Saturday, October 14, 2023


 首先去见上帝 Shǒuxiān qù jiàn shàngdì 


●Have you ever found yourselves entangled in a seemingly never-ending cycle of mistakes, poor decisions, or disappointments? 你是否曾经发现自己陷入了看似永无休止的错误、糟糕的决定或失望的循环之中? Nǐ shìfǒu céngjīng fāxiàn zìjǐ xiànrùle kàn shì yǒng wú xiūzhǐ de cuòwù, zāogāo de juédìng huò shīwàng de xúnhuán zhī zhōng? Вы когда-нибудь оказывались в, казалось бы, нескончаемом цикле ошибок, плохих решений или разочарований? Vy kogda-nibud' okazyvalis' v, kazalos' by, neskonchayemom tsikle oshibok, plokhikh resheniy ili razocharovaniy?

●It's a disheartening place to be feeling as if no matter what you do, you can't seem to break free from the patterns that bind you. 这是一个令人沮丧的地方,感觉无论你做什么,似乎都无法摆脱束缚你的模式。Zhè shì yīgè lìng rén jǔsàng dì dìfāng, gǎnjué wúlùn nǐ zuò shénme, sìhū dōu wúfǎ bǎituō shùfù nǐ de móshì. Это прискорбно – чувствовать, что, что бы ты ни делал, ты не можешь освободиться от связывающих тебя шаблонов. Eto priskorbno – chuvstvovat', chto, chto by ty ni delal, ty ne mozhesh' osvobodit'sya ot svyazyvayushchikh tebya shablonov.

●In moments like these, we often question our worth. We may question our abilities and sometimes even the goodness of God. We may wonder why I can't get it right. What's wrong with me? 在这样的时刻,我们经常质疑自己的价值。 我们可能会质疑自己的能力,有时甚至质疑神的良善。 我们可能想知道为什么我不能把它做好。 我怎么了?Zài zhè yàng de shí kè, wǒ men jīng cháng zhí yí zì jǐ de jià zhí. Wǒ men kě néng huì zhí yí zì jǐ de néng lì, yǒu shí shèn zhì zhí yí shén de liáng shàn. Wǒ men kě néng xiǎng zhī dào wèi shéme wǒ bùnéng bǎ tā zuò hǎo. Wǒ zěnmeliǎo? В такие моменты мы часто подвергаем сомнению свою ценность. Мы можем сомневаться в своих способностях, а иногда даже в благости Бога. Мы можем задаться вопросом, почему я не могу понять это правильно. Что со мной не так? V takiye momenty my chasto podvergayem somneniyu svoyu tsennost'. My mozhem somnevat'sya v svoikh sposobnostyakh, a inogda dazhe v blagosti Boga. My mozhem zadat'sya voprosom, pochemu ya ne mogu ponyat' eto pravil'no. Chto so mnoy ne tak?

●But let us think about this for a moment. What would your life look like if you consistently seek God's wisdom before making any decisions, my friends. 但让我们想一下这个问题。 我的朋友们,如果你在做出任何决定之前始终寻求上帝的智慧,你的生活会是什么样子。Dàn ràng wǒmen xiǎng yīxià zhège wèntí. Wǒ de péngyǒumen, rúguǒ nǐ zài zuò chū rènhé juédìng zhīqián shǐzhōng xúnqiú shàngdì de zhìhuì, nǐ de shēnghuó huì shì shénme yàngzi. Но давайте задумаемся об этом на минутку. Друзья мои, как бы выглядела ваша жизнь, если бы вы постоянно искали Божьей мудрости, прежде чем принимать какие-либо решения? No davayte zadumayemsya ob etom na minutku. Druz'ya moi, kak by vyglyadela vasha zhizn', yesli by vy postoyanno iskali Bozh'yey mudrosti, prezhde chem prinimat' kakiye-libo resheniya?

●I want to talk to you today about the unparalleled power that unfolds when you choose to go to God first in all things. 今天我想和你谈谈,当你选择在所有事情上首先转向上帝时,就会展现出无与伦比的力量。Jīn tiān wǒ xiǎng hé nǐ tán tán, dāng nǐ xuǎnzé zài suǒyǒu shìqíng shàng shǒuxiān zhuǎnxiàng shàngdì shí, jiù huì zhǎnxiàn chū wúyǔlúnbǐ de lìliàng

Сегодня я хочу поговорить с вами о беспрецедентной силе, которая раскрывается, когда вы решаете в первую очередь обращаться к Богу во всем. Segodnya ya khochu pogovorit' s vami o bespretsedentnoy sile, kotoraya raskryvayetsya, kogda vy reshayete v pervuyu ochered' obrashchat'sya k Bogu vo vsem.

● Let me just quickly and gently remind you that I'm also going to pray a powerful prayer with you in the mighty name of Jesus. So believe until the end and open your hearts to receive the blessings of this prayer. 让我快速而温柔地提醒您,我还将奉耶稣大能的名与您一起进行有力的祈祷。 所以相信直到最后并敞开心扉接受这个祈祷的祝福。Ràng wǒ kuàisù ér wēnróu de tíxǐng nín, wǒ hái jiāng fèng yēsū dà néng de míng yǔ nín yīqǐ jìnxíng yǒulì de qídǎo. Suǒyǐ xiāngxìn zhídào zuìhòu bìng chǎngkāi xīnfēi jiēshòu zhège qídǎo de zhùfú. Позвольте мне просто быстро и мягко напомнить вам, что я также собираюсь помолиться с вами мощной молитвой во могущественное имя Иисуса. Так что верьте до конца и откройте свои сердца, чтобы получить благословения этой молитвы. Pozvol'te mne prosto bystro i myagko napomnit' vam, chto ya takzhe sobirayus' pomolit'sya s vami moshchnoy molitvoy vo mogushchestvennoye imya Iisusa. Tak chto ver'te do kontsa i otkroyte svoi serdtsa, chtoby poluchit' blagosloveniya etoy molitvy.

