就在那一秒钟, 李连杰 所有东西全放下了
就那一秒 他瞬间发现 都过眼云烟
我拥有的所有的名利 都带不走
你知道那一秒 发生了什么事吗
李连杰开悟了 名利我体验了 女人我体验了
所有的东西 我全部体验了
到我奋斗的 整个过程我全体验了
为了拍戏把 自己身体都拍成那样了
为了赚钱 为了点名
当一个人 面临死亡的时候
到他死的那一秒 他突然发现 "我...我这辈子我没活过呀". 我在工厂工作了三十多年。不,事实上,我到现在已工作了四十多年。而且从十九岁起就一直在工作。我的人生就结束了 他...就他就悔恨
但是我想问一个问题. 我... 我们为什么非要 经历一场这么大的灾难 才开悟
在灾难 没有来前我们就开悟 不就不用 经历那个灾难了吗
为什么 不趁着你活着去见你爱的人. 去你想去的地方. 做你想做的事.
我说过 "人生要想做到死而无憾".
只需要做到 四件事就可以死而无憾
第一件事 找到自己的使命
第二件事 交一帮志同道合的兄弟 :
策马奔腾 人生几何 体验人生 游遍全世界
第三件事 找到你的灵魂伴侣 不是因 金钱物质而在一起 是因为你们是灵魂伴侣 双生火焰☯️
人这一辈子最大的悲哀 就是找了 一个没感觉的人 做了一件没感觉的事
而人生活着的至高境界 就是找一个爱的人 在爱的地方做爱的事业 与爱你的人做爱。谈一场轰轰烈烈的恋爱
第四件事 那就是在之前 知道自己是谁 知道自己从哪来 知道自己要去哪儿
很多人 都说了 "我感觉到 我这辈子没有没有活过" "我白活了"
那为什么 不为自己率性活一次
但我希望我能叫醒你 是我爱你
世界上百分之九十七的人 都在做着自己 不喜欢做的工作 包括我。你的情况怎么样?
陪着自己不爱的人 都在凑合的活着
你知道吗 在这个 世界上最大的悲哀 就是找了 个没感觉的人 做了一件没感觉的事
人生最重要的就两件事 事业跟家庭
事业不是你喜欢 不是你热爱的
上班跟坐牢没什么区别 你身边躺的 那个人不是你爱的 你是因为利益 因为钱跟他结婚
假如说 接下来是你 生命当中的最后五秒
让你用一个词 来去衡量一下自己 这辈子 你会用哪个词来衡量啊 庸庸碌碌 浑浑噩噩
觉得一辈子 根本都没有活过
此 生 无 憾
假如说你生命当中 还有最后五分钟 你还可以干一件事
我要陪我最爱的人 见到我最爱的活着的人。对吗
如果还有五天 你除了陪你最爱的人 你还可以干一些事 你会干什么事
我要去一些 没去过的地方看一下 是吗 旅游
如果你 生命还有最后五个月 你除了你见最爱的人 去自己最爱的地方 你还可以干一件事 你想干什么事
我能为 这个世界留下点什么 让世间的人未来可以记得 有我曾经存在过 对吗
你会发现 当生命来临的时候 我们每个人 答案都是近乎相似的 见自己最爱的人 去自己爱的地方 给这个社会 留下点社会遗产 证明过我来过
没有一个人 跟我说要去赚钱吧 生命还有最后五分钟 等我再工作完这五分钟 没有吧
那接下来. 我要告诉你个好消息
你的生命还不是最后五秒 不是五分钟 不是五个月 不是五年 可能还有五十年
为什么还不去 找一份自己爱的事去做
为什么还不去 找一个自己爱的人去做
我还是那句话 假设 今天是你生命当中的最后一天 你最想做什么 认真的打心自问一下 死亡井不可怕 怕死是因为你 害怕你的人生有遗憾 你总觉得自己没活够 能听懂吗 我很爱你们 我想让你们好 但是 我夸你们 你们好不了 只有我把你刺醒了 你才能好 我能说真话吗 能不能接受 这个话可能让你会很疼 但是他能让你醒来 可以吗
每一个人都会死 在你死亡的那一刻 每一个人都会开悟 很多人死的时候才明白 原来你这辈子追求的 房 车 钱 名 利 性 情 名 利 子 所有的一切 你都逮不住 你唯一能带走的就是你的灵魂成绩 就是你这辈子的修为 你们知道人生 最大的悲哀是什么吗 拿自己能带走的 换了一大堆带不走的
你们知道人生 最大的智慧是什么吗 明知道这些东西带不走 拿带不走的换带的走的
你的钱你能带走吗 你的房你能带定吗 你的车你能带走吗 你的老婆 你的孩子 你这辈子的名望 你能带走吗
你发现 这些东西都带不走
生活不业眼前的苟且 生活不得眼前的苟且
Jiù zài nà yī miǎo zhōng, Lǐliánjié suǒyǒu dōngxī quán fàngxiàle.
