Monday, June 18, 2018

How to become a successful property agent in Singapore

What makes a property agent successful?

The real estate industry in Singapore is flourishing, and this is evident from the growing number of property agencies in recent times. From ERA and PropNex to Dennis Wee Group and OrangeTee, just to name a few, there seems to be no shortage of opportunities.
To stay competitive in the industry, there are property agents who strategise by focusing on certain types of property and there are those who prefer to specialise in certain districts only. Then there are also realtors who ‘team up’ with or co-broke with others.
If you have completed your real estate course, passed the Real Estate Salesperson (RES) examination and received your estate agent licence, the million-dollar question now is - what makes a property agent successful? Read on:
1. Adopt a positive attitude and set achievable, sustainable targets
Recognise that determination and sheer hard work will translate into sales for you. Sales are direct projections of the commission you can earn. It is also important for a property agent to be able to handle rejection well, and not have a fear of rejection. For every door that closes, another one soon opens.
2. Time management
Not having to clock office hours means flexibility in making work arrangements. Thus, to be a successful agent, you will need to learn to discipline yourself and manage your time well – ie, keep to appointments, do not over-book yourself etc. Remember, for every minute squandered, an opportunity cost applies.
3. Do your research
A good property agent should always do his homework, especially before meeting or speaking with potential clients. You need to familiarise yourself with the latest property news, and be able to dispense relevant, updated and useful advice quickly and accurately to your clients – whether it’s with regards to the property they are considering, alternative sources or procedures involved in buying, selling or leasing.
4. Set proper goals
Setting goals will establish the direction for you to follow and this allows you to work with the end in mind. Set realistic targets you can work towards, according to your own capabilities and resources.

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