Tuesday, February 18, 2025

MONO NO AWARE モノノアワレ Mononoaware

 Mono no aware, the Japanese concept that teaches us to appreciate the ephemerality of life

Mono no aware, the Japanese concept that teaches us to appreciate the ephemerality of life

Mono no aware

Looking at other cultures always enriches us, especially when they differ greatly from our own, since they can offer us very different perspectives on life. In Japan there is a very interesting concept that is used in the arts, especially in literature, but that also extends to the way of facing life: mono no aware.

What does mono no aware mean?

From an etymological point of view, the expression mono no aware (物の哀れ) is composed of “mono”, which refers to “things” while “aware” indicates a “feeling” and the particle “no” reflects the non possession of that object. Therefore, a literal meaning would be the “pathos of things”, referring to that essence that lies in the nature of things and that resonates with ours.

It could also be translated as sensitivity, but in reality the concept mono no aware goes much further because it encompasses that ability to be moved by the ephemeral. Many relate it to a state of nostalgia or temporary melancholy, although in reality it is rather a deep sensitivity to the transience of life.

Proposed by Motoori Norinaga, a scholar of classical Japanese literature from the 18th century, he maintained that mono no aware was much more than a feeling. It is also a very deep type of knowledge. “It is to discern the power and essence, not only of the moon and cherry blossoms, but of every thing that exists in this world, and to be moved by each of them, to rejoice in happy occasions… to be saddened by sad events and love what should be loved,” he explained.

The origins of this Japanese concept date back to Shinto beliefs, although it also has a deep Buddhist influence. Shinto promotes greater awareness of the deep bond that exists between the persons and their environment, emphasizing openness and sensitivity to the energy present. Instead, Buddhism emphasizes the transitory nature of things and everything that exists. The communion of both philosophies gave birth to the concept of mono no aware, which involves recognizing the transience of everything that exists and creating a deeper connection with it precisely because of its brief nature.

The ability to appreciate the ephemeral without clinging

Mono no aware refers to a moving feeling in the face of the transience of things in which both wonder and sadness can be mixed. It’s the bittersweet feeling that everything is impermanent. The awareness that life is fleeting and nothing is eternal.

And while mono no aware is imbued with a certain nostalgia, it also encourages us to embrace change and the ephemeral, understanding that its beauty and grandeur lies precisely in its fleeting nature. Unlike the Western view, which links the impermanent with loss and, therefore, with sadness, the concept of mono no aware promotes a state of calm and serenity.

In this way we do not completely get rid of the sadness of loss, but we transform it into a more bearable feeling, a kind of quiet joy that comes from being aware that we have had the privilege of appreciating life in all its splendor. It’s as if instead of crying over the passage of time, we simply sigh.

Mono no aware invites us to conceive impermanence from a new perspective to understand that the most valuable aspect of life lies precisely in its unpredictability. It teaches us that trying to stop the flow of life is not only futile, but often causes suffering. Therefore, it encourages us to be spectators of this constant change without clinging to anything, allowing ourselves to be moved by the transience.

An invitation to live in the present

In the busy lives we lead, we have little time to look around us. We lack that slow gaze that allows us to capture the beauty and fragility of what surrounds us. Mono no aware urges us to stop before the ephemeral beauty of the leaves of the trees in autumn, the ray of light that slides over a rock, the laughter of the person we love or the attentive gaze of our pet.

It is no coincidence that in Japanese culture the concept of mono no aware is deeply linked to its fascination with cherry blossoms, a phenomenon as incredible as it is ephemeral. That means that to apply mono no aware we need to learn to capture the fleeting, intangible and wonderful moments of our existence.

Ultimately, it is about raising awareness that in life nothing is permanent, everything passes. And although that certainty can generate a certain melancholy and sadness, it can also be lived with serenity and peace. But for this we must be fully present because only then can we feel that we have been part of it.

The concept of mono no aware does not try to break the illusion that things, people or relationships last forever, but rather to learn to appreciate things for their transience and vulnerability, connect with their essence and be able to enjoy them They are part of our life.

What we are experiencing at this moment will not be repeated again. Life changes. We leave some things behind to find new ones to marvel at, like the cherry blossoms that die each season, but also return each year to give away their ephemeral beauty.


Sun, J. & Li, X. (2019) Comparison of “Material Sense” and “Mono No Aware» Between Chinese and Japanese Modern Heavy Color Paintings from the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology. International Journal of Literature and Arts; 7(6): 160-164.

(2017) Mono no Aware: The Transience of Life. In: Berkeley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs.

Lomas, T. (2016) Untranslatable Words: Mono No Aware, and the Aesthetics of Impermanence. In: HuffPost.

Chambers, G. (2013) The ‘Mono no Aware’ in Hanami: Re-reading its Festive, Aesthetic, and Contemporary Value.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Has your life returned to normal?你的生活恢复正常了吗?