Shénme gōngmíng lìlù
Jiù nà yī miǎo Tā shùnjiān fāxiàn
Wǒ yǒngyǒu de suǒyǒu de mínglì
Dōu guòyǎnyúnyān Dōu dài bù zǒu
Nǐ zhīdào nà yī miǎo fāshēngle shénme shì ma
Lǐliánjié kāi wùle
Mínglì wǒ tǐyànle Nǚrén wǒ tǐyànle
Suǒyǒu de dōngxī wǒ quánbù tǐyànle
Rénshēng de dīgǔ dào gāofēng
Dào wǒ fèndòu de zhěnggè guòchéng wǒ quán tǐyànle
Wǒ pà shénme
Cóngcǐ yǐhòu yǒu méiyǒu fāxiàn
Tā bù pāixìle
Gěi duōshǎo qián bù pāile
Wèile pāixì bǎ zìjǐ shēntǐ dōu pāi chéng nàyàngle
Hái pāi shá ya
Wèile zhuànqián Wèile diǎnmíng
Bǎ zìjǐ shēntǐ dōu zhěng cánfèile
Hái hái pāi pāi shá ya
Xiǎngshòu rénshēng qùle rénjiā
Kāi wùle
Dāng yīgè rén miànlín sǐwáng de shíhòu
Túrán fāxiàn wǒ yào de fángzǐ, chēzǐ mínglì dōu dài bù zǒu
Wǒ yào tā gàn shá
Wǒ jǔ gè lìzǐ a péngyǒumen
Shénme rén pà sǐ
Shénme rén pà sǐ zhīdào ma
Dào tā sǐ dì nà yī miǎo Tā túrán fāxiàn "Wǒ... Wǒ zhè bèizǐ wǒ méi huóguò ya". Wǒ zài gōngchǎng gōngzuòle sānshí duō nián. Bù, shìshí shàng, wǒ dào xiànzài yǐ gōngzuòle sìshí duō nián. Érqiě cóng shíjiǔ suì qǐ jiù yīzhí zài gōngzuò. Wǒ de rénshēng jiù jiéshùle."
Tā... Jiù tā jiù huǐhèn. Tā xiǎng... Tā xiǎng jìxù huó
Tā xiǎng zài huó yī huí
Dànshì wǒ xiǎng wèn yīgè wèntí. wǒ...Wǒ men wèishéme fēi yào jīnglì yī chǎng zhème dà de zāi nàn Cái kāi wù.
Zài zāinàn méiyǒu lái qián wǒmen jiù kāi wù bù jiù bùyòng jīnglì nàgè zāinànle ma
Wèishéme Bù chènzhe nǐ huózhe Qù jiàn nǐ ài de rén. Qù nǐ xiǎng qù dì dìfāng. Zuò nǐ xiǎng zuò de shì.
Wǒ shuō guò, "Rénshēng yào xiǎng zuò dào sǐ ér wú hàn."
Huó chū zìjǐ xiǎng yào de rénshēng, sǐ ér wú hàn
Zhǐ xūyào zuò dào sì jiàn shì jiù kěyǐ sǐ ér wú hàn
Dì yī jiàn shì Zhǎodào zìjǐ de shǐmìng
Zuò yī fān hōnghōnglièliè de shìyè
Dì èr jiàn shì Jiāo yī bāng zhìtóngdàohé de xiōngdì :
Cè mǎ bēnténg, Rénshēng jǐhé, Tǐyàn rénshēng, Yóu biàn quán shìjiè.
Dì sān jiàn shì Zhǎodào nǐ de línghún bànlǚ Bùshì yīn jīnqián wùzhí ér zài yīqǐ Shì yīnwèi nǐmen shì línghún bànlǚ Shuāng shēng huǒyàn ☯️
Rén zhè yībèizǐ zuìdà de bēi'āi Jiùshì zhǎole yīgè méi gǎnjué de rén Zuòle yī jiàn méi gǎnjué de shì
Ér rén shēnghuózhe de zhìgāo jìngjiè Jiùshì zhǎo yīgè ài de rén Zài ài dì dìfāng zuò'ài de shìyè Yǔ ài nǐ de rén zuò'ài. Tán yī chǎng hōnghōnglièliè de liàn'ài
Dì sì jiàn shì Nà jiùshì zài zhīqián Zhīdào zìjǐ shì shéi Zhīdào zìjǐ cóng nǎ lái Zhīdào zìjǐ yào qù nǎ'er
Zhǎodào zìjǐ de shǐmìng
Hěnduō rén dōu shuōle, "Wǒ gǎnjué dào wǒ zhè bèizǐ méiyǒu méiyǒu huóguò". "Wǒ bái huóle!"