●Now, the words of Jesus in Matthew 6: 33 offer solid scriptural support for the power that comes from seeking God first in all aspects of life . Jesus said , " but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you." 现在,耶稣在马太福音 6:33 中的话为在生活的各个方面首先寻求上帝所带来的力量提供了坚实的圣经支持。 耶稣说:“你们要先求神的国和神的义,这些东西都要加给你们了。” Xiànzài, yēsū zài mǎ tài fúyīn 6:33 Zhōng dehuà wèi zài shēnghuó de gège fāngmiàn shǒuxiān xúnqiú shàngdì suǒ dài lái de lìliàng tígōngle jiānshí de shèngjīng zhīchí. Yēsū shuō:“Nǐmen yào xiān qiú shén de guó hé shén de yì, zhèxiē dōngxī dū yào jiā gěi nǐmenle.” Теперь слова Иисуса в Евангелии от Матфея 6:33 предлагают надежную библейскую поддержку силы, которая приходит от поиска Бога в первую очередь во всех аспектах жизни. Иисус сказал: «Но ищите прежде Царства Божия и правды Его, и все это приложится вам». Teper' slova Iisusa v Yevangelii ot Matfeya 6:33 predlagayut nadezhnuyu bibleyskuyu podderzhku sily, kotoraya prikhodit ot poiska Boga v pervuyu ochered' vo vsekh aspektakh zhizni. Iisus skazal: «No ishchite prezhde Tsarstva Bozhiya i pravdy Yego, i vse eto prilozhitsya vam».

●This verse assures us that when we prioritize God and His kingdom, He takes care of the other needs and concerns that we have. This is the unparalleled power that comes with putting God first.这节经文向我们保证,当我们优先考虑上帝和他的国度时,他就会照顾我们的其他需求和担忧。 这就是将神放在第一位所带来的无与伦比的力量。 Zhè jié jīng wén xiàng wǒmen bǎozhèng, dāng wǒmen yōuxiān kǎolǜ shàngdì hé tā de guódù shí, tā jiù huì zhàogù wǒmen de qítā xūqiú hé dānyōu. Zhè jiùshì jiāng shén fàng zài dì yī wèi suǒ dài lái de wúyǔlúnbǐ de lìliàng.Этот стих уверяет нас, что, когда мы ставим Бога и Его Царство на первое место, Он заботится о других наших нуждах и заботах. Это беспрецедентная сила, которая приходит, когда Бог ставится на первое место. Etot stikh uveryayet nas, chto, kogda my stavim Boga i Yego Tsarstvo na pervoye mesto, On zabotitsya o drugikh nashikh nuzhdakh i zabotakh. Eto bespretsedentnaya sila, kotoraya prikhodit, kogda Bog stavitsya na pervoye mesto.

● Also, in the book of Isaiah in chapter 26 , verse 3 , we find this profound assurance : " You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You." This speaks not just to the peace we crave but also to the transformation that occurs when we make God our first point of contact in every situation now. 此外,在《以赛亚书》第 26 章第 3 节中,我们发现了这一深刻的保证:“凡心系你的人,因信靠你,你必保守他完全平安。” 这不仅说明了我们渴望的平安,也说明了当我们现在在任何情况下都以上帝为第一接触点时所发生的转变。Cǐwài, zài “yǐ sài yà shū” dì 26 zhāng dì 3 jié zhōng, wǒmen fāxiànle zhè yī shēnkè de bǎozhèng:“Fánxīn xì nǐ de rén, yīn xìn kào nǐ, nǐ bì bǎoshǒu tā wánquán píng'ān.” Zhè bùjǐn shuōmíngliǎo wǒmen kěwàng de píng'ān, yě shuōmíngliǎo dāng wǒmen xiànzài zài rènhé qíngkuàng xià dōu yǐ shàngdì wèi dì yī jiēchù diǎn shí suǒ fāshēng de zhuǎnbiàn.Кроме того, в книге Исаии, глава 26, стих 3, мы находим эту глубокую уверенность: «Ты сохранишь в совершенном мире того, чьи мысли обращены к Тебе, потому что он уповает на Тебя». Это говорит не только о мире, которого мы жаждем, но и о трансформации, которая происходит, когда мы делаем Бога нашей первой точкой соприкосновения в любой ситуации сейчас. Krome togo, v knige Isaii, glava 26, stikh 3, my nakhodim etu glubokuyu uverennost': «Ty sokhranish' v sovershennom mire togo, ch'i mysli obrashcheny k Tebe, potomu chto on upovayet na Tebya». Eto govorit ne tol'ko o mire, kotorogo my zhazhdem, no i o transformatsii, kotoraya proiskhodit, kogda my delayem Boga nashey pervoy tochkoy soprikosnoveniya v lyuboy situatsii seychas.

●In the scriptures, we encounter different stories of those who, just like some of us today, were stuck in cycles of setbacks and failures. 在经文中,我们遇到了一些人的不同故事,他们就像我们今天的一些人一样,陷入了挫折和失败的循环之中。 Zài jīng wénzhōng, wǒmen yù dàole yīxiē rén de bùtóng gùshì, tāmen jiù xiàng wǒmen jīntiān de yīxiē rén yīyàng, xiànrùle cuòzhé hé shībài de xúnhuán zhī zhōng.В Священных Писаниях мы встречаем разные истории о тех, кто, как и некоторые из нас сегодня, застрял в циклах неудач и неудач. V Svyashchennykh Pisaniyakh my vstrechayem raznyye istorii o tekh, kto, kak i nekotoryye iz nas segodnya, zastryal v tsiklakh neudach i neudach.