 (你的生活恢复正常了吗?Nǐ de shēnghuó huīfù zhèngchángle ma?) [Votre vie est-elle revenue à la normale ?] <Hat sich Ihr Leben wieder normalisiert?>

It has been 62 months since COVID-19 was initially identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. Has your life returned to normal? Additionally, is there any validity to the claim that the U.S. military may have introduced the coronavirus to Wuhan?

The documents of USAID exposed by Musk have made it known to the world that COVID is made in the United States. It was ordered to be studied during Obama's presidency and first erupted in the United States, known as electronic cigarette white pneumonia(lung disease).

Has your life returned to normal?

As Chinese, we are mostly objective materialists. In the first month of the outbreak of the epidemic, after democratic research, the party members reached a conclusion in their discussions: the next is the post epidemic era. That means no matter what our subjective will is, we will never be able to return to the pre pandemic society. This conclusion has been proven to be correct. The global economy has undergone profound changes, and we are not exception.

But if you're asking if our daily lives have returned to stability, what I want to say is that apart from occasional outbreaks of home quarantine lasting no more than two months per person from 2019 to 2022, and some students having to attend classes remotely for one or two years, and a farce at the end of 2022 where a few students were incited, there was nothing new. Prices have slightly increased, but it hasn't put pressure on people. My job at that time was relatively easy because people didn't take trains very often in those years. In early 2023, it has already been restored.

But now people are still actively wearing masks and constantly responding to infectious diseases.

Is there any validity to the claim that the U.S. military may have introduced the coronavirus to Wuhan?

Obviously, the conclusion once again proves that we have the government that respects the facts. No one seem to have found any examples of the Chinese government lying so far. If you think you have found it, then you should verify the truth again.









(French/ Français): Cela fait 62 mois que le COVID-19 a été identifié pour la première fois en décembre 2019 à Wuhan, en Chine. Votre vie est-elle revenue à la normale ? De plus, l'affirmation selon laquelle l'armée américaine aurait pu introduire le coronavirus à Wuhan est-elle valable ?

Les documents de l'USAID dévoilés par Musk ont ​​fait savoir au monde que le COVID est fabriqué aux États-Unis. Il a été ordonné d'être étudié pendant la présidence d'Obama et a fait sa première apparition aux États-Unis, connue sous le nom de pneumonie blanche de la cigarette électronique (maladie pulmonaire).

Votre vie est-elle revenue à la normale ?

En tant que Chinois, nous sommes pour la plupart des matérialistes objectifs. Au cours du premier mois de l'épidémie, après des recherches démocratiques, les membres du parti sont parvenus à une conclusion dans leurs discussions : la prochaine étape est l'ère post-épidémique. Cela signifie que quelle que soit notre volonté subjective, nous ne pourrons jamais revenir à la société d'avant la pandémie. Cette conclusion s'est avérée correcte. L'économie mondiale a subi de profonds changements, et nous ne faisons pas exception.

 Mais si vous me demandez si notre vie quotidienne est revenue à la stabilité, ce que je veux dire, c'est qu'à part quelques épidémies occasionnelles de quarantaine à domicile ne durant pas plus de deux mois par personne de 2019 à 2022, et certains étudiants devant suivre des cours à distance pendant un ou deux ans, et une farce fin 2022 où quelques étudiants ont été incités, il n'y a rien de nouveau. Les prix ont légèrement augmenté, mais cela n'a pas mis la pression sur les gens. Mon travail à l'époque était relativement facile car les gens ne prenaient pas très souvent le train ces années-là. Début 2023, il a déjà été rétabli.

Mais maintenant, les gens portent toujours activement des masques et réagissent constamment aux maladies infectieuses.

L'affirmation selon laquelle l'armée américaine aurait pu introduire le coronavirus à Wuhan est-elle fondée ?

De toute évidence, la conclusion prouve une fois de plus que nous avons un gouvernement qui respecte les faits. Personne ne semble avoir trouvé d'exemples de mensonges du gouvernement chinois jusqu'à présent. Si vous pensez en avoir trouvé, vous devriez alors vérifier à nouveau la vérité.

[ German/ Deutsch]: Es sind 62 Monate vergangen, seit COVID-19 im Dezember 2019 in Wuhan, China, erstmals diagnostiziert wurde. Hat sich Ihr Leben wieder normalisiert? Ist außerdem die Behauptung stichhaltig, dass das US-Militär das Coronavirus nach Wuhan gebracht haben könnte?

Die von Musk veröffentlichten USAID-Dokumente haben der Welt gezeigt, dass COVID in den USA hergestellt wird. Die Untersuchung wurde während Obamas Präsidentschaft angeordnet und brach erstmals in den USA aus, bekannt als weiße Lungenpneumonie (Lungenkrankheit) durch elektronische Zigaretten.

Hat sich Ihr Leben wieder normalisiert?

