Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Animal aura

Do Animals Have Auras? Everything You Need To Know

An aura is a subtle and protective bubble of energy surrounding one's physical body.

It is also known as a biofield, energy field, or, in scientific terms, the electromagnetic field. 

Both humans and animals have auras- in fact, all living and conscious entities have auras!

This means plants, gemstones, trees, and other natural entities emit their own unique frequency.

Let's find out more.

So Do Animals Have Auras?

Absolutely… We live in a world of subtle and spiritual energy.

In the quantum field, the physical universe is in fact non-physical, which means everything is hidden, unseen, and apparently invisible constructs and creates the world as we know it or like to perceive it. 

Reality is subjective.

Some people can see and feel auras, specifically empaths, spiritual healers, clairsentients, and clairvoyants, as well as those who work with shamanic and subtle forces. 

The human biofield is very similar to the animal biofield.

The key similarity is that both humans and animals emit frequencies and vibrations of energy, through the heart. 

The heart is a powerful conductor, transmitter, and receiver of energy- energy, of course, being thoughts, emotions, frequencies, and subtle influences.

What we think, feel, and intend passes through our heart, as the heart is the bridge, and ripples out into our aura.

The Power of the Heart

Woman connecting to her heart

The heart chakra, also known as the “energy portal” or “energy wheel” in Sanskrit, is a bridge between lower and higher consciousness.

Or the lower and higher chakras. 

It is important to be aware of the heart chakra when exploring animal auras because it is through an open and healthy heart chakra that we can start to see (and feel) animals' auras. 

When our own heart chakras are closed, inactive, or unawakened, we cannot sense animals on an empathic and spiritual level.

Animals feel, they are sentient and conscious beings! 

Animals have emotions, needs, desires, feelings, and inner powerful pulls towards companionship, intimacy, and love.

Many animals actually show more empathy and unconditional than a lot of humans.

So, it's essential to recognize the power of the heart and the capacity for love, connection, and deeper feelings.

Blocks in the heart chakra lead to blocks in the upper chakras- the throat, third eye, and crown chakras, and this means we cannot “see” or even feel an animal´s aura. 

Blocks in our own energy field lead to blocks in sight, subtle and spiritual perception, and intuition- and all the higher qualities linked to the Crown chakra, like unconditional love and unity consciousness. 

Do Animals' Auras Look The Same As Humans' Auras?

animal auras looking the same as humans auras

When examining the question: do animals have auras, we can understand more by considering the appearance of auras. 

People who see auras tend to be clairvoyant, clairsentient, and claircognizant. 

Empaths see animal auras, and there's even a specific type of empath called the “animal empath.”

We can learn a lot from this type of empathic and sensitive personality.

A lot of animals live much more closely to the Source than humans, which signifies that they have a golden glow to them. 

Fortunately, a large percentage of animals live close to nature in their natural habits. Or are blessed to be cared for and protected by humans in some natural environment. 

This means they are closer to the Source, the source of creation, the divine, etc. So their auras glow a lot more strongly and with a celestial, silver, green (the color of the heart and nature), golden or violet-magenta glow.

Why these colors?

Well, in truth an animal´s aura can be any color.

These are just the first ones that came intuitively to mind, based on spirit communication and past experience.

Let's explore the colors of animal auras and what they symbolize. Remember that the aura can consist of many colors… Sometimes colors twirl and spiral into each other. 

Colors of the Animal Aura and what they symbolize

Colors of an animals aura

#1. Red

A red auric field is usually seen in very primal and passionate animals. These include tigers, leopards, panthers, wolves, lions, horses, wasps, and alligators or crocodiles. 

Also, any animal that is found close to Mother Earth, like bears, squirrels, beavers, hedgehogs… 

Red symbolizes passion and physical instincts, but also security, groundedness, and basic survival qualities. 

So although animals with a strong libido and instincts will usually be seen with a red aura, more gentle and modest creatures who live in harmony with nature will equally have red auras.

These are usually red-green – symbolizing a balance between the Root chakra and Heart energy. 

RELATED: What Does a Red Aura Mean? 10 Meanings & Traits (All Shades)

#2. Orange

Animals who radiate an orange aura are warm and friendly animals.

Peacocks, ducks, hummingbirds, cows, swans, turtles, dogs, deers, dolphins, and even some cats may be seen with an orange auric glow. Bees too!