Duì a
Nà wèishéme bù wéi zìjǐ shuài xìng huó yīcì
Xiàmiàn zhè jù huà jiǎng de yǒudiǎn zhòng
Dàn wǒ xīwàng wǒ néng jiào xǐng nǐ
Shì wǒ ài nǐ
Suǒyǐ wǒ cái huì jiǎng
Shìjiè shàng bǎi fēn zhī jiǔshíqī de rén Dōu zài zuòzhe zìjǐ bù xǐhuān zuò de gōngzuò Bāokuò wǒ. Nǐ de qíngkuàng zěnme yàng?
Péizhe zìjǐ bù ài de rén Dōu zài còuhé de huózhe
Nǐ zhīdào ma Zài zhège shìjiè shàng zuìdà de bēi'āi Jiùshì zhǎole gè méi gǎnjué de rén Zuòle yī jiàn méi gǎnjué de shì
Rénshēng zuì zhòngyào de jiù liǎng jiàn shì Shìyè gēn jiātíng
Shìyè bùshì nǐ xǐhuān Bùshì nǐ rè'ài de
Shàngbān gēn zuòláo méishénme qūbié
Nǐ shēnbiān tǎng dì nàgè rén bùshì nǐ ài de Nǐ shì yīnwèi lìyì Yīnwèi qián gēn tā jiéhūn Nǐ zài yīqǐ zěnme néng xìngfú ne
Jiǎrú shuō Jiē xiàlái shì nǐ shēngmìng dāngzhōng de zuìhòu wǔ miǎo
Ràng nǐ yòng yīgè cí Lái qù héngliáng yīxià zìjǐ Zhè bèizǐ Nǐ huì yòng nǎge cí lái héngliáng a Yōng yōng lùlù Húnhún'è'è
Juédé yībèizǐ gēnběn dōu méiyǒu huóguò
Wǒ gǎnjué wǒ zhè yīshēng huán méi huó wán.
Nǐ zhīdào wǒ huì yòng nǎ sì gè cí lái héngliáng ma?
Cǐ shēng wú hàn
Jiǎrú shuō nǐ shēngmìng dāngzhōng hái yǒu zuìhòu wǔ fēnzhōng
Nǐ hái kěyǐ gàn yī jiàn shì Nǐ huì gànshénme
Wǒ yào péi wǒ zuì ài de rén Jiàn dào wǒ zuì ài de huózhe de rén. Duì ma
Rúguǒ hái yǒu wǔ tiān Nǐ chúle péi nǐ zuì ài de rén Nǐ hái kěyǐ gàn yīxiē shì Nǐ huì gànshénme shì
Wǒ yào qù yīxiē méi qùguò dì dìfāng kàn yīxià Shì ma Lǚyóu
Rúguǒ nǐ shēngmìng hái yǒu zuìhòu wǔ gè yuè Nǐ chúle nǐ jiàn zuì ài de rén Qù zìjǐ zuì ài dì dìfāng Nǐ hái kěyǐ gàn yī jiàn shì Nǐ xiǎng gànshénme shì
Wǒ néng wéi zhège shìjiè liú xià diǎn shénme ràng shìjiān de rén wèilái kěyǐ jìdé yǒu wǒ céngjīng cúnzàiguò Duì ma
Nǐ huì fāxiàn Dāng shēngmìng láilín de shíhòu Wǒmen měi gèrén dá'àn dōu shì jìnhū xiāngsì de Jiàn zìjǐ zuì ài de rén Qù zìjǐ ài dì dìfāng Gěi zhège shèhuì liú xià diǎn shèhuì yíchǎn Zhèngmíngguò wǒ láiguò
Méiyǒu yīgè rén gēn wǒ shuō yào qù zhuànqián ba Shēngmìng hái yǒu zuìhòu wǔ fēnzhōng Děng wǒ zài gōngzuò wán zhè wǔ fēnzhōng Méiyǒu ba
Nà jiē xiàlái. Wǒ yào gàosù nǐ gè hǎo xiāoxī
Nǐ de shēngmìng hái bùshì zuìhòu wǔ miǎo Bùshì wǔ fēnzhōng Bùshì wǔ gè yuè Bùshì wǔ nián Kěnéng hái yǒu wǔshí nián
Wèishéme hái bù qù zhǎo yī fèn zìjǐ ài de shì qù zuò Wèishéme hái bù qù zhǎo yīgè zìjǐ ài de rén qù zuò
Wǒ háishì nà jù huà Jiǎshè Jīntiān shì nǐ shēngmìng dāngzhōng de zuìhòu yītiān Nǐ zuì xiǎng zuò shénme Rèn zhēn de dǎ xīn zìwèn yīxià Sǐwáng bìng bù kěpà Pà sǐ shì yīnwèi nǐ hàipà nǐ de rénshēng yǒu yíhàn Nǐ zǒng juédé zìjǐ méi huó gòu Néng tīng dǒng ma Wǒ hěn ài nǐmen Wǒ xiǎng ràng nǐmen hǎo Dànshì wǒ kuā nǐmen Nǐmen hǎo bùliǎo Zhǐyǒu wǒ bǎ nǐ cì xǐngle Nǐ cáinéng hǎo
Wǒ néng shuō zhēn huà ma Néng bùnéng jiēshòu Zhège huà kěnéng ràng nǐ huì hěn téng Dànshì tā néng ràng nǐ xǐng lái Kěyǐ ma
Měi yīgè rén dūhuì sǐ Zài nǐ sǐwáng dì nà yīkè Měi yīgè rén dūhuì kāi wù Hěnduō rén sǐ de shíhòu cái míngbái Yuánlái nǐ zhè bèizǐ zhuīqiú de Fáng chē qián míng lì Xìng qíng míng lì zǐ Suǒyǒu de yīqiè Nǐ dōu dǎi bù zhù