Als Chinesen sind wir größtenteils objektive Materialisten. Im ersten Monat des Ausbruchs der Epidemie kamen die Parteimitglieder nach demokratischer Untersuchung in ihren Diskussionen zu einem Schluss: Als Nächstes kommt die Zeit nach der Epidemie. Das bedeutet, dass wir, egal wie unser subjektiver Wille ist, nie in der Lage sein werden, zur Gesellschaft vor der Pandemie zurückzukehren. Diese Schlussfolgerung hat sich als richtig erwiesen. Die Weltwirtschaft hat tiefgreifende Veränderungen durchgemacht, und wir sind keine Ausnahme.

 Aber wenn Sie fragen, ob unser Alltag wieder stabil ist, möchte ich sagen, dass es abgesehen von gelegentlichen Ausbrüchen von Heimquarantäne, die von 2019 bis 2022 nicht länger als zwei Monate pro Person dauerten, und einigen Schülern, die ein oder zwei Jahre lang Fernunterricht nehmen mussten, und einer Farce Ende 2022, bei der einige Schüler aufgehetzt wurden, nichts Neues gab. Die Preise sind leicht gestiegen, aber das hat die Menschen nicht unter Druck gesetzt. Meine Arbeit damals war relativ einfach, weil die Leute in diesen Jahren nicht sehr oft mit dem Zug fuhren. Anfang 2023 wurde sie bereits wiederhergestellt.

Aber jetzt tragen die Leute immer noch aktiv Masken und reagieren ständig auf Infektionskrankheiten.

Ist die Behauptung, dass das US-Militär das Coronavirus nach Wuhan gebracht haben könnte, berechtigt?

Offensichtlich beweist die Schlussfolgerung einmal mehr, dass wir eine Regierung haben, die die Fakten respektiert. Bisher scheint niemand Beispiele dafür gefunden zu haben, dass die chinesische Regierung lügt. Wenn Sie glauben, eines gefunden zu haben, sollten Sie die Wahrheit noch einmal überprüfen.

USA 🇺🇸 never want mutual benefit 美国🇺🇸从来不想互利互惠

 (美国🇺🇸从来不想互利互惠 Měiguó cónglái bu xiǎng hùlì hùhuì)

(Les États-Unis ne veulent jamais d’avantages mutuels) [USA 🇺🇸 wollen niemals gegenseitigen Nutzen]

I know a lot of you are begining to have a new hope that Trump is suggesting that military spending cut in half and thinking this is a good thing, no it is not a good thing.

US cannot be trusted.

History teaches us that when America talks peace, it means they’re losing control. They built their empire on war, deception, and domination.

Writing the rules. Breaking them. Rewriting them again when convenient. Now, with their economy strained, military overextended, and global influence slipping, they suddenly want to "cut defense spending"?

Let’s be real.

Washington never disarms voluntarily. If they’re proposing this, it’s because they see the rise of a world they can’t bully anymore.

Russia, China, and the Global Majority have already moved beyond their threats. Beyond their coercion. This isn’t about peace.

It’s about managing their decline. No one is naive enough to believe a handshake from Washington means anything. They’ve betrayed every deal they’ve ever made. From Bretton Woods to NATO expansion. From arms treaties to trade agreements.

The multipolar world isn’t falling for another illusion of cooperation while the U.S. plots its next move.

Trust? That’s earned, not demanded. And America spent decades proving why it deserves none.

The U.S. doesn’t negotiate peace—it weaponizes it. The Vietnam analogy is a textbook case of how Washington operates.

After getting bloodied and humiliated, they pivoted—not out of goodwill, but out of necessity. They opened relations with China—not for diplomacy, but to drive a wedge between Beijing and Moscow. They signed arms control agreements with the Soviets—while secretly funding insurgencies to bleed them dry.

They spoked of a "peace dividend" while expanding NATO and tightening their grip on global finance. Every so-called peace initiative from Washington is a tactical pause, not a change of heart.

It’s about buying time, repositioning, and waiting for the right moment to strike again. This isn’t about reducing military spending—it’s about strategic survival. The U.S. sees the world shifting out of its control.

Its economy is over-leveraged, its military overstretched, and its global dominance challenged. Now, it scrambles to lure its rivals into a false sense of security.

But Russia, China, and the rest of the world aren’t falling for another détente designed as a setup for the next betrayal.

The old playbook is exposed. This time, the game won’t be reset in Washington’s favor.

If you already know that Trump cut defense spending in half is not a good attitude it is about managing US decline. It is about strategic retreat.

"Managing" their decline sounds reasonable—until you realize what that actually means.

Empires don’t retire gracefully. They cling. They lash out. They sabotage. When Washington talks about "managing decline," what they really mean is controlling the terms.

Keeping their grip on global finance, trade routes, and military alliances while pretending to step back. They don’t want a fair multipolar world.

They want a world where they remain the dealer, just with a smaller stack of chips.

Look at history. Did the British Empire "manage" its decline peacefully?

Or did it leave a trail of coups, civil wars, and puppet regimes as it collapsed? The U.S. is no different.