Orange is the symbol of emotional warmth and balance, healing, sociability, community, and a healthy life force.

The Sacral chakra- the ruling chakra of the color orange- represents emotions, creativity, sensuality, and sexuality. 

Serene, peaceful, emotionally intelligent, magnetically feminine, and in tune with subtle and spiritual energy animals have orange in their aura.

RELATED: The Amazing Meaning Of The Orange Aura (All Shades)

#3. Yellow

Yellow is the color associated with the Solar Plexus, which encompasses self-authority, personal confidence, self-empowerment, life force, and vitality levels. 

So consider animals who exhibit a strong sense of personal authority and confidence.

Some include lions, parrots, bears, snakes, eagles, hawks, cats, and dragonflies.

Animals with yellow auras often have a combination of yellow and gold in their auric field.

By sending them healing, you can naturally raise your own inner golden glow, connecting to their wisdom and energy!

RELATED: The Yellow Aura: 6 Amazing Meanings For the Yellow Aura Types

#4. Green

As the color of the Heart chakra, nearly all animals will have green in their aura.

Green usually accompanies red, purple, or gold, but in truth, it complements all colors.

Examples of animals with a radiant green aura are dogs, elephants, dolphins, whales, bees, butterflies, giraffes, deer, swans, multiple bird species, buffalos, spiders, foxes, owls, wolves, and panthers. (This list is not complete!)

Because green is present in the majority of animal auras, pay attention to which color or colors accompany it. 

For example, a green-golden aura implies the animal is very in tune with Mother Earth-loving, kind, and caring or empathic too.

And with some higher self spirit and self-sovereign, and sensually majestic or celestial alignment. 

RELATED: The Amazing Meaning Of The 5 Green Aura Types

#5. Blue – Indigo

The ruling color of the Throat Chakra, there are various shades of blue from light and sea blue to dark and sky blue at night. Or aquamarine to indigo. 

All water animals have a blue aura, to some degree.

Yet so do those animals who rely on communication and telepathic or verbal communication.

For example, parrots, eagles, ravens, owls, cats, snakes, lizards, and foxes.

Any animal that is deeply intuitive and intelligent will display a blue-silver (usually) auric glow.

Also, those animals thrive in the realm of intellect, logic, ideas, and inspirational or imaginative qualities. 

RELATED: The Amazing Meaning Of All The Blue Aura Types

#6. Purple or Violet

Purple and violet aura animals are in tune with their higher self, and with the Great Spirit. 

All animals have the potential to display this auric frequency, from tigers and panthers to butterflies and dragonflies… Chameleons and lizards to spiders and frogs… Whales and sea otters to peacocks and rabbits.

There is a majestic and sensual glow to animals with purple or violet auras. 

Depending on what qualities you yourself embody, and what you see in certain animal species, you may see a panther with a majestic purple glow and an owl with the same purple auric presence.

#7. White or Silver

White represents pure light, creativity, higher thought-forms & perspectives, and innocence. Faith, purity, trust, and compassion too.

Animals who radiate a white aura can teach you how to access creative and imaginative gifts.

They may also be a spiritual guide for you, coming into your journey to show you synchronicity and spirit connection.

They may be a shaman or ascended masters in animal form.

RELATED: White Aura: 10 Meanings, Traits & More (Complete Guide)

#8. Gold or Celestial

Dolphins, whales, spiders, snakes, and any other animal in between, animal auras with gold or celestial essence suggest telepathy and heightened instincts. 

Intuition, powerful instincts, sensitivity, compassion and empathy, subtle perception, and psychic and telepathic gifts – are all common for gold aura animals.

Celestial is that shimmer, shine, and ethereal glow, similar to silver. Upon sight of a celestial aura, you instantly feel warm, protected, and connected to some other mystical and magical realm.

There is a sense of mystery and angelic protection or support. You feel seen and surrounded by benevolent and higher forces! 

Many animals are connected to the spiritual realms, where spirit guides and light beings are often present. Like with white and silver auras, this is a possibility here. 

RELATED: Gold Aura: 7 Amazing Meanings & Traits Of The Gold Aura

Are All Animal Auras Read The Same Way?

Do animals have auras?

It's important to be aware of the different types of groups of animals when asking this question.

The best way to understand the topic is to look at, or be aware of, the real-world implications of Spirit Animals.

For example, if you have a bit of knowledge about Spirit Animals, you will know that cats have similar energetic qualities.

