Friday, February 6, 2009

Confused and Misused Words

1. neologism (noun) a new word or expression, or a word used with a new meaning. For example, in the contraction kind of abbreviations, what St means to you ? St can stands for Street and Saint.

2. neophyte (noun) (formal usage) i. someone who has just started to learn a particular skill, art, trade etc. ii a new member of a religious group. It is not uncommon that many neophytes had used neologism in writing or speaking their ideas or opinions or understanding; real life example of usage ; prior understanding of any linguistic terminology is assumed in writing or speaking; all the technical terms used in your style or presentation; regardless of the learner's age or social standing.

3. Let us assist one another and wish each other fruitful exploration and humbly esteem others better than yourself during this life adventures in learning and sharing discoveries to help one or more learners to write and speak English correctly and effectively, bearing in mind, the design of language is designed to enable you to do justice to your ideas and opinions by ensuring that they are expressed competently and convincingly and that what you have to say or write is not marred or obscured by errors of language or by poor style or presentation. Every language has its unique and respective culture connotations which an alien culture may not have the appropriate term to express in your native culture.

4.When you want to improve and revise the quality of your essays and dissertations, then you must and should be prepared to role play a 'sounding board' and be a 'book' for everyone who wants to speak and write correct, accurate and effective English, not withstanding the many and main differences between British and American English features in the many real-life examples of usage, taken from a wide variety of sources, be it ancient or the latest 'invention' and personalise own citation database.

5. ? = "question" symbol ; (?) = "interrogation" symbol, or "doubtful usage" symbol.

6. Your own 'rest-zone-book' or blog-site is your personal book both for dipping into and for browsing through, a 'zone-book' to use both for finding quick answers to particular problems/issues and equally well for a more leisurely and systematic read-through in order to find errors that you are unaware of making ( you cannot, after all, correct an error in your speech or writing until you are aware that it is an error). Nobody is really interested to correct your own errors for any cost, for it is you alone who can correct your own error and choose to learn, hence "teach (yourself) less, (in order) to learn more."

7.To err is to be human; to correct one's error is to divinize humanity. You have a divine right to do something; to be able to do what you want without having to ask permission.

You look simply divine ! W O N D E R F U L !

8 The etymology of a word is the statement of its origin and derivation. Etymologies are often included in words study dictionary entries.

9. Are you expressing a truth or are you implying a truth?
Eternal Word ? or eternal Word (?) See point (5) above.

10. An absolute adjective is one which is used as a noun as in "the living and the dead or Help the Aged.

to all humankind: RECALL NOTICE : humankind to take NOTE.

The Maker of all human beings is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, or models, due to a serious defect in the primary and central components of the heart. This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units code named 'Adam and Eve', resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units.

This defect has been technically termed, "Subsequential Internal Non-morality", or more commonly known as SIN (acronyms abbreviation kind), as it is primarily expressed.

Confused and Misused Words :
immoral, amoral
Immoral means 'wrong', 'wicked', 'not conforming to what are considered correct moral standards', whereas amoral means 'not concerned with questions of right and wrong', ' not accepting that there are any moral standards by which actions may be judged' : An amoral person may behave in a way other people consider immoral.

Some other symptoms are as follows:
[a] Loss of direction
[b] Foul spirit vocal emissions via inlet/outlet
[c] Amnesia of origin
[d] Lack of peace and joy within
[e] Selfish, or violent behavior
[f] Depression or confusion in the mental component
[g] Fearfulness without basis
[h] Idolatry
[i] Rebellion
[j] Stubborn

The Manufacturer, who is neither liable nor at fault for this defect is providing a factory authorized repair and service Free Of Charge (FOC) to correct this SIN defect, today.

The Repair Technician, Lord Jesus Christ (RTLJC), has most generously offered to bear the entire burden of the staggering cost of these repairs gracefully.

There is no additional fee required nor hidden costs. The number to call for FOC repair in all areas around the world wide web is P-R-A-Y-E-R.
1. Once connected, please upload your own burden of SIN through the REPENTANCE procedure.
2. Next, download ATONEMENT from the Repair Technician, Lord Jesus Christ (RTLJC) into the heart component. No matter how big or small you SIN defect is, RTLJC will replace it with parts:
{a} Love
{b} Joy
{c} Peace
{d} Patience
{e} Kindness
{f} Goodness
{g} Faithfulness
{h} Gentleness
{i] Self control

3. Please see operating manual, Holy BIBLE (Believers Instructions Before Leaving Eart), for further details on the use of these free fixes. As an added upgrade, the Manufacturer made available to all repaired units a facility enabling direct monitoring and assistance from a resident Maintenance Technician "Holy Spirit".
Repaired units need only to obey the simple instructions given in the operating manual, make Him welcome and He will take up permanent residence on the premises, which is the heart of the units.

WARNING : Continuing to operate the human being unit without correction voids Any Manufacturer warranties and promises, exposing the unit to the dangers and problems too numerous to list and will result in the human unit being permanently impounded. For free emergency service, call on RTLJC.

DANGER: The human being units not responding to this RECALL NOTICE will have to be scrapped in the furnace. The SIN defects still not be permitted to enter Heaven so as to prevent contamination of that facility.

Thank you for your heart attention.
Please assist where possible by notifying other units of this important personal RECALL NOTICE !

Confused and Misused Words in English

aeroplane, airplane,aircraft
Aeroplane is the correct form of the word in British English, airplane is the normal form of the word in American English, although it is sometimes found in British English usage also.

is a more technical word than aeroplane, and is wider in meaning, including not only aeroplanes , but also helicopters, gliders, airships, etc.

Still confused about RECALL NOTICE or need further advice , can contact
or e-mail to this blogger here.

1 comment:

xxx said...

Hello again Your blogs are interesting to read.

Where in the world are you?

Best wishes