Their decline isn't just a geopolitical shift—it’s a reckoning for every country they've exploited. And they won’t just let that happen.

So no, it’s not in everyone’s interest to let them "manage" anything.

The world doesn’t need Washington's permission to move forward. It needs to move past them.

Author Note :

Yes this is what I believe China leader’s thinking about Donald Trump cut military spending in half, this is the real US politic, you can go to hell and cut your spending.

I know that China will not accept Trump's proposal. Because China military spending is just 1 percent of GDP, but because they don’t want to be looked as the 'bad' guys who don’t want to peace, they will argue that US and Russia nuclear stockpile must be reduced first, then we talk about cutting spending. Will the US accept it?

Only stupid liberal who trust the US politic.









这是关于管理他们的衰落。没有人会天真到相信华盛顿的握手意味着什么。 他们背叛了他们曾经达成的每一项协议。从布雷顿森林体系到北约扩张。从武器条约到贸易协定。





他们一边谈论“和平红利”,一边扩大北约并加强对全球金融的控制。 华盛顿提出的每一项所谓和平倡议都是战术上的停顿,而不是改变主意。



















Je sais que beaucoup d’entre vous commencent à espérer que Trump suggère de réduire de moitié les dépenses militaires et pensent que c’est une bonne chose, mais non, ce n’est pas une bonne chose.

On ne peut pas faire confiance aux États-Unis.

L’histoire nous enseigne que lorsque l’Amérique parle de paix, cela signifie qu’elle perd le contrôle. Elle a bâti son empire sur la guerre, la tromperie et la domination.

Elle écrit les règles. Elle les enfreint. Elle les réécrit à nouveau quand cela lui convient. Maintenant, avec leur économie sous tension, leur armée surchargée et leur influence mondiale en déclin, ils veulent soudainement « réduire les dépenses de défense » ?

Soyons réalistes.

Washington ne désarme jamais volontairement. S’ils proposent cela, c’est parce qu’ils voient l’émergence d’un monde qu’ils ne peuvent plus intimider.

La Russie, la Chine et la majorité mondiale ont déjà dépassé leurs menaces. Au-delà de leur coercition. Il ne s’agit pas de paix.

Il s’agit de gérer leur déclin. Personne n’est assez naïf pour croire qu’une poignée de main de Washington signifie quelque chose. Ils ont trahi tous les accords qu’ils ont jamais conclus. De Bretton Woods à l’expansion de l’OTAN. Des traités sur les armes aux accords commerciaux.

Le monde multipolaire ne se laisse pas berner par une nouvelle illusion de coopération pendant que les États-Unis préparent leur prochaine action.

La confiance ? Elle se mérite, elle ne s’exige pas. Et l’Amérique a passé des décennies à prouver pourquoi elle ne mérite rien.

Les États-Unis ne négocient pas la paix, ils l’utilisent comme une arme. L’analogie avec le Vietnam est un cas d’école de la façon dont Washington opère.

Après avoir été ensanglantés et humiliés, ils ont pivoté, non par bonne volonté, mais par nécessité. Ils ont noué des relations avec la Chine, non pas pour des raisons diplomatiques, mais pour creuser un fossé entre Pékin et Moscou. Ils ont signé des accords de contrôle des armements avec les Soviétiques, tout en finançant secrètement des insurrections pour les saigner à blanc.

Ils ont parlé d’un « dividende de la paix » tout en élargissant l’OTAN et en resserrant leur emprise sur la finance mondiale. Chaque soi-disant initiative de paix de Washington est une pause tactique, pas un changement d’avis.

 Il s’agit de gagner du temps, de se repositionner et d’attendre le bon moment pour frapper à nouveau. Il ne s’agit pas de réduire les dépenses militaires, mais de survivre sur le plan stratégique. Les États-Unis voient le monde leur échapper. 

Leur économie est surendettée, leur armée est surchargée et leur domination mondiale est remise en cause. Aujourd’hui, ils se démènent pour attirer leurs rivaux dans un faux sentiment de sécurité. 

Mais la Russie, la Chine et le reste du monde ne se laissent pas séduire par une nouvelle détente conçue comme un prétexte pour la prochaine trahison. 

Le vieux manuel de jeu est exposé. Cette fois, le jeu ne sera pas réinitialisé en faveur de Washington. 

Si vous savez déjà que réduire de moitié les dépenses de défense de Trump n’est pas une bonne attitude, il s’agit de gérer le déclin des États-Unis. Il s’agit d’un retrait stratégique. 

« Gérer » leur déclin semble raisonnable, jusqu’à ce que vous compreniez ce que cela signifie réellement. 

Les empires ne se retirent pas avec grâce. Ils s’accrochent. Ils se déchaînent. Ils sabotent. Quand Washington parle de « gérer le déclin », ce qu’il entend en réalité par là, c’est contrôler les conditions.