Lions, tigers, cats, and panthers all share the symbolism & characteristics of sensuality, intuition, independence, and psychic powers and instincts.

The same is true for sea animals… Whales, dolphins, otters, and fish are all linked to the sea.

The sea represents emotions, feelings, inner currents, and instincts. Also, a direct link to the subconscious mind and imaginative, psychic, and spiritual abilities.

When we approach the question in this sense, we can start to answer it naturally.

Meditation, silent contemplation in nature or sacred space, and developing your intuition can really help you to know what to expect within the different animal species.

Through the above (meditation, etc.) you will “just know” that you should be more mindful around large cats, undomesticated animals, and those you find in a sanctuary, or out in the wild!

You wouldn't approach or even get close to a large animal without sensitivity, a very strong auric field, and powerful intentions.

These intentions, of course, are love, empathy, understanding, and caring or compassion.

Ultimately, not all animals´ auras are read the same way, because there are some inter-species differences.

To conclude, all animals have an aura, just as we humans do, so there is a general shared essence and process to aura reading.

Do's And Don't´s

You should always ask the animal if they want to be connected to… approach them with sensitivity. 

Don´t just breeze or glide on up to them- unless you really are on a star seed vibration and have been intuitively guided with “next level” instincts and higher self-guidance. 

For example, when boundaries need to be broken and you approach the animal in this way will lead to unity consciousness and positive illusion shattering. I'm talking to my real-life witches, wizards, shamans, and warlocks here!

In most cases, you need to communicate with animals sensitively and slowly.

Do not invade their personal space. Remember that their aura surrounds them too, even if other humans don't seem to understand or respect this.

You can really bring a new frequency of magic and connection in by treating them with the sensitivity and kindness they deserve. 

Be respectful, intentional, and empathic. Be aware that they too are intelligent, wise, intuitive, loving, and full of empathy, and show it. 

To truly read an animal's aura, you must be intentional and deliberate.

So anything short of complete authentic communication, loving and helping subtle projections, and a genuine desire to heal, help, or connect with them (for love & unity) may not be responded to well.

Always stay connected to your intuition too. Animals have feelings just like humans, and chaos, conflict, and frustration are a natural part of life. 

How To Read Animals' Auras

How to read animals auras

The first step is knowing that each animal has an electromagnetic energy field surrounding them. This is also called a biofield, or aura.

Information, emotions, feelings, pain, joyful experiences, past memories, and ancestral and family history can be found in the auric field.

All illness and disease begin on the astral and soul planes anyway, so animal auric reading is one of the best ways to discover what is wrong with the animal.

In addition to determining sickness, you can also tune into an animal´s aura with the sole intention of offering healing (regardless of whether there´s an ailment or imbalance). 

You may also choose to read animal auras to offer light, universal compassion, love, kindness, and respect to them. It's a beautiful way to establish a connection, contributing to “love over” fear and unity. 

A step-by-step guide to reading animal auras:

Step#1. Meditate and uplift your consciousness. Raise your inner vibration… this is so effective in itself.

Step#2. Set your intentions, for healing, compassion, love, empathy, and spiritual or soulful connection. Or, of course, to discover the ailment or illness if this is your intention. 

Step#3. Perhaps call on your angels, spirit guides, and personal spirit animal helpers. Increasing your vibration and core frequency through crystals can add a new dimension to your abilities. 

Step#4. To actually read the aura, you may feel to close your eyes or stare at the animal´s energy field/aura with intention. Both routes work, and the best way really depends on your personal style.

Step#5. If new to animal aura reading, consider attempting it as a form of meditation. Close your eyes, do steps 1- 3, and then seek a connection. 

Step#6. Allow all colors, pictures, imagery, feelings, emotions and thoughts, sensations, and intuitive or higher self visions to flow to you. Keep some background or direct focus on your heart chakra, as this is the key.

Step#7. Without a strong heart chakra, aura reading will likely not work. Empathy and compassion are key ingredients to any animal aura reading! 

Step#8. Finally, always keep in mind all aspects of the animal: the emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual bodies. Anything can be shown to you, or sensed and felt.

Things To Learn From Reading Animals' Auras

Deer with a golden aura

In addition to the energetic symbolism of the aura colors, you can also learn a lot about yourself through what you choose to see in animals.

Resonance is a keyword associated with animal aura reading.

