Sunday, September 22, 2024

She translates

Leader: 欢迎您,麦桑先生 Huān-yíng nín, mài sāng xiān-shēng ; (Welcome, Mr. Maisang )

she translates as, " son " ; [ 欢迎 ...我儿子 Huān-yíng ... wǒ ér-zi ]

Leader: 我们中国人有一句古话 Wǒ-men zhōng-guó rén yǒu yī-jù gǔ-huà; ( We, Chinese have one ancient saying )

she translates as, " old say " ; [ 老实说 

lǎo-shí shuō ]

Leader: 有朋自远方来  Yǒu-péng zì yuǎn-fāng lái,  不亦乐乎? bù yì lè hū?  ( Friends come from afar / A friend from afar , isn't it fun? )

she translates as, " far friend " ; [ 远朋友   yuǎn péng-yǒu ], " no happy? " ; [ 不开心?

Bù kāi-xīn? ]

Leader: 今晚为你接风洗尘 jīn wǎn wèi nǐ jiē-fēng xǐ-chén ( Tonight I will welcome you back / I'll welcome you tonight )

she translates as, " go to KTV and wash feet " ; [ 去KTV和洗脚 qù KTV hé xǐ jiǎo ]

Leader: 我是素来风格朴素 Wǒ shì sù-lái fēng-gé pú-sù ( I have always been simple in style )

she translates as, " we are poor " ; [ 我们 穷 Wǒ-men qióng ]

Leader: 且求真务实 Qiě qiú zhēn wù-shí ( Be realistic and pragmatic )

she translates as, " and low " ; [ 且土 Qiě tǔ , And soil ]

Leader: 正所谓 Zhèng suǒ-wèi ( As the saying goes )

she translates as, " so " [ 所以 suǒyǐ ]

Leader: 百年修得同船渡 Bǎi-nián xiū-dé tóng chuán-dù ( A hundred years of hard work will bring us together / A hundred years of hard work to cross the river together )

she translates as, " one boat " [ 条船 tiáo chuán ]

Leader: 千年修得共枕眠 Qiān-nián xiū-dé gòng zhěn mián ( It takes a thousand years to sleep together / A thousand years of hard work to sleep together)

she translates as, " sleep together " [ 一起睡 yī-qǐ shuì ]

Leader: 让我们一起加油 Ràng wǒ-men yīqǐ jiā-yóu ( Let's cheer together / Come on let us together )

she translates as, " Ào lì gěi "   [ 奥利给 , Awesome ]

A woman came and whisper to the Leader : 领导,麦桑先生问 , Lǐng-dǎo, mài sāng xiān-shēng wèn, ( Leader, Mr. Mai Sang asked, ) 能不能不一起睡? néng bù-néng bù yī-qǐ shuì? ( can we not sleep together? )

The translator turns and looks up the other side . 

The better translation should be as follow: 

欢迎您,麦桑先生. 我们中国人有一句古话, 有朋自远方来, 不亦乐乎? 今晚为你接风洗尘. 我是素来风格朴素 , 且求真务实. 正所谓百年修得同船渡,千年修得共枕眠 . 让我们一起加油. Huānyíng nín, mài sāng xiānshēng. Wǒmen zhōngguó rén yǒu yījù gǔhuà, yǒupéng zì yuǎnfāng lái, bù yì lè hū? Jīn wǎn wèi nǐ jiēfēng xǐchén. Wǒ shì sùlái fēnggé púsù, qiě qiú zhēn wùshí. Zhèng suǒwèi bǎinián xiūdé tóng chuándù, qiānnián xiūdé gòng zhěn mián. Ràng wǒmen yīqǐ jiāyóu.

Welcome, Mr. Mai Sang. We Chinese have an old saying, “Isn’t it a pleasure to have friends coming from afar?” I am here to welcome you tonight. I have always been simple and pragmatic. As the saying goes, it takes a hundred years to be able to ride the same boat, and a thousand years to be able to sleep on the same pillow. Let’s work hard together. )

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