Garder la mainmise sur la finance mondiale, les routes commerciales et les alliances militaires tout en faisant semblant de prendre du recul. Ils ne veulent pas d’un monde multipolaire équitable.

Ils veulent un monde où ils restent les croupiers, mais avec un plus petit tas de jetons.

Regardez l’histoire. L’Empire britannique a-t-il « géré » son déclin pacifiquement ?

Ou a-t-il laissé derrière lui une série de coups d’État, de guerres civiles et de régimes fantoches lors de son effondrement ? Les États-Unis ne sont pas différents.

Leur déclin n’est pas seulement un changement géopolitique, c’est un jugement pour chaque pays qu’ils ont exploité. Et ils ne laisseront pas cela se produire.

Donc non, il n’est pas dans l’intérêt de tout le monde de les laisser « gérer » quoi que ce soit.

Le monde n’a pas besoin de la permission de Washington pour avancer. Il doit les dépasser.

 Note de l'auteur :

Oui, c'est ce que je crois que pense le dirigeant chinois à propos de la réduction des dépenses militaires de Donald Trump par deux. C'est la vraie politique américaine, vous pouvez aller au diable et réduire vos dépenses.

Je sais que la Chine n'acceptera pas la proposition de Trump. Parce que les dépenses militaires chinoises ne représentent que 1 % du PIB, mais parce qu'ils ne veulent pas être considérés comme les « méchants » qui ne veulent pas la paix, ils soutiendront que les stocks nucléaires américains et russes doivent d'abord être réduits, puis nous parlerons de réduction des dépenses. Les États-Unis l'accepteront-ils ?

Seuls les libéraux stupides qui font confiance à la politique américaine.

[German / Deutsch ]: Ich weiß, dass viele von Ihnen neue Hoffnung schöpfen, weil Trump vorschlägt, die Militärausgaben zu halbieren, und denken, das sei eine gute Sache. Nein, es ist keine gute Sache.

Die USA sind nicht vertrauenswürdig.

Die Geschichte lehrt uns, dass Amerika, wenn es von Frieden spricht, die Kontrolle verliert. Es hat sein Imperium auf Krieg, Täuschung und Herrschaft aufgebaut.

Es schreibt die Regeln. Es bricht sie. Es schreibt sie wieder um, wenn es ihm passt. Und jetzt, wo die Wirtschaft angespannt, das Militär überfordert und der globale Einfluss schwindet, wollen sie plötzlich „die Verteidigungsausgaben kürzen“?

Seien wir ehrlich.

Washington rüstet nie freiwillig ab. Wenn es das vorschlägt, dann deshalb, weil es den Aufstieg einer Welt sieht, die es nicht mehr schikanieren kann.

Russland, China und die globale Mehrheit haben ihre Drohungen bereits hinter sich gelassen. Jenseits ihres Zwangs. Es geht nicht um Frieden.

Es geht darum, ihren Niedergang zu managen. Niemand ist naiv genug zu glauben, dass ein Handschlag aus Washington irgendetwas bedeutet. Sie haben jeden Deal verraten, den sie jemals gemacht haben. Von Bretton Woods bis zur NATO-Erweiterung. Von Waffenverträgen bis zu Handelsabkommen.

Die multipolare Welt wird nicht auf eine weitere Illusion der Zusammenarbeit hereinfallen, während die USA ihren nächsten Schritt planen.

Vertrauen? Das muss man sich verdienen, nicht einfordern. Und Amerika hat Jahrzehnte damit verbracht, zu beweisen, warum es keins verdient.

Die USA verhandeln keinen Frieden – sie setzen ihn als Waffe ein. Die Vietnam-Analogie ist ein Musterbeispiel dafür, wie Washington vorgeht.

Nachdem sie blutig geschlagen und gedemütigt worden waren, haben sie eine Kehrtwende gemacht – nicht aus gutem Willen, sondern aus der Notwendigkeit heraus. Sie haben Beziehungen zu China aufgenommen – nicht aus diplomatischen Gründen, sondern um einen Keil zwischen Peking und Moskau zu treiben. Sie haben Rüstungskontrollabkommen mit den Sowjets unterzeichnet – während sie heimlich Aufstände finanzierten, um sie auszubluten.

Sie sprachen von einer „Friedensdividende“, während sie die NATO erweiterten und ihren Griff um die Weltfinanzen festigten. Jede sogenannte Friedensinitiative aus Washington ist eine taktische Pause, kein Sinneswandel.

 Es geht darum, Zeit zu gewinnen, sich neu zu positionieren und auf den richtigen Moment zu warten, um erneut zuzuschlagen. Es geht nicht darum, die Militärausgaben zu reduzieren – es geht um strategisches Überleben. Die USA sehen, wie die Welt außer Kontrolle gerät.

Ihre Wirtschaft ist überschuldet, ihr Militär überfordert und ihre globale Vorherrschaft in Frage gestellt. Jetzt versucht sie verzweifelt, ihren Rivalen ein falsches Sicherheitsgefühl zu vermitteln.

