “You need to protect your dissenters”. (¹Daniel Kahneman is an Israeli-American author, psychologist and economist notable for his work on hedonic psychology, psychology of judgment and decision-making, as well as behavioral economics, for which he was awarded the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. )

I say you need to not only protect but encourage, enable and multiply them - because right now it’s their kind of thinking that’s going to ensure your organisation not only survives but thrives. 

Deliberate disruption is crucial 🧨 & 💣 

The insurgency is growing 📕 📚 

● The term "archetype" is much too polemic² here. There are no "archetypes" of employees, there are stages of engagement / disengagement. Every employee can go through each stage at one time or another for several reasons. A thriving star can quickly turn into a disruptor - caused by organization's circumstances or eg toxic managers. (²Polemic is contentious rhetoric intended to support a specific position by forthright claims and to undermine the opposing position.)

What worries me about the headline of this research is, that it puts too much focus on "good and bad" employees, and not enough on the causes of disengagement. The headline is not talking about engagement, but condemns employees.

An archetype of employee would be clustering (like a persona) motivation, personality, values and how to engage each in a different way. Also each archetype has a valuable role in a team.

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