Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Change Minds ,Change Fear

The Art of Influence without Manipulation.

The ultimate test of what you will be learning will not be whether you can understand what is being taught. The ultimate test will be whether you can implement what you have learned, and—with a repeatable, predictable, process that you can measure—that’s exactly what you will be equipped to do.


When you stop and think about it, having the ability to change another person’s mind is pretty heady stuff. That’s why the moment we end this preface, we will start a conversation designed to help you understand exactly why it
takes courage to use these skills. I suppose it would be easy to step away from the controversy of influence, and let people simply change their minds and behaviors without our help. But doing so leaves people vulnerable to
one of the most pervasive fears anyone can face: the fear of change.

Years ago, The Book of Lists* produced a rather famous
collection of fears that surprised many of us when the top
five turned out to be:
1.Speaking before a group
3.Insects and bugs
4.Financial problems
5.Deep water

Newer lists have come out since, with few changes, other than the fear of flying, making their way into the top have learned, and—with a repeatable, predictable, process that you can measure—that’s exactly what you will be equipped to do.

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