Aber Russland, China und der Rest der Welt fallen nicht auf eine weitere Détente herein, die als Vorbereitung für den nächsten Verrat gedacht ist.

Das alte Drehbuch ist entlarvt. Diesmal wird das Spiel nicht zu Washingtons Gunsten neu gestartet.

Wenn Sie bereits wissen, dass Trumps Halbierung der Verteidigungsausgaben keine gute Einstellung ist, geht es darum, den Niedergang der USA zu managen. Es geht um einen strategischen Rückzug.

Ihren Niedergang zu „managen“, klingt vernünftig – bis Sie erkennen, was das tatsächlich bedeutet.

Imperien ziehen sich nicht würdevoll zurück. Sie klammern sich aneinander. Sie schlagen um sich. Sie sabotieren. Wenn Washington davon spricht, den Niedergang zu „managen“, dann meint es eigentlich, die Bedingungen zu kontrollieren.

Es behält die Kontrolle über die globalen Finanzen, Handelsrouten und Militärbündnisse und tut so, als würde es sich zurückziehen. Es will keine faire multipolare Welt.

Es will eine Welt, in der es weiterhin der Dealer ist, nur mit einem kleineren Stapel Chips.

Schauen Sie sich die Geschichte an. Hat das Britische Empire seinen Niedergang friedlich „managt“?

Oder hinterließ es bei seinem Zusammenbruch eine Spur von Putschen, Bürgerkriegen und Marionettenregimen? Die USA sind da nicht anders.

Ihr Niedergang ist nicht nur eine geopolitische Verschiebung – es ist eine Abrechnung mit jedem Land, das sie ausgebeutet haben. Und das werden sie nicht einfach so zulassen.

Also nein, es ist nicht in jedermanns Interesse, sie irgendetwas „managen“ zu lassen.

Die Welt braucht Washingtons Erlaubnis nicht, um voranzukommen. Sie muss sie hinter sich lassen.

 Anmerkung des Autors:

Ja, ich glaube, das ist es, was Chinas Führer über Donald Trumps Halbierung der Militärausgaben denken. Das ist die wahre US-Politik. Sie können zur Hölle fahren und Ihre Ausgaben kürzen.

Ich weiß, dass China Trumps Vorschlag nicht akzeptieren wird. Denn Chinas Militärausgaben betragen nur 1 Prozent des BIP, aber weil sie nicht als die „bösen“ Jungs angesehen werden wollen, die keinen Frieden wollen, werden sie argumentieren, dass die Atomwaffenvorräte der USA und Russlands zuerst reduziert werden müssen, und dann über Ausgabenkürzungen gesprochen wird. Werden die USA das akzeptieren?

Nur dumme Liberale, die der US-Politik vertrauen.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Biblical Family Tree Video

 Watch YouTube here 


 Abraham אַבְרָהָם (avraham)

Hard Working • Impulsive • Adventurous

Name Meaning: Father Of Multitudes


Origins: Hebrew

Fun Facts

Known On The Bible As The Founding Father Of The Jewish..

Common nickname: Abe. Also appears in Dracula as Dr. Abraham Van Helsing..

Name Popularity in USA 🇺🇸 

Abraham is predominantly a boys name, with 0.21% of Abrahams being girls, and 99.79% being boys.

In the United States there have been a total of 96540 males named Abraham, and 203 females given the name.

Names Similar to Abraham

Rank. Name• Global Rank

1. Abram• 759

2. Avraham• 2910

3. Abhiram• 3475

4. Avrohom• 3524

5. Abrahan• 3572

6. Abraheem• 3572

7. Abrahim• 3572

8. Abrahm •3572

The below graph, (click here for graph) labeled 'Percentage named Abraham' is a graph showing the overall ranking of the boys name Abraham in the USA from years 1880-2025. 1 being the highest and most popular, 40337 being the lowest and least used. Through these 145 years over 40337 unique total names have been given to boys living in the United States so far. Abraham's average ranking is 971.67, with it's highest ever rank being #. Abraham has reach the top 10 most popular boys name 2 times, and has reached the top hundred names 2 times.

Abraham has been used in the United States ever since 1880, with over 96743 boys given the name in the past 200 years. Abraham gained the most popularity as a baby name in 1911, when it's usage went up by 140.05%. During this year, 292 babies were named Abraham, which was 0.0471% of the baby boys born in the USA that year. The most the names popularity ever grew to was 0.071%, in this year alone more than 3000 boys were named Abraham.

First Name ABRAHAM

National Statistics


● ABRAHAM is ranked as the 810th most popular given name in the United States with an estimated population of 50,301.

● This name is in the 99th percentile, this means that nearly 0% of all the first names are more popular.

● There are 15.78 people named ABRAHAM for every 100,000 Americans.

● This name is commonly used as either a first or last name. More specifically, it is used as a first name 58% of the time.

