Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Pilihan Raya Presiden Rakyat Singapura

 Pilihan Raya Presiden Rakyat Singapura


  Bukankah pelik bahawa walaupun ramai rakyat Singapura berbangga kerana percaya bahawa kita telah tiba sebagai rakyat ekonomi yang maju, ironinya ialah mengapa masih ramai di kalangan kita yang tidak dapat berfikir secara kritis?

  Ambil contoh PE2023 yang akan datang, bukankah ia seperti perkahwinan yang diatur apabila semua calon mesti ditapis dan diluluskan oleh kerajaan pimpinan PAP sebelum rakyat boleh membuat keputusan?

  Adakah PAP benar-benar berfikir bahawa ia masih mempunyai kuasa moral untuk memainkan peranan bapa dalam kehidupan rakyat Singapura?

  Seperti golongan elit lama yang berusaha untuk mengatur perkahwinan dalam kalangan mereka sendiri, PAP masih terperangkap dalam pemikiran songsang ini bahawa hanya mereka boleh menarik calon terbaik dan semua menteri mereka "lebih putih daripada putih".

  Sebenarnya, penggunaan politik wang untuk menarik dan mengekalkan ahli politik dan aktivisnya telah mula menjadi bumerang terhadap mereka seperti yang dapat kita lihat daripada skandal yang tidak berkesudahan dan hubungan luar nikah yang telah melanda PAP selama ini.

  Kelemahan Sistemik Dalam Mekanisme Kelayakan Digunakan Dalam PE2023:

  Seperti karma buruk, skandal yang tidak berkesudahan, dan penghakisan kepercayaan dan moral PAP juga telah memperbesar kelemahan sistemik dalam mekanisme kelayakan yang digunakan dalam pilihan raya kita, terutamanya dalam PE2023 yang akan datang.

  Walaupun Tharman Shanmugaratnam mungkin layak sendiri dengan pelantikan menterinya untuk bertanding pada PE2023, beliau juga boleh dilucutkan kelayakan secara teknikal oleh Jawatankuasa Pilihan Raya Presiden "PEC", yang diberikan "Kuasa Budi Bicara" yang sangat besar walaupun ia tidak diberi mandat oleh rakyat, untuk kerugian besar S$30.8 bilion yang dialami MAS semasa beliau menjadi pengerusi mereka.

  Ini betul-betul dinyatakan oleh Michelle Lee, yang telah mengemukakan petisyen untuk Dr Tan Cheng Bock bertanding dalam PE2023.

  Perkara yang sama berlaku untuk kebanyakan golongan elit PAP yang hanya boleh masuk ke mana-mana Pilihan Raya Presiden hanya kerana mereka semua diberi sejenis meterai empayar.

  Tahukah anda Tan Chuan Jin, Speaker Parlimen yang dimalukan masih boleh layak ke PE2023 jika beliau memutuskan untuk masuk kerana beliau tidak dipecat oleh PM Lee Hsien Loong tetapi beliau dibenarkan meletak jawatan, dan oleh itu, kekalkan semua faedah dan faedah persaraannya, termasuk haknya untuk bertanding dalam PE2023 atau seterusnya?

  Jika dia berbuat demikian, adakah PEC berani membatalkan kelayakannya berdasarkan "bukti keadaan" yang kukuh bahawa hubungan luar nikahnya membuktikan bahawa dia bukan seorang yang berakhlak baik, dan akhirnya juga membuktikan bahawa kriteria kelayakan semasa yang memihak kepada ahli politik adalah cacat dan perlu dibatalkan?

  Bagaimana jika Chan Chun Sing, Menteri Pendidikan memutuskan untuk bertanding dalam Pilihan Raya Presiden dan akhirnya tidak dapat melafazkan Ikrar Negara semasa menjadi tuan rumah kepada tetamu kenamaan asing?

