Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Property Tax Remission for Rebuilding an Owner-Occupied House

For owner of residential property who demolish the house in order to build a new house for owner-occupation.

Property Tax Remission for Residential Property

Owners of residential property who demolish their houses in order to build a new house may apply for a remission of property tax of up to two years under the Property Tax (Replacement Owner-Occupied House under Construction) (Remission) Order 2013.

Owners who qualify for this remission will continue to enjoy owner-occupier tax rates on the property during the construction period.
Owners enjoying the existing remission need not take any action and will continue to enjoy the remission under the new order.

Eligibility Conditions for Remission

  1. The land is not occupied;
  2. No rent or fee is charged or received for the occupation or use of the land or any part thereof;
  3. The owner or owner's spouse is not enjoying the owner-occupier concession on another property during the remission period*; and
  4. The replacement house is owner-occupied for at least one year following the Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) date or the Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) from the Building Authority.
* If the owner or his/her spouse are enjoying the owner-occupier tax rates on another property during the same period, he/she can inform IRAS to withdraw the owner-occupier tax rates on that property to be eligible for this remission.

Period of Remission

The period of remission is for a maximum period of two years from the date of land assessment or the date of submission of building plans to the Building Authority, whichever is later; to the date of issue of the TOP date or CSC for the replacement house, whichever is earlier.

Applying for Remission

To apply, submit a written undertaking (48KB) not later than 30 days after the TOP date or CSC of the replacement house.

Withdrawal of Remission

Owners who are unable to fulfill the remission conditions will have the remission withdrawn and must pay the tax difference. IRAS will notify owners of the amount of taxes payable. This tax difference amount may be subject to an additional 5% charge at the discretion of the Comptroller of Property Tax.

Reference Source - CLICK HERE

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