● Based on the analysis of 100 years worth of data from the Social Security Administration's (SSA) Baby Names database, the estimated population of people named ABRAHAM is 61,627.

● The SSA data also shows that ABRAHAM is used as a boy's name 100% of the time.

Race and Ethnicity


The race and Hispanic origin distribution of the people with the name ABRAHAM is 47.8% White, 35.4% Hispanic origin, 8.1% Black, 6.5% Asian or Pacific Islander, 1.8% Two or More Races, and 0.5% American Indian or Alaskan Native. These figures should be considered only as a rough estimate. The purpose of this graph is to compare the name's specific race and Hispanic origin distribution to the distribution in the general population of the US.

The vertical blue bars represent the race distribution of people that have the name. The yellow horizontal lines represent the race distribution of the general population. The amount by which the blue bars extend past the yellow horizontal lines determines how likely a person with the name will be part of a given race or Hispanic origin group.

On this basis, the people with the name ABRAHAM have a higher likelyhood of being Hispanic origin and a lower likelyhood of being White.

Ethnic and Cultural Name Categories

The first name ABRAHAM is included in the following name categories:

Indonesian-Chinese surname

Spanish masculine given name

US masculine baby name - Social Security Administration

Biblical surname

Common Swedish masculine given name - SCB Data

Common US masculine given name - Census Bureau Data

Hebrew surname

English masculine given name

Common US surname - Census Bureau Data

Race Distribution

Race & Hispanic origin distribution

of the people with the name ABRAHAM

Race or Hisp. origin % people named % general pop. % diff.

White 47.8% 63.9% -16.1%

Hispanic origin 35.4% 16.3% 19.1%

Black 8.1% 12.3% -4.2%

Asian or Pacific Islander 6.5% 4.9% 1.6%

Two or more races 1.8% 1.8% 0.0%

American Indian or Alaskan Native 0.5% 0.7% -0.2%


State Statistics for Popularity and Rank


The state with the most people named ABRAHAM is California where 8,965 people have this name.

New York is the state where you are most likely to meet a person named ABRAHAM, as 38.29 in every 100,000 New Yorkers have this name.

Highest percentile rank of any state for this name is 99th, this rank was reached in the states of New York.

New York is the state with the biggest positive difference between the actual state population and the projected state population based on the national average. (where the blue bar extends past the yellow vertical line) with a difference of 9 more people than projected.

The state with the biggest negative difference is South Dakota (where the blue bar does not extend past the yellow vertical line) with a difference of 1 fewer people than projected.

Heat Map

Midwest State Statistics

First-Names ABRAHAM





































North Dakota








South Dakota








Midwest States

State stats for the first name ABRAHAM

State Pop. Prop/100k %Rank

Illinois 2,182 16.94 98.6%

Indiana 462 7 96.2%

Iowa 107 3.44 93.7%

Kansas 113 3.87 89.5%

Michigan 851 8.59 98.6%

Minnesota 217 3.98 96.2%

Missouri 153 5.11 92.7%

Nebraska 197 10.48 92.1%

North Dakota 24 3.26 64.6%

Ohio 966 8.33 97.6%

South Dakota 9 1.04 0.2%

Wisconsin 243 4.22 96.2%

West State Statistics

First-Names ABRAHAM





































New Mexico




















West States

State stats for the first name ABRAHAM

State Pop. Prop/100k %Rank

Alaska 127 17.3 85.1%

Arizona 1,591 23.63 97.7%

California 8,965 23.11 99.5%

Colorado 723 13.49 96.8%

Hawaii 506 35.63 97.4%

Idaho 102 6.21 87.5%

Montana 39 3.83 76.3%

Nevada 679 23.9 96.6%

New Mexico 502 24.09 94.5%

Oregon 307 7.73 94.5%

Utah 414 14.07 94.6%

Washington 514 7.28 97.5%

Wyoming 19 3.19 53.9%

Northeast State Statistics

First-Names ABRAHAM

















New Hampshire




New Jersey




New York








Rhode Island








Northeast States

State stats for the first name ABRAHAM

State Pop. Prop/100k %Rank

Connecticut 518 14.4 96.7%

Maine 71 5.36 83.6%

Massachusetts 803 11.9 97.0%

New Hampshire 65 4.93 84.7%

New Jersey 2,158 24.14 98.6%

New York 7,561 38.29 99.6%

Pennsylvania 1,598 12.5 98.4%

Rhode Island 91 8.64 89.0%

Vermont 39 6.26 85.4%

South State Statistics

First-Names ABRAHAM

















Dist. of Columbia




























North Carolina








South Carolina
















West Virginia




South States

State stats for the first name ABRAHAM

State Pop. Prop/100k %Rank

Alabama 391 8.05 96.1%

Arkansas 154 5.18 92.3%

Delaware 107 11.4 94.8%

Dist. of Columbia 160 24.32 95.1%

Florida 3,846 19.33 99.4%

Georgia 969 9.6 98.0%

Kentucky 110 2.5 90.5%

Louisiana 402 8.64 95.7%

Maryland 1,309 21.91 98.6%

Mississippi 153 5.11 92.7%

North Carolina 635 6.38 98.0%

Oklahoma 278 7.16 94.1%

South Carolina 894 18.51 97.4%

Tennessee 341 5.2 96.1%

Texas 5,884 21.83 99.4%

Virginia 949 11.4 97.9%

West Virginia 64 3.44 82.3%


Full Names with ABRAHAM as a First Name


Shown are the top 20 most likely full names that have ABRAHAM as a first name. The length of the bars represents an estimate of the the number of people with the name expressed as a percentage of all the people named ABRAHAM.