The most typical wisdom sharing to use is cats vs. dogs. “Are you a cat or dog person?” 

If you feel more love and comfort with cats, you are independent, highly intuitive, psychic and gifted.

You feel comfort in the shadow realms and darkness itself.

If you find more resonance in dogs, you appreciate community, attachments, friendships and loyalty.

You are more codependent than you are independent, yet you strongly value companionship. 

This is just one example. All animals show you what your current or desired frequency or “vibe” is.

Your vibe attracts your tribe, so you can learn a lot about yourself through connecting to animals in a deeper way.

See, when you read an animal's aura, you merge and bond with them on a subtle and spiritual level. You bond soulfully. 

You give something to the animal while you organically receive, simultaneously. (Giving-receiving is a universal flow!)

Holistically, you gain insight into your own soul and psyche.

You can´t read an animal's aura if you´re still operating from fear.

Animal auras help to show you the power of love over fear, and unity consciousness over a separation mind-set. 

They provide you with vision, holistic sight, clarity, self-confidence, and empowerment.

Reading auras is a spark and boost to emotional, psychological, spiritual and physical health & well-being. 

Do animals have auras? Absolutely. Animals are mirrors of yourself, and healing is a shared journey.


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Do Animals Have Auras? Everything You Need To Know
An aura is a subtle 
and protective 
bubble of energy 
surrounding one's 
physical body.

It is also known as a 

biofield, energy field, 

or, in scientific terms, 

the electromagnetic 


Both humans and ani-

mals have auras - in 

fact, all living and con

-scious entities have 


This means plants, 

gemstones, trees, and 

other natural entities 

emit their own unique 


Let's find out more.

So Do Animals Have 


Absolutely… We live in 

a world of subtle and 

spiritual energy.

In the quantum field, 

the physical universe 

is in fact non-physical, 

which means every-

thing is hidden, unseen

, and apparently 

invisible constructs 

and creates the world 

as we know it or like 

to perceive it. 

Reality is subjective.

Some people can see 

and feel auras, specif

-ically empaths, spirit

-ual healers, 

clairsentients, and 

clairvoyants, as well 

as those who work 

with shamanic and 

subtle forces. 

The human biofield is 

very similar to the 

animal biofield.

The key similarity is 

that both humans and 

animals emit frequen

-cies and vibrations 

of energy, through 

the heart. 

The heart is a powerful 

conductor, transmitter, 

and receiver of energy 

- energy, of course, 

being thoughts, 

emotions, frequen

-cies, and subtle 


What we think, feel, 

and intend passes 

through our heart, as 

the heart is the bridge, 

and ripples out into 

our aura.

The Power of 

the Heart

Woman connecting to her heart

The heart chakra, also 

known as the “energy 

portal” or “energy 

wheel” in Sanskrit ("ऊर्जा पोर्टल” = अथवा =“ऊर्जा चक्र” २. ; "urja portal” = athava =“urja chakra” २.) , is 

a bridge between 

lower and higher 


Or the lower and 

higher chakras. 

It is important to be 

aware of the heart 

chakra when explor

-ing animal auras 

because it is through 

an open and healthy 

heart chakra that we 

can start to see (and 

feel) animals' auras. 

When our own heart 

chakras are closed, 

inactive, or unawaken

-ed, we cannot sense 

animals on an 

empathic and 

spiritual level.

Animals feel, they are 

sentient and 

conscious beings! 

Animals have emotions

, needs, desires, 

feelings, and inner 

powerful pulls towards companionship, 

intimacy, and love.

Many animals actually 

show more empathy 

and unconditional 

than a lot of humans.

So, it's essential to 

recognize the power 

of the heart and the 

capacity for love, 

connection, and 

deeper feelings.

Blocks in the heart 

chakra lead to blocks 

in the upper chakras - 

the throat, third eye, 

and crown chakras, 

and this means we can

not “see” or even feel 

an animal´s aura. 

Blocks in our own 

energy field lead to 

blocks in sight, subtle 

and spiritual percept-

ion, and intuition - and 

all the higher qualities 

linked to the Crown 

chakra, like 

unconditional love and 

unity consciousness. 

Do Animals' Auras 

Look The Same 

As Humans' 


animal auras looking the same as humans auras

When examining the 

question: do animals 

have auras, we can 

understand more by 

considering the 

appearance of auras. 

People who see auras 

tend to be clairvoyant *, 

clairsentient ** , and 

claircognizant ***. 

