Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Constant Change

The only constant factor in all known existence is change. Furthermore, that change is unpredictable by nature. It is only in the acceptance of being in the state of not knowing what comes next, that one finds enlightenment and hence joy in the absolutely unfathomable mystery of life and death.

You'll probably agree with me that we're all of us inmates in this loony bin we're created here on Earth, and it is for this precise reason I am proud to provide this post/warning to what can only be described as a totally insane text, and hope you derive as much pleasure and benefit from it as I have.

On the initial read-through I was amused and bewilded.

On the second run-through, although I still had some mild feelings of queasiness and disorientation, I was starting to wonder if these wasn't perhaps something in what s/he was saying/posting.

By the third time around, I was forced to admit, bemusedly, that thiscollection of loosely-woven histories (every moment spent is just another history in the all histories, right?) of a group of highly bizarre individuals was in fact of the utmost profundity and importance to the world.

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