Nǐ wéiyī néng dài zǒu de jiùshì nǐ de línghún chéngjì Jiùshì nǐ zhè bèizǐ de xiū wèi
Nǐmen zhīdào ren shēng zuìdà de bēi'āi shì shénme ma Ná zìjǐ néng dài zǒu de Huànle yī dà duī dài bù zǒu de
Nǐmen zhīdào ren shēng zuìdà de zhìhuì shì shénme ma Míng zhīdào zhèxiē dōngxī dài bù zǒu Ná dài bù zǒu de huàn dài de zǒu de Nǐ de qián nǐ néng dài zǒu ma Nǐ de fáng nǐ néng dài dìng ma Nǐ de chē nǐ néng dài zǒu ma Nǐ de lǎopó, Nǐ de háizǐ, Nǐ zhè bèizǐ de míngwàng nǐ néng dài zǒu ma
Nǐ dài bù zǒu
Zài sǐ dì nà yīkè
Nǐ fāxiàn zhèxiē dōngxī dū dài bù zǒu
Nà shénme néng dài zǒu
Nǐ zhè bèizǐ de fú bào néng dài zǒu
Nǐ zhè bèizǐ de xiū wéi néng dài zǒu
Nǐ zhè bèizǐ de chéngjì néng dài zǒu
Néng tīng dǒng ma
Míngtiān huì fāshēng shénme
shéi dōu bù zhīdào
Wèishéme bù chèn xiànzài jiù huózhe
Zhǎo zìjǐ ài de rén
Qù zìjǐ ài qù dì dìfāng
Zuò zìjǐ ài de shì
Cóng jīntiān kāishǐ
Zhuīzhú nǐ nèixīn
dāngzhōng nàgè mèngxiǎng ba
Shēnghuó bùdé yǎnqián de gǒuqiě
Hái yǒu shī hé yuǎnfāng de tiányě
Suǒyǐ wǒ xiǎng
gàosù wǒmen zàizuò de gèwèi
In that one second , Jet Li put everything down.What fame, fortune, and wealth? Just that one second , he instantly discovered all the fame and fortune I have , all is fleeting. Can't even take anything away. Do you know what happened at that moment? Jet Li is enlightened. "I experienced fame and fortune". "Women, I experienced." I've experienced everything.From the Lows to the Peaks of Life. I have experienced the whole process of my struggle. What am I afraid of? Have you discovered since then? He doesn't act movie anymore. No matter how much money you give me, I won't shoot it. For filming, I made my body look like that. What else are you shooting for? To make money.For the sake of name. I've ruined my body. What are you still filming? Enjoy life and go to other people's homes. Enlightened. When a person is facing death, suddenly I found the house I wanted, you can't take your car, fame or money with you. What do I want it for? Let me give you an example, friends. Who is afraid to die. Who is afraid of death? Do you know who is afraid of death? Until the moment he died, he suddenly discovered, "I...I have never lived in this life." "I have worked in factories for more than thirty years. No, in fact, I have worked for more than forty plus years by now. And still working since nineteen years old. My life is over." He...he just regrets it. He wants to...he wants to keep living. He wants to live again. But I want to ask a question. Why do we have to go through such a big disaster? Only then enlightened. If we become enlightened before the disaster comes, then we won’t have to go through the disaster. Why Not while you're alive Go see the one you love. Go to the place where you want. Do the thing you think you want to do.