  Perkara yang sama juga berlaku jika Vivian Balakrishnan atau S. Shanmugam, yang walaupun mengalami kegagalan Ridout yang memalukan, memutuskan untuk bertanding dalam mana-mana Pilihan Raya Presiden kita.

  Daripada kesemua empat perserta Tan yang bertanding dalam PE2011, berapa ramai yang sedar bahawa Tan Kin Lian "secara teknikal" masih layak untuk bertanding dalam PE2023 walaupun menjadi satu-satunya calon yang kehilangan deposit pilihan raya?

  Sekarang, bolehkah anda melihat betapa bodoh dan rosaknya mekanisme kelayakan semasa yang digunakan dalam PE2023 sebenarnya?

  Dengan cara yang menyakitkan, bukankah PE2023, dalam bentuknya sekarang, sebuah perkahwinan yang diatur di mana kita, rakyat Singapura, hanya boleh memilih daripada salah seorang calon yang telah disenarai pendek oleh kerajaan pimpinan PAP untuk kita?

  Adakah ini demokratik atau logik untuk sebuah negara yang sepatutnya menjadi Negara Dunia Pertama?

  Jika rakyat tidak memberikan "Kuasa Budi Bicara" kepada PEC, maka dari mana mereka mendapat kuasa budi bicara mereka?

  Berdasarkan kuasa budi bicara yang diberikan kepada PEC ini, bukankah ia atas perkhidmatan orang yang melantik mereka?

  Kuasa Satu Rakyat Bersatu - Jalan Demokrasi Ke Hadapan Sebagai Sebuah Negara:

  Sudah tiba masanya untuk rakyat Singapura berdiri sebagai "Satu Rakyat Bersatu" jika kita ingin menamatkan semua kebodohan dan kebodohan yang melanda sistem demokrasi dan mekanisme pilihan raya kita untuk memastikan meritokrasi akan menang secara konsisten mengatasi biasa-biasa sahaja, dengan mempunyai orang yang terbaik di kalangan kita. untuk mewakili bukan sahaja parlimen kita tetapi juga pejabat awam tertinggi di negara ini, iaitu pejabat Presiden.

  Sungguh karma bahawa cara kerajaan pimpinan PAP cuba menjalankan penyiasatannya sendiri yang melibatkan menteri dan ahli parlimennya sendiri hanya menyemarakkan lagi jenaka politik yang dibisikkan di kedai-kedai kopi di seluruh Singapura, dan dalam proses itu, menjadikan lelaki itu. dalam putih kelihatan sangat kotor hari ini.

  Tetapi mengapa kerajaan pimpinan PAP, walaupun sudah mempunyai kawalan penuh ke atas semua estet kuasa di Singapura masih bertegas untuk mengekalkan Pejabat Presiden untuk diri sendiri? 

Itulah sebabnya bagi mereka yang masih bodoh bercakap tentang mengekalkan Dr Tan untuk pilihan raya umum akan datang, jangan terkejut bahawa mereka mungkin akhirnya menarik Dr Tan dan legasinya ke dalam perangkap samar yang ditubuhkan oleh PAP, bukan?

   Singapura sememangnya berada dalam krisis satu generasi dan kita semua perlu melangkaui usaha mementingkan diri sendiri dan politik kepartian jika kita semua ikhlas untuk menyelamatkan negara kita daripada terus memalukan dan skandal.

   Saya berharap lebih ramai rakyat Singapura akan bertindak dan memainkan peranan mereka dengan tegas menolak "perkahwinan yang diatur" ini jika kita masih percaya bahawa rakyat Singapura berhak mendapat yang lebih baik...

   Pautan untuk petisyen:

 Singaporeans Presidential Election


Isn’t it weird that while many Singaporeans take pride in believing that we have arrived as citizens of an advanced economy, the irony is why are there still so many among us who could not think critically? 

Take the upcoming PE2023 as an example, isn’t it like an arranged marriage when all the candidates must be screened and approved by the PAP-led government before the people can get to decide?