● Consider the story of Samson a man of great strength but weak will power who found himself in a pattern of poor decisions, the prayer in the book of Judges chapter 16 verses 28 to 30 is a crucial moment in the life of Samson. 考虑一下参孙的故事,他是一个力量强大但意志力薄弱的人,发现自己陷入了错误决策的模式中,士师记第16章28至30节中的祈祷是参孙一生中的关键时刻。 Kǎolǜ yīxià cān sūn de gùshì, tā shì yīgè lìliàng qiángdà dàn yìzhì lì bóruò de rén, fāxiàn zìjǐ xiànrùle cuòwù juécè de móshì zhōng, shì shī jì dì 16 zhāng 28 zhì 30 jié zhōng de qídǎo shì cān sūn yīshēng zhōng de guānjiàn shíkè. Рассмотрим историю Самсона, человека огромной силы, но слабой силы воли, который оказался в ряду плохих решений. Молитва в книге Судей, глава 16, стихи с 28 по 30, является решающим моментом в жизни Самсона. Rassmotrim istoriyu Samsona, cheloveka ogromnoy sily, no slaboy sily voli, kotoryy okazalsya v ryadu plokhikh resheniy. Molitva v knige Sudey, glava 16, stikhi s 28 po 30, yavlyayetsya reshayushchim momentom v zhizni Samsona.

●It goes as follows, then Samson prays to the Lord, saying, "O Lord God, remember me, I pray strengthen me. I pray just this once o God that I may with one blow take vengeance on the Philistines for my two eyes." 事情是这样的,参孙向耶和华祷告说:“主啊,求你记念我,求你赐力量给我。上帝啊,求你一击,为我的两只眼睛向非利士人报仇。” Shìqíng shì zhèyàng de, cān sūn xiàng yēhéhuá dǎogào shuō:“Zhǔ a, qiú nǐ jìniàn wǒ, qiú nǐ cì lìliàng gěi wǒ. Shàngdì a, qiú nǐ yī jī, wèi wǒ de liǎng zhī yǎnjīng xiàng fēi lì shì rén bàochóu.” Это происходит следующим образом, затем Самсон молится Господу, говоря: «О Господи Боже, помяни меня, я молю, укрепи меня. Я молю только один раз, Боже, чтобы я мог одним ударом отомстить филистимлянам за мои два глаза. Eto proiskhodit sleduyushchim obrazom, zatem Samson molitsya Gospodu, govorya: «O Gospodi Bozhe, pomyani menya, ya molyu, ukrepi menya. YA molyu tol'ko odin raz, Bozhe, chtoby ya mog odnim udarom otomstit' filistimlyanam za moi dva glaza.

● And Samson took hold of the two middle pillars, which supported the temple, and he braced himself against them. One on his right and the other on his left, then Samson said let me die with the Philistines. And he pushed with all his might, and the temple fell on the lots and all the people who were in it. So the dead that he killed at his death were more than he had killed in his life . 参孙抓住支撑圣殿的中间两根柱子,用力抵住它们。 一个在他的右边,另一个在他的左边,然后参孙说让我和非利士人一起死吧。 他用尽全力一推,圣殿就倒塌了,压在了空地和里面所有的人身上。 所以说,他死时所杀的人,比他生前所杀的人还要多。Cān sūn zhuā zhù zhīchēng shèng diàn de zhōngjiān liǎng gēn zhùzi, yònglì dǐ zhù tāmen. Yīgè zài tā de yòubiān, lìng yīgè zài tā de zuǒbiān, ránhòu cān sūn shuō ràng wǒ hé fēi lì shì rén yīqǐ sǐ ba. Tā yòng jìn quánlì yī tuī, shèng diàn jiù dǎotāle, yā zàile kòngdì hé lǐmiàn suǒyǒu de rén shēnshang. Suǒyǐ shuō, tā sǐ shí suǒ shā de rén, bǐ tā shēngqián suǒ shā de rén hái yào duō.  И ухватился Самсон за два средних столба, которые поддерживали храм, и прижался к ним. Один справа от него, другой слева, тогда Самсон сказал: дай мне умереть с филистимлянами. И он толкнул изо всех сил, и храм упал на жребий и всех людей, которые были в нем. Таким образом, мертвых, которых он убил после своей смерти, было больше, чем он убил за свою жизнь. I ukhvatilsya Samson za dva srednikh stolba, kotoryye podderzhivali khram, i prizhalsya k nim.  Odin sprava ot nego, drugoy sleva, togda Samson skazal: day mne umeret' s filistimlyanami.  I on tolknul izo vsekh sil, i khram upal na zhrebiy i vsekh lyudey, kotoryye byli v nem.  Takim obrazom, mertvykh, kotorykh on ubil posle svoyey smerti, bylo bol'she, chem on ubil za svoyu zhizn'.