I said before, "Live a life you want, so die without regrets."
Live a life you want, to die without regrets. You only need to do four things to die without regrets. First thing first, find your mission / calling. Do a great job. The second thing, make a group of like-minded brothers : Galloping(spur, horse, ride, leap) , Geometry of Life, Experience Life, Travel around the world. The third thing, find your soul partner. We are together not because of money or material things. It's because you are soul-mates couple. Twin Flames ☯️ pair- born- fire- flame. The greatest sorrow in life, is I just found someone who doesn't feel anything. I did something I didn't feel. The highest state of human life, is just looking for someone to love, doing love business in a place of love. Making love with the one who love you. Have a passionate love affair. The fourth thing is , that was before, know who you are , know where you come from, know where you are going. Find your mission. Many people have said, "I feel like I haven't lived my life." "I've lived in vain!" Yes, correct. Why not for once , live for yourself? The following word is a bit heavy. But I hope I can wake you. It's I love you. That's why I'll say ninety-seven percent of the world's population, they are doing jobs they don't like. Me included. How is your situation? Accompanying someone you don't love. They are all living a makeshift life. Did you know, the greatest sorrow in this world , I just found someone who doesn't feel anything. I did something I didn't feel anything. There are two most important things in life. Career and Family. The career is not what you like, is not what you love. There's no difference between going to work and being in jail. The person lying next to you is not the one you love. Because you are for profit benefit. Marry him/her for money. How can you be happy together? If we say next are the last five seconds of your life. Let you use one word. Come and measure yourself . This life, which word would you use to measure it? Mediocre. Unexamied. Confused. I feel like I haven't lived my whole life. I feel like this whole life I haven't live.Do you know which four words I would use to measure? No regrets (in) this life. This- born- none- regret-. If we say you have the last five minutes of your life, there's one more thing you can do. What will you do? I want to accompany my favorite person. See the living person I love most. Is it right? If there are five days left, in addition to accompanying your loved ones, you can do some more things, what would you do? I want to visit and see some places I haven't been to before. Yeah? Travel.
If you have only five months left to live, beside meeting the person you love most , go to your favorite places, there's one more thing you can do. What do you want to do? What can I leave for this world? Let the people of the world, in the future remember that I once existed. Is it right? You will find when come to life, each of us has similar answers. See your favorite person. Go to the place you love. Leave some social legacy to this society. Prove that I came here before. No one told me to go make money. There are only five minutes left in life. Wait until I finish these five minutes of work. No, not so. Then, I have good news for you. Your life is not the last five seconds. Not five minutes. Not five months. Maybe another fifty years.
Why don't you find something you love to do? Why don't you find someone you love? I still say that words. Assumptions. Today is the last day of your life. What do you want to do most?Ask yourself seriously Death is not scary. The reason you are afraid of death is because you are afraid of having regrets in your life. You always feel like you haven't lived enough. Do you hear and understand? I love you guys so much. I want you to be well. But when I praise you, you won't be well. Only if I wake you up can you get better. Can I tell the truth? Can you accept it? This might hurt you. But it can wake you up. May I? Everyone will die. At the moment of your death, everyone will be enlightened. Many people only understand when they die. So what you pursue in this life , house, car, money, fame and fortune, Personality, fame, wealth, everything, you can't catch. The only thing you can take away is your soul achievement. It is your life's work. Do you know what the greatest sorrow in life is? I took what I could take away and exchanged it for a lot of things I couldn't take away. Do you know what the greatest wisdom in life is? I know I can't take these things away with me. Take what you can't take away with you and exchange it for what you can take away with you. Can you take your money away with you? Can you take away your house for sure? Can you take your car away? Your wife, your child, can you take your fame with you? Can you take your fame in this life with you? You can't take it away. At the moment of death, you find that you can't take these things away. So, what can you take away? The blessings of your life can be taken away. What can you take away from your lifelong cultivation? Your achievements in this life can take away. Do you hear and understand? What will happen tomorrow? No one knows. Why not take advantage of the present to live now? Find the person you love. Go to the places you love. Do the things you love. Start from today onward, chase the dream in your heart. Life is not about the present. Life cannot be lived in the present moment. There are also poems and distant fields. So I want to tell everyone here.
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