Does the PAP really think that it still has the moral authority to play the paternal role in the lives of Singaporeans?

Like the elites of old who strive to arrange marriage among its own circle, the PAP is still trapped in this perverse thinking that only they can attract the best candidates and all their ministers are “whiter than white”.

Truth is, the use of money politics to attract and retain its politicians and activists has started to backfire on the them as we can see from the endless scandals and extra-marital affairs that have been plaguing the PAP all these past years.

Systemic Flaws In Qualifying Mechanism Used In PE2023:

Like a bad karma, the endless scandals, and the erosion of trust and morality of the PAP has also magnified the systemic flaws in the qualifying mechanism used in our elections, especially in the upcoming PE2023.

While Tharman Shanmugaratnam may be self-qualified by his ministerial appointments to contest in PE2023, he can also be technically disqualified by the Presidential Election Committee “PEC”, who is vested with tremendous amount of “Discretionary Power” despite it not being mandated by the people, for the massive S$30.8 billion loss suffered by MAS when he was their chairman.

This was rightly pointed out by Michelle Lee, who has put up a petition for Dr Tan Cheng Bock to stand in PE2023.

The same is true for many of those PAP-elites who can simply just walk into any Presidential Election just because they were all given some kind of imperial seals.

Do you know that Tan Chuan Jin, the disgraced Speaker of Parliament can still qualify for PE2023 if he decided to enter because he was not sacked by PM Lee Hsien Loong but was allowed to resign from his post, and as such, get to keep all his retirement perks and benefits, including his right to contest in PE203 or beyond?

If he does, will the PEC dare to disqualify him based on the strong “circumstantial evidence” that his extra-marital affair proves that he is not a person of good character, and ended up also proving that the current qualifying criteria that favour politicians is flawed and should be scrapped?

What if Chan Chun Sing, the Education Minister decides to stand in a Presidential Election and ended up unable to recite the National Pledge while hosting foreign dignitaries?

The same is also true if Vivian Balakrishnan or S. Shanmugam, who despite the scandalous Ridout’s fiasco, decides to run in any of our Presidential Election. 

Of all the four Tans candidates who contested in PE2011, how many is aware that Tan Kin Lian is “technically” still qualified to contest in PE2023 despite being the only candidate to lose his election deposit?

By now, can you see just how stupid and defective the current qualifying mechanism used in PE2023 really is?

In a sick way, isn’t PE2023, in its current form, an arranged marriage where we, the citizens of Singapore, can only pick from one of the candidates that the PAP-led government has shortlisted for us?

Is this even democratic or logical for a nation that is supposed to be a First World Country?

If the people did not give the PEC its “Discretionary Power”, then where did they get their discretionary power from?

By virtue of this discretionary power vested in the PEC, isn’t it at the service of the one who appoints them?

The Power of One United People - The Democratic Way Forward As A Nation: 

It is time for Singaporeans to stand up as “One United People” if we want to end all these absurdities and stupidities that are plaguing our democratic system and election mechanisms to ensure that meritocracy will consistently triumph over mediocre, by having the best people among us to represent not just our parliament but also the highest public office in the country, which is the Presidential office.

It is indeed karmic that the ways the PAP-led government tried to conduct its own investigations involving its own ministers and parliamentarians are only fuelling more political jokes that are being whispered at coffee-shops all around Singapore, and in the process, make the men in white look horribly dirty these days.

But why is the PAP-led government, despite already having full control over all the estates of powers in Singapore still so adamant about keeping the Presidential Office to itself?

Could it be that PE2023 is proving to be too important for the PAP to win so that some of its ministers can be assured that the Ridout’s Scandal will remain closed and shut for all eternity? 

Or that the office of the Elected President will never be allowed to direct the CPIB or convene any public inquiry against the PAP-led government or their ministers for any wrongdoing?