(* scroll down)

Empaths see animal 

auras, and there's 

even a specific type of 

empath called the 

“animal empath.”

We can learn a lot from 

this type of empathic 

and sensitive personal


A lot of animals live 

much more closely to 

the Source than 

humans, which signifies 

that they have a golden 

glow to them. 

Fortunately, a large per

-centage of animals 

live close to nature in 

their natural habits. Or 

are blessed to be 

cared for and protect-

ed by humans in some 

natural environment. 

This means they are 

closer to the Source, 

the source of creation

, the divine, etc. So 

their auras glow a lot 

more strongly and 

with a celestial, silver, 

green (the color of 

the heart and nature), 

golden or violet-

magenta glow.

Why these colors?

Well, in truth an 

animal´s aura can 

be any color.

These are just the first 

ones that came 

intuitively to mind, 

based on spirit comm

-unication and past 


Let's explore the colors 

of animal auras and 

what they symbolize. 

Remember that the 

aura can consist of 

many colors… 

Sometimes colors twirl 

and spiral into each 


Colors of the Animal

Aura and what they


Colors of an animals aura

#1. Red

A red auric field is 

usually seen in very 

primal and passionate 

animals.These include 

tigers, leopards, 

panthers, wolves, lions, 

horses, wasps, and 

alligators or crocodiles. 

Also, any animal that is 

found close to Mother 

Earth, like bears, 

squirrels, beavers, 


Red symbolizes pass-

ion and physical 

instincts, but also 

security, groundedness, 

and basic survival 


So although animals 

with a strong libido 

and instincts will 

usually be seen with a 

red aura, more gentle 

and modest creatures 

who live in harmony 

with nature will 

equally have red auras.

These are usually red-

green – symbolizing a 

balance between the 

Root chakra and 

Heart energy. 

#2. Orange

Animals who radiate 

an orange aura are 

warm and friendly 


Peacocks, ducks, hum

-mingbirds, cows, 

swans, turtles, dogs, 

deers, dolphins, and 

even some cats may 

be seen with an 

orange auric glow. 

Bees too!

Orange is the symbol 

of emotional warmth 

and balance, healing, 

sociability, community, 

and a healthy life force.

The Sacral chakra - the 

ruling chakra of the 

color orange - 

represents emotions, 

creativity, sensuality, 

and sexuality. 

Serene, peaceful, 

emotionally intelligent,

magnetically feminine, 

and in tune with subtle 

and spiritual energy 

animals have orange 

in their aura.

#3. Yellow

Yellow is the color 

associated with the 

Solar Plexus, which 

encompasses self-

authority, personal 

confidence, self- 

empowerment, life 

force, and vitality 


So consider animals 

who exhibit a strong 

sense of personal 

authority and 


Some include lions, 

parrots, bears, snakes, 

eagles, hawks, cats, 

and dragonflies.

Animals with yellow 

auras often have a 

combination of yellow 

and gold in their auric 


By sending them 

healing, you can 

naturally raise your 

own inner golden glow, 

connecting to their 

wisdom and energy!

#4. Green

As the color of the 

Heart chakra, nearly all 

animals will have green 

in their aura.

Green usually accom-

panies red, purple, or 

gold, but in truth, it 

complements all 


Examples of animals 

with a radiant green 

aura are dogs, 

elephants, dolphins, 

whales, bees, butter-

flies, giraffes, deer, 

swans, multiple bird 

species, buffalos, 

spiders, foxes, owls, 

wolves, and panthers. 

(This list is not 


Because green is 

present in the majority 

of animal auras, pay 

attention to which 

color or colors 

accompany it. 

For example, a green-

golden aura implies 

the animal is very in 

tune with Mother Earth

- loving, kind, and 

caring or empathic too.

And with some higher 

self spirit and self-

sovereign, and sensual

-ly majestic or celestial 


#5. BlueIndigo

The ruling color of the 

Throat Chakra, there 

are various shades of 

blue from light and sea 

blue to dark and sky 

blue at night. Or 

aquamarine to indigo. 

All water animals have 

a blue aura, to some 


Yet so do those animal

-s who rely on commu-

nication and telepathic 

or verbal communicat


For example, parrots, 

eagles, ravens, owls, 

cats, snakes, lizards, 

and foxes.