●In these verses, Samson, who had been betrayed, captured, and blinded by the Philistines, calls out to God and a final plea for strength. His prayer is one of repentance petition and ultimately trust in God's purpose for his life. 在这些经文中,被非利士人出卖、俘虏和蒙蔽的参孙向上帝呼求,并最后祈求力量。 他的祈祷是悔改请求之一,并最终相信上帝对他生命的目的。Zài zhè xiē jīng wén zhōng, bèi fēi lì shì rén chū mài, fú lǔ hé méng bì de cān sūn xiàng shàng dì hū qiú, bìng zuì hòu qí qiú lì liàng. Tā de qí dǎo shì huǐgǎi qǐng qiú zhī yī, bìng zuì zhōng xiāng xìn shàng dì duì tā shēng mìng de mù dì. В этих стихах Самсон, который был предан, схвачен и ослеплен филистимлянами, взывает к Богу и просит о силе. Его молитва — это прошение о покаянии и, в конечном итоге, вера в Божий замысел для его жизни. V etikh stikhakh Samson, kotoryy byl predan, skhvachen i osleplen filistimlyanami, vzyvayet k Bogu i prosit o sile. Yego molitva — eto prosheniye o pokayanii i, v konechnom itoge, vera v Bozhiy zamysel dlya yego zhizni.

●It serves as a reminder that even in our lowest moments, when we reach out to God, He listens. 它提醒我们,即使在我们最低谷的时刻,当我们向上帝伸出援手时,他也会倾听。Tā tíxǐng wǒmen, jíshǐ zài wǒmen zuìdī gǔ de shíkè, dāng wǒmen xiàng shàng dì shēn chū yuán shǒu shí, tā yě huì qīng tīng. Это служит напоминанием о том, что даже в самые тяжелые моменты, когда мы обращаемся к Богу, Он слушает. Eto sluzhit napominaniyem o tom, chto dazhe v samyye tyazhelyye momenty, kogda my obrashchayemsya k Bogu, On slushayet.

●Despite his repeated failures and lapses in judgment, Samson had a moment of redemption when he made God his priority. Even if it was in the final moments of his life. 尽管参孙一再失败,判断失误,但当他把神放在第一位时,他就有了救赎的时刻。 即使那是在他生命的最后时刻。Jǐn guǎn cān sūn yī zài shī bài, pàn duàn shī wù, dàn dāng tā bǎ shén fàng zài dì yī wèi shí, tā jiù yǒule jiùshú de shíkè. Jí shǐ nà shì zài tā shēng mìng de zuì hòu shí kè. Несмотря на свои неоднократные неудачи и ошибки в суждениях, у Самсона наступил момент искупления, когда он сделал Бога своим приоритетом. Даже если это было в последние минуты его жизни. Nesmotrya na svoi neodnokratnyye neudachi i oshibki v suzhdeniyakh, u Samsona nastupil moment iskupleniya, kogda on sdelal Boga svoim prioritetom. Dazhe yesli eto bylo v posledniye minuty yego zhizni.

●Consider that his prayer was for strength and it was to fulfill God's Will. And in doing so, he broke free from his cycle of poor decisions and mistakes,  even though it was at a tremendous cost. 想想他的祈祷是为了获得力量,是为了实现上帝的旨意。 通过这样做,他摆脱了糟糕决策和错误的循环,尽管为此付出了巨大的代价。Xiǎng xiǎng tā de qídǎo shì wèile huòdé lìliàng, shì wèile shíxiàn shàngdì de zhǐyì. Tōngguò zhèyàng zuò, tā bǎituōle zāogāo juécè hé cuòwù de xúnhuán, jǐnguǎn wèi cǐ fùchūle jùdà de dàijià.Учтите, что его молитва была о силе и о исполнении Воли Бога. И при этом он вырвался из цикла плохих решений и ошибок,  хотя это и стоило ему огромной цены. Uchtite, chto yego molitva byla o sile i o ispolnenii Voli Boga. I pri etom on vyrvalsya iz tsikla plokhikh resheniy i oshibok,  khotya eto i stoilo yemu ogromnoy tseny.

● My friends, making God your priority brings about a transformative power that can break even the strongest chains of repeated failure when you place God at the center. 我的朋友们,当你把神放在中心位置时,让神成为你的首要任务会带来一种变革的力量,甚至可以打破最坚固的重复失败的链条。Wǒ de péngyǒumen, dāng nǐ bǎ shén fàng zài zhōngxīn wèizhì shí, ràng shén chéngwéi nǐ de shǒu yào rèn wù huì dài lái yī zhǒng biàngé de lì liàng, shènzhì kěyǐ dǎpò zuì jiāngù de chóng fù shī bài de liàn tiáo. Друзья мои, сделав Бога своим приоритетом, вы обретете преобразующую силу, которая может разорвать даже самые крепкие цепи повторяющихся неудач, если вы поставите Бога в центр. Druz'ya moi, sdelav Boga svoim prioritetom, vy obretete preobrazuyushchuyu silu, kotoraya mozhet razorvat' dazhe samyye krepkiye tsepi povtoryayushchikhsya neudach, yesli vy postavite Boga v tsentr.

● You invite God's guidance and wisdom into your life.  Proverbs chapter 3, verses 5 to 6 tells us, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths. 您邀请上帝的指导和智慧进入您的生活。 箴言第三章五至六节告诉我们:“你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可倚靠自己的聪明;在你一切所行的事上,都要认定他,他必指引你的路。Nín yāoqǐng shàngdì de zhǐdǎo hé zhìhuì jìnrù nín de shēnghuó. Zhēnyán dì sān zhāng wǔ zhì liù jié gàosù wǒmen:“Nǐ yào zhuānxīn yǎnglài yēhéhuá, bùkě yǐkào zìjǐ de cōngmíng; zài nǐ yīqiè suǒ xíng de shì shàng, dōu yào rèndìng tā, tā bì zhǐyǐn nǐ de lù. Вы приглашаете Божье руководство и мудрость в свою жизнь. В Притчах, глава 3, стихи с 5 по 6 говорится: «Надейся на Господа всем сердцем твоим и не полагайся на разум твой; во всех путях твоих познавай Его, и Он направит стези твои. Vy priglashayete Bozh'ye rukovodstvo i mudrost' v svoyu zhizn'. V Pritchakh, glava 3, stikhi s 5 po 6 govoritsya: «Nadeysya na Gospoda vsem serdtsem tvoim i ne polagaysya na razum tvoy; vo vsekh putyakh tvoikh poznavay Yego, i On napravit stezi tvoi.