Is there something that may have serious material impact to Singapore that the PAP-led government does not want us to know, and that is why they must win and control the Istana too?

Against so many “troubling” unknowns and uncertainties that could be plaguing our country, both politically and economically, I find it both depressing and puzzling that the opposition parties in Singapore are still largely obediently following the playbook of the PAP in all our elections, from the general election to the presidential election.

If the role of the Elected President should be non-political, then why is the PAP so massively vested in ensuring that only those that they have shortlisted get to stand in our Presidential Election?

Are the opposition parties even aware that there is at least one candidate who contested in the last General Election who actually qualifies for PE2023?

Yes, there are quality candidates among the opposition parties and more will follow if the few key opposition parties stop acting subserviently to the PAP’s playbook and start challenging them where it matters most.

And if the opposition parties in Singapore truly want to be or form the Alternative Government to the PAP, then they must start thinking more strategically and acting more decisively, and show themselves to be able to come together when it matters most by standing with the people as “One United People”, beyond their political divides and differences .

To do that, they must stop trying to qualify themselves along the PAP-dictated guideline but must start challenging them democratically and creatively.

People’s Choice - The Democratic Way Forward:

In this aspect, Michelle, the creator of the petition for Dr Tan to stand in PE2023 is right in pointing out the fact that Dr Tan is indeed the People’s Choice for PE2023.

That is why we must ask ourselves why the PAP-led government is so afraid of this 83-year old man who was once their former cadre. 

Unless they got some horrible skeletons in the closet that they do not want anyone to see, then there is really no reason for the PAP to fear him right?

After being so close to winning PE2011 and then deprived from contesting in PE2017 when the PAP-led government reserved it for the Malay community, why don’t the people stop all these “arranged marriages” by democratically telling the PAP-led government and their appointed PEC that we want to be able to vote for the candidate of our choice?

Looking at the candidates arranged by the PAP-led government thus far, and if Dr Tan’s Certificate of Eligibility for PE2011 is acknowledged and accepted for PE2023, do not be surprised if PE2023 turns out to be a fight among the potential First Ladies.

There is no denying that if this come to pass, then Mrs Tan will surely win hand down, no?

Whether the PAP-led government and their PEC want to accept or reject the people’s choice for PE2023, it is their call to make.

But the biggest fear of the PAP will be if another titan, who is qualified and can lead the people if he decides to return to take part in PE2023, knowing well that this titan can play a more major role in shaping the future of our country in a more decisive manner, and in the process, will strategically curtail their power and moral standing.  

That is why the Singaporeans must play our part by being active in encouraging and supporting those who can play a decisive role in shaping our future as a nation, beyond party politics or political divides.

Yes, we need the best men and women to step forward and help lead Singapore out of the terrible mess caused by the 4G PAP-led government.

But if all democratic avenues to effect the change by the people are to be systematically blocked by the PAP-led government, then the next General Election is definitely going to be the end of the PAP-led government.

If that comes to pass, we just have to wonder who among the 4G PAP will be so stupid to be deceived into leading the PAP in the next general election and get recorded in history as the worse performing Prime Minister of Singapore, and save PM Lee from this international disgrace.

Still think that there is no political play involved in the upcoming PE2023? 

As such, politics in Singapore will get more dirty and messy because when the PAP is at its weakest, it is also at its most dangerous, and this is most evident as we can see from how conveniently the whole marital scandal at Workers’ Party is timed to make the PAP look whiter than white, no?

That is why for those who are still stupidly talking about keeping Dr Tan for the next general election, do not be surprised that they may end up drawing Dr Tan and his legacy into the booby-trap set up by the PAP, no? 

Singapore is indeed in a crisis of a generation and we all need to go beyond selfish endeavours and party politics if we are all sincere about saving our country from further embarrassments and scandals.

I hope more Singaporeans will step up and play their part by decisively rejecting these “arranged marriage” if we still believe that Singaporeans deserve better…

Link for petition:

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