Any animal that is deep

-ly intuitive and intelli-

gent will display a blue-

silver (usually) auric 


Also, those animals thrive in the realm of intellect, logic, ideas, and inspirational or imaginative qualities. 

#6. Purple or Violet

Purple and violet aura animals are in tune with their higher self, and with the Great Spirit. 

All animals have the potential to display this auric frequency, from tigers and panthers to butterflies and dragonflies… Chameleons and lizards to spiders and frogs… Whales and sea otters to peacocks and rabbits.

There is a majestic and sensual glow to animals with purple or violet auras. 

Depending on what qualities you yourself embody, and what you see in certain animal species, you may see a panther with a majestic purple glow and an owl with the same purple auric presence.

#7. White or Silver

White represents pure light, creativity, higher thought-forms & perspectives, and innocence. Faith, purity, trust, and compassion too.

Animals who radiate a white aura can teach you how to access creative and imaginative gifts.

They may also be a spiritual guide for you, coming into your journey to show you synchronicity and spirit connection.

They may be a shaman or ascended masters in animal form.

#8. Gold or Celestial

Dolphins, whales, spiders, snakes, and any other animal in between, animal auras with gold or celestial essence suggest telepathy and heightened instincts. 

Intuition, powerful instincts, sensitivity, compassion and empathy, subtle perception, and psychic and telepathic gifts – are all common for gold aura animals.

Celestial is that shimmer, shine, and ethereal glow, similar to silver. Upon sight of a celestial aura, you instantly feel warm, protected, and connected to some other mystical and magical realm.

There is a sense of mystery and angelic protection or support. You feel seen and surrounded by benevolent and higher forces! 

Many animals are connected to the spiritual realms, where spirit guides and light beings are often present. Like with white and silver auras, this is a possibility here. 

Are All Animal Auras Read The Same Way?

Do animals have auras?

It's important to be aware of the different types of groups of animals when asking this question.

The best way to understand the topic is to look at, or be aware of, the real-world implications of Spirit Animals.

For example, if you have a bit of knowledge about Spirit Animals, you will know that cats have similar energetic qualities.

Lions, tigers, cats, and panthers all share the symbolism & characteristics of sensuality, intuition, independence, and psychic powers and instincts.

The same is true for sea animals… Whales, dolphins, otters, and fish are all linked to the sea.

The sea represents emotions, feelings, inner currents, and instincts. Also, a direct link to the subconscious mind and imaginative, psychic, and spiritual abilities.

When we approach the question in this sense, we can start to answer it naturally.

Meditation, silent contemplation in nature or sacred space, and developing your intuition can really help you to know what to expect within the different animal species.

Through the above (meditation, etc.) you will “just know” that you should be more mindful around large cats, undomesticated animals, and those you find in a sanctuary, or out in the wild!

You wouldn't approach or even get close to a large animal without sensitivity, a very strong auric field, and powerful intentions.

These intentions, of course, are love, empathy, understanding, and caring or compassion.

Ultimately, not all animals´ auras are read the same way, because there are some inter-species differences.

To conclude, all animals have an aura, just as we humans do, so there is a general shared essence and process to aura reading.

Do's And Don't´s

You should always ask the animal if they want to be connected to… approach them with sensitivity. 

Don´t just breeze or glide on up to them- unless you really are on a star seed vibration and have been intuitively guided with “next level” instincts and higher self-guidance. 

For example, when boundaries need to be broken and you approach the animal in this way will lead to unity consciousness and positive illusion shattering. I'm talking to my real-life witches, wizards, shamans, and warlocks here!

In most cases, you need to communicate with animals sensitively and slowly.

Do not invade their personal space. Remember that their aura surrounds them too, even if other humans don't seem to understand or respect this.

You can really bring a new frequency of magic and connection in by treating them with the sensitivity and kindness they deserve. 

Be respectful, intentional, and empathic. Be aware that they too are intelligent, wise, intuitive, loving, and full of empathy, and show it. 

To truly read an animal's aura, you must be intentional and deliberate.

So anything short of complete authentic communication, loving and helping subtle projections, and a genuine desire to heal, help, or connect with them (for love & unity) may not be responded to well.

Always stay connected to your intuition too. Animals have feelings just like humans, and chaos, conflict, and frustration are a natural part of life. 

How To Read Animals' Auras

How to read animals auras

The first step is knowing that each animal has an electromagnetic energy field surrounding them. This is also called a biofield, or aura.