● When you surrender to God's direction,   He equips you with the wisdom to make better choices, thus breaking the cycle of repeated mistakes and poor decisions. But what does it mean to make God your priority in practical terms because by now you may have realized that our daily Jesus devotional channel is committed to giving you a more practical approach to living a victorious Christian life. 当你顺服上帝的指示时,他就会赋予你智慧,让你做出更好的选择,从而打破重复错误和糟糕决定的循环。 但实际上,让神成为你的首要任务意味着什么,因为现在你可能已经意识到,我们每日的耶稣灵修频道致力于为你提供一种更实际的方法来过得胜的基督徒生活。Dāng nǐ shùnfú shàngdì de zhǐshì shí, tā jiù huì fùyǔ nǐ zhìhuì, ràng nǐ zuò chū gèng hǎo de xuǎnzé, cóng'ér dǎpò chóngfù cuòwù hé zāogāo juédìng de xúnhuán. Dàn shíjì shang, ràng shén chéngwéi nǐ de shǒuyào rènwù yìwèizhe shénme, yīnwèi xiànzài nǐ kěnéng yǐjīng yìshí dào, wǒmen měi rì de yēsū líng xiū píndào zhìlì yú wèi nǐ tígōng yī zhǒng gèng shíjì de fāngfǎ láiguò déshèng de jīdū tú shēnghuó. Когда вы подчиняетесь указаниям Бога, Он дает вам мудрость сделать лучший выбор, тем самым разрывая порочный круг повторения ошибок и плохих решений. Но что на самом деле означает сделать Бога своим главным приоритетом, ведь, как вы, возможно, уже поняли, наш ежедневный канал «Служение Иисуса» посвящен тому, чтобы дать вам более практичный способ жить победоносной христианской жизнью.  Kogda vy podchinyayetes' ukazaniyam Boga, On dayet vam mudrost' sdelat' luchshiy vybor, tem samym razryvaya porochnyy krug povtoreniya oshibok i plokhikh resheniy.  No chto na samom dele oznachayet sdelat' Boga svoim glavnym prioritetom, ved', kak vy, vozmozhno, uzhe ponyali, nash yezhednevnyy kanal «Sluzheniye Iisusa» posvyashchen tomu, chtoby dat' vam boleye praktichnyy sposob zhit' pobedonosnoy khristianskoy zhizn'yu.

● So, back to the question what does it mean to make God your priority in practical terms. It all starts with surrender a deep intentional act of giving over your will, your decisions, and your actions to God. 那么,回到这个问题,实际上,让神成为你的首要任务意味着什么。 这一切都始于将你的意志、你的决定和你的行动交给上帝的深意行为。Nà me, huí dào zhège wèntí, shíjì shang, ràng shén chéngwéi nǐ de shǒuyào rènwù yìwèizhe shénme. Zhè yīqiè dōu shǐ yú jiāng nǐ de yìzhì, nǐ de jué dìng hé nǐ de xíng dòng jiāo gěi shàng dì de shēn yì xíng wéi. Итак, вернемся к вопросу, что значит сделать Бога своим приоритетом в практическом плане. Все начинается с глубокого намеренного акта подчинения своей воли, своих решений и своих действий Богу. Itak, vernemsya k voprosu, chto znachit sdelat' Boga svoim prioritetom v prakticheskom plane. Vse nachinayetsya s glubokogo namerennogo akta podchineniya svoyey voli, svoikh resheniy i svoikh deystviy Bogu.

●It means starting each day by seeking God's face, acknowledging your own  limitations and inviting God to lead you. 这意味着每天开始时寻求上帝的面,承认自己的局限性并邀请上帝来引导您。Zhè yìwèizhe měitiān kāishǐ shí xúnqiú shàngdì de miàn, chéngrèn zìjǐ de júxiàn xìng bìng yāoqǐng shàngdì lái yǐndǎo nín. Это значит начинать каждый день с поиска лица Бога, признания своих собственных ограничений и приглашения Бога вести вас. Eto znachit nachinat' kazhdyy den' s poiska litsa Boga, priznaniya svoikh sobstvennykh ogranicheniy i priglasheniya Boga vesti vas.

●Once you do this your actions and  decisions become influenced by God's Divine wisdom rather than your own flawed human judgment.

● But let us be honest here by doing this. It doesn't mean that you will never make a mistake again. However it does signify that over time your missteps will become fewer and fewer.

● Perhaps even ceasing altogether and even when you do falter, you have a  loving God to guide you back onto the right path.

● The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 8 verse 28. "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God to those who are the called according to His purpose."

● Even your past mistakes and bad   decisions can be transformed into a remarkable journey of redemption and grace when God is in charge.

● Friends, the cycle of mistakes disappointments and poor decisions can only be broken when we intentionally decide to make God the priority in our lives by aligning ourselves with his Divine wisdom and plan.

●We not only break free from the vicious cycles that hold us back but we also step into a new season; one of Grace, Redemption, and Endless Possibilities.

● In this new season every setback is a setup for a comeback and every failure is an opportunity for grace to abound. So let's break free today by making God our first and highest priority.

● Now let us explore seven compelling points about what happens when you seek God first in all your endeavors. These points are not merely theoretical. They are practical and grounded in the Living Word of God. 