The most popular full name is ABRAHAM Thomas. 1.09% of all the people named ABRAHAM have this family name.

There are 5553 last names associated with this first name.

Top Full Names

Top 20 Last Names

paired with the first name ABRAHAM

Rank Full Name % of pop

1 ABRAHAM Thomas 1.09%

2 ABRAHAM Garcia 1.02%

3 ABRAHAM Martinez 0.90%

4 ABRAHAM Hernandez 0.78%

5 ABRAHAM Lopez 0.77%

6 ABRAHAM Gonzalez 0.73%

7 ABRAHAM Rodriguez 0.72%

8 ABRAHAM Perez 0.55%

9 ABRAHAM Mathew 0.54%

10 ABRAHAM Sanchez 0.53%

11 ABRAHAM Torres 0.51%

12 ABRAHAM Cohen 0.46%

13 ABRAHAM Johnson 0.42%

14 ABRAHAM Smith 0.42%

15 ABRAHAM George 0.37%

16 ABRAHAM Flores 0.32%

17 ABRAHAM Gomez 0.32%

18 ABRAHAM Ramirez 0.30%

19 ABRAHAM Diaz 0.29%

20 ABRAHAM Brown 0.28%

First Name ABRAHAM


National Statistics


  • ABRAHAM is ranked as the 810th most popular given name in the United States with an estimated population of 50,301.
  • This name is in the 99th percentile, this means that nearly 0% of all the first names are more popular.
  • There are 15.78 people named ABRAHAM for every 100,000 Americans.
  • This name is commonly used as either a first or last name. More specifically, it is used as a first name 58% of the time.
  • Based on the analysis of 100 years worth of data from the Social Security Administration's (SSA) Baby Names database, the estimated population of people named ABRAHAM is 61,627.
  • The SSA data also shows that ABRAHAM is used as a boy's name 100% of the time.

More StatisticsTap on images to see more


Race and Ethnicity


The race and Hispanic origin distribution of the people with the name ABRAHAM is 47.8% White, 35.4% Hispanic origin, 8.1% Black, 6.5% Asian or Pacific Islander, 1.8% Two or More Races, and 0.5% American Indian or Alaskan Native. These figures should be considered only as a rough estimate. The purpose of this graph is to compare the name's specific race and Hispanic origin distribution to the distribution in the general population of the US.

The vertical blue bars represent the race distribution of people that have the name. The yellow horizontal lines represent the race distribution of the general population. The amount by which the blue bars extend past the yellow horizontal lines determines how likely a person with the name will be part of a given race or Hispanic origin group.

On this basis, the people with the name ABRAHAM have a higher likelyhood of being Hispanic origin and a lower likelyhood of being White.

Ethnic and Cultural Name Categories

The first name ABRAHAM is included in the following name categories:
  • Indonesian-Chinese surname
  • Spanish masculine given name
  • US masculine baby name - Social Security Administration
  • Biblical surname
  • Common Swedish masculine given name - SCB Data
  • Common US masculine given name - Census Bureau Data
  • Hebrew surname
  • English masculine given name
  • Common US surname - Census Bureau Data

State Statistics for Popularity and Rank


  • The state with the most people named ABRAHAM is California where 8,965 people have this name.
  • New York is the state where you are most likely to meet a person named ABRAHAM, as 38.29 in every 100,000 New Yorkers have this name.
  • Highest percentile rank of any state for this name is 99th, this rank was reached in the states of New York.
  • New York is the state with the biggest positive difference between the actual state population and the projected state population based on the national average. (where the blue bar extends past the yellow vertical line) with a difference of 9 more people than projected.
  • The state with the biggest negative difference is South Dakota (where the blue bar does not extend past the yellow vertical line) with a difference of 1 fewer people than projected.

Full Names with ABRAHAM as a First Name


Shown are the top 20 most likely full names that have ABRAHAM as a first name. The length of the bars represents an estimate of the the number of people with the name expressed as a percentage of all the people named ABRAHAM.

The most popular full name is ABRAHAM Thomas. 1.09% of all the people named ABRAHAM have this family name.

There are 5553 last names associated with this first name.

  • Race Distribution Chart
  • Heat Map Name Proportion per 100k by State
  • Top 20 Full names bar chart