Information, emotions, feelings, pain, joyful experiences, past memories, and ancestral and family history can be found in the auric field.

All illness and disease begin on the astral and soul planes anyway, so animal auric reading is one of the best ways to discover what is wrong with the animal.

In addition to determining sickness, you can also tune into an animal´s aura with the sole intention of offering healing (regardless of whether there´s an ailment or imbalance). 

You may also choose to read animal auras to offer light, universal compassion, love, kindness, and respect to them. It's a beautiful way to establish a connection, contributing to “love over” fear and unity. 

A step-by-step guide to reading animal auras:

Step#1. Meditate and uplift your consciousness. Raise your inner vibration… this is so effective in itself.

Step#2. Set your intentions, for healing, compassion, love, empathy, and spiritual or soulful connection. Or, of course, to discover the ailment or illness if this is your intention. 

Step#3. Perhaps call on your angels, spirit guides, and personal spirit animal helpers. Increasing your vibration and core frequency through crystals can add a new dimension to your abilities. 

Step#4. To actually read the aura, you may feel to close your eyes or stare at the animal´s energy field/aura with intention. Both routes work, and the best way really depends on your personal style.

Step#5. If new to animal aura reading, consider attempting it as a form of meditation. Close your eyes, do steps 1- 3, and then seek a connection. 

Step#6. Allow all colors, pictures, imagery, feelings, emotions and thoughts, sensations, and intuitive or higher self visions to flow to you. Keep some background or direct focus on your heart chakra, as this is the key.

Step#7. Without a strong heart chakra, aura reading will likely not work. Empathy and compassion are key ingredients to any animal aura reading! 

Step#8. Finally, always keep in mind all aspects of the animal: the emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual bodies. Anything can be shown to you, or sensed and felt.

Things To Learn From Reading Animals' Auras

Deer with a golden aura

In addition to the energetic symbolism of the aura colors, you can also learn a lot about yourself through what you choose to see in animals.

Resonance is a keyword associated with animal aura reading.

The most typical wisdom sharing to use is cats vs. dogs. “Are you a cat or dog person?” 

If you feel more love and comfort with cats, you are independent, highly intuitive, psychic and gifted.

You feel comfort in the shadow realms and darkness itself.

If you find more resonance in dogs, you appreciate community, attachments, friendships and loyalty.

You are more codependent than you are independent, yet you strongly value companionship. 

This is just one example. All animals show you what your current or desired frequency or “vibe” is.

Your vibe attracts your tribe, so you can learn a lot about yourself through connecting to animals in a deeper way.

See, when you read 

6. You passively receive visions during meditation 

Meditation is a space of heightened receptivity and connection with the spiritual awareness of life.

If you experience spontaneous images or visions during meditation this can be a sign of clairvoyance. 

With this sign, we aren't speaking about intentional guided visualizations during meditation but rather the images, flashes, or visions that you seem to receive passively and that you intuitively feel have a deeper message or significance for you to focus upon.

Of course, as you fine-tune your clairvoyant abilities you can utilize meditation as a practice for intentionally opening up to clairvoyant insights about specific situations or individuals with due respect and consent.

7. You trust your intuition

Another sign of clairvoyance is that you are in tune with your intuition

Intuition is the ability that allows us understanding or guidance often without conscious reasoning.

Intuition can be considered as your inner compass or your gut feeling. 

Trusting your intuition is an important element of clairvoyance as there may be times when you need to discern between visions and your imaginings.

Intuition is what helps clairvoyants know and feel that they are receiving a significant vision or image.

Intuition is also really important when it comes to interpreting messages you receive in your visions.

8. You can see non-physical energy 

If you can see auras ( emanating energy fields ) of humans, animals, or plants or you can see non-physical beings, orbs, or light streams.

This is a sign of clairvoyance as it indicates that your ability to visualize, connect with, and perceive non-physical dimensions is highly active.

9. You are aware of non-linear time

The concept of non-linear time acknowledges that “Time is relative, moving more slowly if an object is moving fast.

Events don’t happen in a set order. There isn’t a single universal now “

Having a more flexible understanding of time goes hand in hand with clairvoyance as when we receive information through clairvoyance it often transcends the conventional boundaries of time.

Accurate information concerning the past or future is accessed in the present.

10. You have vivid dreams  

Dreaming is a state where we explore within a more ethereal state of consciousness and have much less resistance and therefore easier access to non-linear information.