◆Number one: God's blueprint unfolds   before you, my friends. How wonderful it is to know that our lives are not mere accidents or a series of random events when we trust in the Lord as Proverbs 28 verse 25 assures us, " he who trusts in the Lord will prosper", consider that this means that we are prospered in ways   that go beyond material wealth.

● Take the story of Noah for example. He lived in a world that had never seen rain. Did you realize that no mention is made of rain on the Earth until the flood in Genesis chapter 7.

●The Bible tells us that original Earth and the Garden of Eden were watered by streams rivers and mist instead of by   rain. Genesis 2 verse 5 says before any plant of the field was in the Earth and before any herb of the field had grown, for the Lord God had not caused it to rain on the Earth and there was no man to till the ground.

● Genesis 2 verse 6 goes on to say but a mist went up from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground. 

●And in verse 10 of Genesis 2 the scripture says, now a river went out of Eden to water the garden and from there it parted and became four riverheads yet even though it didn't rain before Noah was called to build an ark.

●To those around him the instruction appeared foolish but Noah understood something fundamental. He was operating according to a Divine blueprint. 

●This blueprint is not a sketch made by human hands but a meticulous plan designed by God Himself. All this that happened with Noah and the Ark highlights that the faith of Noah as described in Hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 was especially strong.

●Noah was warned about Things Not Seen which is perhaps a further indication that rain was not part of humanity's early experience. When we seek God first, we find ourselves walking according to his Divine blueprint plans that prosper us and not harm us. 23:58

●Plans that provide a future filled with hope. Our choices are no longer just reactions to circumstances. They become proactive steps guided by Divine wisdom.

● You begin to see life's challenges not as stumbling blocks but as stepping stones in the grand narrative that God has planned for you.

 My friends, the blueprint that God has for each of us is as unique as our fingerprints. It is tailored to you. Designed to bring out the best version of yourself. It's not about chasing dreams. 

●It's about fulfilling a destiny that only you can fulfill because it's specially made for you. Will you actively seek out this blueprint today. Offers a new beginning you can choose to live a life marked by purpose and direction.

● No more stumbling through days guided by trial and error. Opt for a life governed by Divine guidance. Let's make a conscious decision to be more like Noah to listen, to obey, and to watch as The Grand Design for our lives unfolds in magnificent ways.

◆Number two : a hedge of protection surrounds you when we make God our priority.

●Something incredible happens. We walk into a realm where we are protected by a power greater than ourselves.

● Look again at the story of the Prophet Elisha and his servant. They found  themselves in what seemed like a dire situation surrounded by an enemy army.

Yet Elisha was in trouble, he had sought God first and knew he was under Divine protection. He prayed, "Lord, I pray open his eyes that he may see, and his servant's eyes were opened to see an army of angels surrounding them offering Divine protection against their enemies.

● We need to understand that this protection doesn't make us immune to life's challenges but it gives us the strength to face them. It's a comforting assurance that we have a Defender and a Deliverer who fights our battles. 

●Going to God first, aligns us with this incredible protection helping us to face challenges with confidence. Imagine a life where you could avoid pitfalls, mistakes, poor decisions, and needless struggles because you are operating within a protective hedge that God places around you.

●Your steps would be surer, your courage greater and your victories sweeter just like Elisha and his servant. We are not alone. We have a fortress of divine   protection around us. 

●Friends, this isn't mere theology or doctrine. It's the testimony and real life experience of countless believers who have sought God first.

◆Number three : wisdom beyond years and education.

●Wisdom is not merely the privilege of the aged or educated. It's a gift from God available to anyone who seeks it. 

●Take the story of King Solomon's son Rehoboam for example. He chose to ignore wise counsel and instead listen to his young inexperienced friends leading to the division of the Kingdom. 

●In First Kings 12 :15, tells us the king did not listen to the people. For the turn of events was from the Lord, then he might fulfill His word. And Rehoboam sought God's wisdom. Perhaps history would tell a different tale.

● By seeking God first, you tap into a reservoir of wisdom that surpasses human understanding. This wisdom permeates every facet of life from relationships and career decisions to personal challenges and dilemmas. 

● You receive the wisdom to skillfully navigate life's complexities with clarity and ease. What is even more astounding is that this treasure trove of wisdom is available to all young and old, educated and uneducated alike. 

●All that's required is a humble heart willing to ask God for guidance.

● James chapter 3 verse 13 says, "who is wise and understanding among you, let him show by good conduct that his   works are done in the meekness of wisdom."

● So my friends, wisdom is available for the asking. Why would you ever choose to walk through life relying solely on human understanding. It doesn't make sense. I urge you to choose to walk in God's wisdom and when you walk in wisdom, your life will never be the same.

●And right now, I feel led to declare a blessing upon those of you who are a   part of our daily Jesus devotional Healthy Wealth family-friendly reader as you seek God first and choose to walk in God's wisdom, you will begin to see good  positive changes happening in your life, not just as a stroke of luck or coincidence but as tangible evidence of God's grace and goodness flowing through you, in the name of Jesus Christ. 

●Doors that were closed will be opened. You will experience healing in all aspects of your life. Chains will be broken. Divine breakthroughs will be the new norm. Relationships will be restored. You will experience the peace of God. You will be covered by God's protection. God's favor and goodness will follow after you.

●You will be a testimony of God's love and grace. In turn, your life will transform and become a living testimony and an inspiration for others.

●We declare in the name of Jesus Christ that those who bless us will also be  blessed. You're blessed to be a blessing, amen. 

●So a life where you seek God first is a life guided by Divine wisdom. It's a life filled with God's grace, love, peace, mercy, and goodness.

