Sunday, April 16, 2017


The V-Taper Solution


About The V-Taper Solution

The V-Taper Solution is a weight loss, muscle building, and body shaping system designed exclusively for men that uses a dynamic, multi-phase approach to help you reach your goals.

To give you a classic v-shape—defined by developed shoulders and a lean waist—The V-Taper Solution uses a combination of proprietary software, scientifically supported nutrition and lifestyle strategies, along with Microflora Rebalancing and Metabolic Rebalancing to make everything as effortless as possible.

Through their unique 3-phase approach, you’ll “optimize your natural hormone levels,” boost your metabolism, and improve your energy:
  • Phase 1: Metabolic Priming – You’ll use the included software to learn how much to eat and when to eat, as well as how to work out “based on your current body composition.” All of this is centered around balancing your “master male hormones.”
  • Phase 2: Metabolic Optimization – Here, you’ll learn about “powerful body transformation strategies” that can help you lose fat and build muscle, using custom nutrition guidelines and video coaching lessons.
  • Phase 3: Metabolic Customization – Finally, these “advanced techniques” will build on what you’ve already learned and accomplished, giving you a “sustainable lifestyle approach to nutrition, health and fitness.”
What’s not to like about The V-Taper Solution system? I mean, you’ll finally be able to get the body you’ve always wanted, effortlessly! Before you hand over your hard-earned money, we think there are some very important things you should know, which we’ll detail in this review.

First up? Let’s dive into some of The V-Taper Solution’s details.

What Do We Really Know About The V-Taper Solution?

The V-Taper Solution website and video reference a lot of well-known weight loss and fitness truths: boosting your metabolism can help you lose weight, customized nutrition is highly important (as are exercises tailored to your fitness level), and joining a like-minded community can help you stick with it for the long term. But when the rubber meets the road, we’re actually told very little about 1) what The V-Taper Solution program involves and 2) how it’s different than any other weight loss program (we’ll come back to this shortly).

In fact, the only concrete details we’re given is that the program involves “microflora rebalancing” and “metabolic rebalancing.” What are these?

It might sound complicated, but microflora rebalancing simply means that you’re balancing out the good bacteria in your digestive tract, probably by eating foods rich in probiotics, or by taking a standalone probiotic supplement. Either way, this is nothing groundbreaking (and won’t necessarily help you lose a single pound!), and something you could do on your own, without purchasing The V-Taper Solution.
What about metabolic rebalancing? We’re not quite sure, as there isn’t anything else out there with that name. There is an unrelated system named Metabolic Balance, which involves “your personal blood values, medical history, health issues, family medical history and personal preference.” Clearly, this doesn’t seem to be anything like what’s involved with The V-Taper Solution.
Let’s talk about some of the other concerns we have about The V-Taper Solution system.

More Things You Should Consider About V-Taper Solution

If you carefully read through the publisher’s descriptions for phase 1 and 2 on The V-Taper Solution website, you’ll see that there isn’t much difference between them. On top of this, the third phase just seems like you’ll be talking with other V-Taper Solution members, and doesn’t really add anything.
Did you also get a chance to read through the system’s FAQ? If so, you probably noticed that it references only women (while still making many of the same claims). How’s this possible? After all, isn’t the system supposed to optimize your “master male hormones”?

Lastly , we’ve reviewed dozens of these kinds of weight loss/fitness e-books—such as the Fat Crusher System, Fat Diminisher System, and The Beta Switch—and almost every single time, they come with ultra-low customer reviews. Why? Most complaints reference that these e-books don’t deliver on their promises, and most of the information you’ll learn could probably be found elsewhere online for free.

Is this what you’ll experience with The V-Taper Solution? Without any legitimate online customer reviews, it’s difficult to say. But in our opinion, there are certainly a lot of potential red flags to keep in mind.

How Much Does The V-Taper Solution Cost?

As soon as you pay $37, you’ll be able to download The V-Taper Solution and access it on any electronic device.
Instead of directly through the company, The V-Taper Solution is sold through Clickbank, a third-party company that specializes in this type of material. All items sold through Clickbank come with a 60-day refund policy, which you can request by calling (844)-694-8446.

Should You X Out The V-Taper Solution?

Ultimately, the only way to lose weight and keep it off is by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. From this aspect, it’s positive that The V-Taper Solution seems to reference both aspects, and to allow you to customize your meal plan to meet your individual needs.

But if we’re being honest, there are a whole lot of things that give us pause about the system. We don’t know exactly what it contains (and what we do know is anything but revolutionary), there aren’t any online customer reviews, very similar e-books (also sold through Clickbank) come with bottom-of-the-barrel customer feedback, and the program’s website can’t even tell us if the program is for men or women.

What’s this mean for you? If you’re looking to lose weight for the long-term, start by talking with your doctor, who might be able to recommend different approaches based on your diagnosis. Then, you might want to contact a professional fitness trainer and/or nutritionist to get the most personalized advice available. Sure, they’ll be more expensive than The V-Taper Solution, but we think they’ll ultimately provide you with a better value—and better results


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