A common way to experience clairvoyance is during the dream state.

These dreams will usually be quite vivid and can let you immerse into the vision and take in a lot of information.

Clairvoyant dreams are being communicated to you for a reason and so it is likely that you will remember these kinds of dreams upon waking or even be woken by the dream due to the clarity and energy you receive.

What Are Some Of The Most Common Clairvoyant Experiences?

Clairvoyant Experiences

Within clairvoyance, we can consider some of the different clairvoyant experiences such as:

Retrocognition, seeing into past events.

Precognition, seeing future events.

Telesthesia, seeing a present occurrence that is taking place at a distance.

Seeing auras and energies.

Communication with ancestors, those who have passed on.

Visions that are symbolic or metaphorical provide insight into the deeper layers of a person or situation.

How To Develop And Strengthen Clairvoyance Abilities

Whether your clairvoyance is currently active or if you are choosing to tap into these abilities the following points can assist you to both develop and strengthen: 

The awareness that you have this ability and your intention to utilize clairvoyance will naturally get you to be open to and pay more attention to your extra sensory visual perceptions.

Use your personal practices of choice to maintain and deepen your connection with your source, God, higher consciousness, and the non-physical dimension that gives rise to everything that is.

Trust yourself, as you are connected as a channel or receiver of guidance through your clairvoyance.

Actively practicing visualization through guided meditation, creating art, daydreaming, or any visual practices that you feel drawn to.

Build your confidence by verifying your visions wherever possible. Over time you will learn to discern and intuit the feeling of a vision as opposed to a daydream, ordinary dream, anxiety, fantasy, etc.

Strengthen your ability to recall your dreams by keeping a dream journal. This can also help you to learn to decipher symbolism and to record which of your dreams were visions that provided tangible insights.

Opening and balancing your third eye chakra. You can develop and strengthen clairvoyance by caring for this energy center. There is a wealth of online resources that guide you through the third eye awakening. You can also check out the article 7 powerful exercises to enhance the power of your third eye.

What Should I Do If I Experience a Clairvoyant Vision?

Clairvoyant Vision

When you know you have experienced a clairvoyant vision you have a few choices to make and it likely depends on the details of the vision.

You will need to assess the gravity of the situation and if the information in your vision is helpful then of course share and do what you can to help.

You can take some time to explore possible interpretations of the message especially if it seems more symbolic.

You can choose to share your vision with people that are involved if it feels like the right thing to do or if they are actively seeking guidance from you.

When it comes to any information received, try to find the way that the information is guiding you towards greater awareness and growth.

You are receiving the message for a reason, sometimes it can take a while for the reason to be revealed.

Whenever you can, intentionally use your clairvoyant perceptions to lead you towards the most beneficial outcomes for everyone involved.

Again, our intuition is highly important when it comes to all aspects of clairvoyance.

You can use your intuition to decide what to do or what not to do concerning a clairvoyant vision

How Can I Use Clairvoyance In My Everyday Life?

Using Clairvoyance

Clairvoyant visions or images may be received spontaneously but as you harness your ability you could choose to intentionally open to receiving clairvoyant guidance at any time of your choosing.

You may even be the type of clairvoyant that consistently receives flashes of insight throughout your day. Y

ou can choose to use clairvoyance as a way to receive guidance for your decisions throughout your day.

You can use clairvoyance daily in the following ways: 

You should always set your intention to receive information that is guiding and enlightening for your highest potential and expanded consciousness.

You can focus on your daily tasks and practices and allow the images to appear naturally. 

 You could also set aside intentional moments to meditate and be more specific with questions that you may have during the day and receive images in response.

You may come across people who could benefit from your clairvoyant perspective, you can offer your perspective and you can share with them beneficial insights if it seems fitting.

You can be creative with ways to use your clairvoyance for convenience and ease. Viewing situations retrospectively to align yourself most appropriately for the best outcomes.

Ultimately although we can define this extrasensory ability of clairvoyance in the ways discussed above it is a highly nuanced and personal experience.

Receiving images and visions requires us to process energy on a deep mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual level.

It is a constant process of learning and fine-tuning. It is a journey of trust in yourself and your ability to intuit the energy that you perceive.

Clairvoyance will allow you to experience life with increased perceptiveness and this can enhance your experience of life as you have access to information that can be used to benefit yourself and those around you. 

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