◆Number four : doors of opportunities swing open. How many of us have knocked on doors that never opened or chased opportunities that led to dead ends.

●Friends, when you delight yourself in the Lord as Psalm 37 verse 4 assures us, delight yourself also in the Lord and He shall give you the desires of your heart.

●God grants those desires in ways that often surprise us. Reconsider the storv of Joseph which can be found in the Book of Genesis chapters 37 to 50. Sold into slavery by his own brothers, falsely accused and imprisoned. Joseph's life seemed to be a series of unfortunate events.

● However, what seemed like setbacks were actually setups for God's greater plan. Eventually, Joseph rose to become the second most powerful man in Egypt , 'via Divine promotion' and was instrumental in saving not just his family but an entire nation from famine.

●When God is your priority, He has a way of turning what seems to be a dead end   into a doorway of hope and opportunity, just as Joseph went from the prison to   the Palace.  Your circumstances can change dramatically when you align yourself with God's plan.

● The unfavorable situations you're facing can become platforms for God to display His glory and provide deliverance. So, even when the odds seem to be against you, remember that God's ability to bring about a turnaround is unparalleled when God is your priority. 

●ONLY GOD CAN orchestrates your life in such a way that doors of opportunity not only open but swing wide open for you to walk through. It's not that life suddenly becomes a proverbial bed of roses but the struggles will lessen.

●It's as though the universe conspires in your favor aligning circumstances and people to propel you into your destiny. Remember the doors that God opens, no man can shut.

●When opportunities come your way, they are not just to elevate you but to fulfill God's specific purpose for your life. This makes them sustainable and fulfilling. 

●The key to unlocking this realm of Endless Possibilities is simple, seek God first.

◆ Number five : your relationships transform. A key aspect of our lives that  dramatically changes when we seek God first is our relationships. 

●Take the relationship between Jonathan and David as described in First Samuel chapters 18 to 20 as an interesting lesson. Jonathan was the son of King Saul and naturally next in line for the throne. The shepherd boy, David however was anointed by God to be the next king.

●Despite these conflicting destinies, Jonathan and David's friendship was so profoundly influenced by their devotion   to God that it overcame even the strongest of worldly challenges including Jonathan's father Saul who was seeking to kill David.

●Jonathan's actions to protect David were guided by a selfless love. A true love rooted in a relationship with God.

●This true story illustrates how seeking God first transforms not only our character but also our relationships. ●When we prioritize God first in our lives, our relationships bear the marks of divine wisdom, selfless love, enduring commitment and the courage to do what is right regardless of personal cost.

●So when God is the focal point of your life, don't be surprised when the quality of your relationships also improves. You will begin to attract people who are not just good for you but good for your soul. People who will challenge you, inspire you and encourage you in your walk with God. 

●Your relationships will become a source of joy and a wellspring of inspiration, strengthening you against life's storms.

●They become relationships that not only stand the test of time but also become partnerships in fulfilling God's purpose for your lives. Good company nourishes the soul. 

●My friends, make God your first priority and watch how your relationships transform.

◆ Number six : unshakable peace in uncertainty. We all face uncertainties that leave us restless, worried, and anxious.

● Yet, when we seek God first, we experience a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Even Jesus Christ in the face of his imminent crucifixion found solace and peace in communion with God his Father. Jesus prayed saying, "Father, if it is your will, take this cup away from me,   nevertheless not my will but yours be done."

● This is showing us the true peace comes from aligning our will with God's will. This peace is not merely the absence of trouble. It's an inner tranquility that sustains you even when chaos surrounds you.

● My friends, you can face uncertainties with a heart rooted in God's peace. This peace guards your mind and heart equipping you to face life's   unpredictabilities with resilience and faith .

◆Number seven :a life aligned with purpose. 

●My friends, let's consider one of the most profound benefits of making God your priority. A life infused with Divine Purpose reflect on the story of Esther.

●She was a young Jewish woman in a foreign land who became Queen by what   some might call a twist of fate. Yet Esther realized her High position was not a mere accident but part of a divine plan. 

●The moment she made God her priority , she stepped into her role as a vessel of deliverance for her people.

●She courageously declared if I perish I perish. Recognizing that her royal role was divinely orchestrated to save her people from destruction.

●When God becomes the compass by which you navigate your life, you align with a purpose that surpasses your wildest dreams and ambitions. You become part of a grand narrative that is far more magnificent than anything you could ever conceive. Your life is no longer just about you. It becomes about fulfilling a divine plan.

● Jeremiah 29 verse 11 assures us, for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

● Imagine waking up every day with a sense of divine mission. Your actions, decisions, and relationships all aligned with the purpose that transcends the here and now.

●You're not caught up in the rat race or endless pursuits of earthly achievements . Instead, you're committed to heavenly   ambitions that echo into eternity like Esther. 

●You come to realize that you are where you are for such a time as this, my friends.

●Aligning your life with God's purpose transforms the ordinary into the  meaningful. No task is too small¡ no challenge too great when you realize that you are part of God's magnificent plan. 

●What you do is saturated with eternal significance because you are operating in the realm of Divine Purpose. Your life becomes a meaningful chapter in The Grand narrative that God is unfolding. ●Remember stepping into your Divine Purpose doesn't mean you won't face trials or difficulties. Esther risked her life when she decided to approach the king uninvited.

●However, it does mean that whatever you face, you face it with the assurance that you are in the will of God. You can confidently say like Esther, if I perish I perish.

●Knowing that fulfilling God's purpose is the highest achievement you can attain.   This conviction aligns with the words of Jesus in Matthew 16 verse 25. Where he said, "for whoever desires to save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

● It reiterates that the pursuit of God's will often requires us to step beyond our comfort zones. Risking it all for something far greater than self-preservation.

