Thursday, September 19, 2024

商业破局 Business Breakthrough


本书从企业、战略、管理、市场、营销、利润、效率、 竞争、增长、发展、创新等是一个维度,为你理清商业 的底层逻辑,正确地制定企业的发展战略,实现商业破 局。













This book takes the dimensions of enterprise, strategy, management, market, marketing, profit, efficiency, competition, growth, development, innovation, etc., to help you sort out the underlying logic of business, correctly formulate the development strategy of the enterprise, and achieve business breakthroughs.

Logic of enterprise, 

Logic of strategy, 

Logic of management, 

Logic of market, 

Logic of marketing, 

Logic of profit, 

Logic of efficiency, 

Logic of competition, 

Logic of growth, 

Logic of development, 

Logic of innovation












The book is divided into eleven chapters, namely 

the underlying logic of the enterprise, 

the underlying logic of strategy, 

the underlying logic of management, 

the underlying logic of the market, 

the underlying logic of marketing, 

the underlying logic of profit, 

the underlying logic of efficiency, 

the underlying logic of competition, 

the underlying logic of growth, 

the underlying logic of development 


the underlying logic of innovation.

 "Business Breakthrough" is not only a book, but also a toolbox with a large number of business cases to help readers find new opportunities in the business environment, solve complex problems and achieve sustainable growth. 

我确信,差异在于创始人的洞察力和素质,而不是想法的质量。 I’ve become convinced that the difference is in the insights and quality of the founder, rather than the quality of the idea.

为了寻找答案,我们开始探索推动创业公司取得非凡成功的隐藏力量。Seeking answers, we set out to discover the hidden forces that drive extraordinary start-up success.

打破常规的成功需要不同的思维方式和行动来驾驭其他人错过的或乍一看似乎疯狂的发展。Pattern-breaking success demands a different mindset and actions to harness developments others miss or that may, at first, seem crazy. 

奇怪的是,Twitter、Twitch 和 Lyft 等初创公司尽管无视“最佳实践”,却取得了非凡的成功。相比之下,其他被认为非常有前途的初创公司往往失败,即使他们似乎把所有事情都做对了。许多现实案例研究表明,在现实生活中,非传统思维和洞察力如何使企业倾向于突破性的想法。

Something strange. Start-ups like Twitter, Twitch, and Lyft had achieved extraordinary success despite their disregard for “best practices.” In contrast, other startups deemed highly promising often failed, even when they seemed to do everything right. Many real-life case studies show how in real life businesses non-conventional thinking and insights tip the scales in favor of breakthrough ideas.


 Discover the hidden forces that drive extraordinary start-up success. Pattern-breaking success demands a different mindset and actions to harness developments others miss or that may, at first, seem crazy.


Many of the recommendations here are counter-intuitive, and would not normally be seen as “best practices:”

1. 寻求非共识的基本见解。新业务的真正成功之道是既非共识又正确把握改变客户未来想法、感受和行为方式的机会。仅仅制造更好的捕鼠器是不够的,因为许多其他现有企业可能正在努力并参与竞争。

1. Seek non-consensus fundamental insights. The path to real success in a new business is to be both non-consensus and right about an opportunity to change how customers will think, feel, and act in the future. It’s not enough to build a better mousetrap because lots of other incumbents are likely working on that and competing already.

2. 利用新兴全球变化的力量。你的洞察力需要基于早期发生在世界各地的重大变化,无论是技术、社会还是政治,而不是基于一个巧妙的标语。一个打破常规的想法需要有实质内容和动力来创造或加速根本性变革。2. Leverage the power of emerging global inflections. Your insight needs to be based on early significant changes happening to the world at large, whether technological, societal, or political, rather than on a clever tagline. A pattern-breaking idea needs to have substance and the momentum to create or accelerate radical change.

3. 伟大的想法与传统观念相悖。不要期望每个人都同意你的观点,也不要太在意同事、朋友和家人的最初反应。激烈的辩论和争议将有助于你的案例被认可为一个新的平台。挑战常规会激励每个人突破新的界限。

3. Great ideas contradict conventional wisdom. Don’t expect everyone to agree with you, and don’t be too concerned about initial reactions from peers, friends, and family. Significant debate and controversy will help your case to be recognized as a new platform. Challenging the norm motivates everyone to push to new boundaries.

4. 为了取得突破,换个角度思考和行动。不要把目光锁定在传统或渐进式的成功上。决定你想要一些你从未拥有过的东西,然后走出你的舒适区去得到它。不要让限制性信念阻碍你获得成功。选择看到好的一面,把你的思想集中在你想要的东西上。

4. Think and act differently for a breakthrough. Do not set your sights on conventional or incremental success. Decide you want something you have never had before, and step outside of your comfort zone to get it. Don’t let limiting beliefs block you from being successful. Choose to see the good and focus your thoughts toward what you want.

5. 寻找别人没有追求的想法。在别人探索之前,在任何原型被关键选民接受之前,勇敢地开始那些能激发你创造力的想法。最令人兴奋的产品是由对大多数人认为奇怪的事情有着强烈信念的人创造的。

5. Look for ideas that no one else is pursuing. Use your courage to get started on ideas that spark your creativity before anyone else has explored it and before any prototype has proved a level of acceptance by key constituents. The most exciting products are created by people with tons of conviction for something that strikes most others as odd.

6. 在自己的脑海中对自己的见解进行压力测试。不要只是提出一些与主流相反的建议,而是要问自己一些难题。这些问题包括哪些事情会以不明显的方式发生变化,共识是什么,为什么即将到来的未来是我见解实现的最佳时机,以及为什么它还没有发生。

6. Stress-test your insights in your own mind. Rather than just proposing something to be contrarian, ask yourself the hard questions. These include what is going to be different in a non-obvious way, what does the consensus think, why is the imminent future the right time for my insight to hold true, and why hasn’t it happened already.


Discovering compelling insights is where the true artistry of breakthrough founders lies. It takes creativity as well as insight to understand the implications of new technologies and see novel ways of connecting them to bring about radical change.


It’s easy to look back and see examples of these insights and creativity in founders. What is not so easy is for you or me to look into the future and find or become one of these, and capitalize on the opportunities already coming around the corner. The real challenge here to you is to pick up the gauntlet and get your name on the short list.


Now rethink how to transcend the ordinary and achieve the extraordinary.  

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