● In a world that often seems aimless and without direction, living a life aligned with Divine Purpose offers an anchor. It's not just about going to heaven when you die.

●It's about bringing a bit of Heaven to Earth while you live.

●It's about being a vessel through which God's love, grace, power can flow into the world when your life aligns with God's purpose. You don't just exist as I often will tell you. You will thrive and in thriving you become a beacon of hope, light and love to those around you.

●Friends and families, today I extend an invitation to you all.

●An invitation to seek God first. As you do this, you will find that God's blueprint unfolds before you. 

●A hedge of protection surrounds you. Wisdom beyond years and education, is granted to you. Doors of opportunities swing open. Your relationships transform. You are enveloped by an unshakable peace in the face of uncertainty and you live a life that is aligned with Divine Purpose.

●And also, you will find that you have several testimonies to share with us. So my friends ,let's embrace the Abundant Life that Springs forth when we make God our first priority. 

●As Jeremiah 29 :13 says, "And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."

● So, will you accept this invitation today. Go to God first.

●Seek God as your first priority and don't be surprised as your life undergoes a transformation you never thought possible. 

●Now to all those within the sound of my voice, let us go to the Lord in prayer.

●I want you to pray this prayer with me so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer. Let us pray :  To our gracious and merciful God, Heavenly Father, the Alpha and the Omega, The Giver of wisdom and the sustainer of life. To You be all glory and honor. You are deserving of all my praise. Your love is Everlasting and your mercies endureth forever. Great is your faithfulness, Lord. Let your will be done on Earth and in my life as it is in heaven. Father, I come before You in humility, acknowledging that I have fallen short of Your glory. Forgive me for my sins as I also forgive others who have sinned against me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I declare freedom from the chains of confusion and a lack of purpose. I rebuke every force that may be working against your Divine wisdom and perfect  will for my life. Lord God grant me the wisdom to seek You first in all things. Align my thoughts, my decisions, and my relationships with Your heavenly wisdom and Divine Purpose. Lord God let my life be meaningful and reflect Your glory and Your redemption. Father I pray for an increase in my understanding. May your Abundant Blessings flow in every area of my life. I declare healing over my body, mind and spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ. And I also declare healing over my loved ones. Lord, by your stripes, we are healed. Build a hedge around us, Lord , to deliver us from every snare of the enemy and surround us with Your Divine favor and protection. Father, I pray that my loved ones and friends will also experience Your incredible Grace and love. May they draw nearer to You dear Lord, for Your Word tells us that if we draw near to You, You will draw near to us. Lord God as I believe this prayer together with everyone reading and praying, I thank you for every heart that is opening before you right now. For those of us who are struggling with life's purpose, Lord may You Reveal Your Divine plan for our lives. Order our steps. Dear Lord Father for those who are trapped in cycles of bad decisions, mistakes, disappointments, and poor choices, we ask that You grant us strength. Break those chains and set us free. For those with fractured relationships, may Your transformative love mend and restore what has been broken. According to Your will for our lives is Your Word in Matthew 15 verse 26 reminds us that healing is the children's bread and so as your beloved children, we humbly claim this promise right now. Lord we ask that Your healing hand touch us right where we are meeting. Every sickness and disease every pain and area of discomfort, every emotional wound and concern, every addiction, every mental challenge that may lead to feelings of worry, anxiety and depression and every area that lacks wholeness, in the name of Jesus Christ we bind every force that comes against our health and well-being. Lord we thank you for bringing restoration to our bodies , peace to our minds and rejuvenation to our spirits. We gladly and gratefully claim these blessings and promises as we come in agreement in the name of Jesus Christ. Father, we are grateful that as we seek You first, You are making all the good difference in our lives. Thank you, Lord, for hearing and answering my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I pray, amen."

●If you were blessed by this post today, type the word 'amen' , so be it, reply section below. God bless you 🙏. 

●I declare that all the blessings of this prayer are now upon you in the name of Jesus Christ. 

You can help me to reach more suffering persons and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ today.

You can do this by sharing the prayer and post, with a friend or family member who you know needs the blessing of this  prayer. 

Share more posts that will bless your heart and uplift your spirit.

We appreciate all those who visit here. You're blessed to be a blessing.

●Now for those who are reading and you want to accept Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, I urge you to receive God's grace with an open and repentant heart.

●Just start where you are. Your past (whatever it may be) doesn't matter. Jesus came to seek and to save those   that are lost. God loves you. It is not God's will that anyone should perish but for all to come to repentance.

● Sincerely pray this simple salvation prayer for yourself:  "Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite you to come into my heart and life now. I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior. Lord Jesus hear my prayer, I pray. Thank you Lord for saving me. Amen."

● Now that you have prayed this prayer, you can ask a pastor to baptize you at a local church and make that decision public baptism is a testimony of that decision to follow Lord Jesus Christ. 

● I then encourage you to have fellowship with other believers to learn more about your new life in Christ and to get to know more about God Word from the Holy Bible.  

● If you wish, please feel free to leave your prayer requests in the comments section below so that we can present them before God for your blessings and victory.

Also we invite other believers on the HEALTHY WEALTH platform here and all readers over the world to join us and start praying for you, right now.

●And we want you to know that even if you don't see a reply to your prayer request, it doesn't mean that you were not prayed for.

● You can rest assured that we are actively lifting up each request to God that is in accordance with His will . ●We believe in the power of prayer to bring comfort, healing and guidance, in accordance with God's perfect plan.

 ●To God be all the glory, honor and praises.

May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

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