Sunday, April 16, 2017

focusing on the results : EFT or FASTER EFT?

The Challenges of Switching from EFT to FasterEFT
Changing from EFT to FasterEFT is a challenge for many practitioners. When we find something we believe in, and we feel passionate and excited about it, we become focused and invested in our new discovery. This passion and commitment is even stronger when that discovery is unconventional and criticized by others. In fact, very often, the more others criticize it, the more vehemently we defend it. Our passion and commitment grow deeper with every criticism.

EFT was a revolutionary healing modality; and since it addresses the body’s energy system, it was often met with skepticism and disparagement. Many of those who discovered that it helped them became passionate and committed to the process, becoming EFT practitioners so that they could help others experience the same benefits. The fact that EFT doesn’t always work in every case, on every issue was not a deterrent since it worked enough for many of those who used it, to keep trying.

When EFT practitioners are introduced to FasterEFT, there can be a significant amount of automatic and instinctive resistance because it deviates from the process they are so invested in. When the focus is on the investment and commitment rather than on the results, it can be difficult to switch to something new. However, taking a step back and focusing on the results you want to achieve can open you up to transformations you hadn’t realized were possible.

Here’s a Guide to Help You to the Next Level:
1. Pick something you have been trying to change using EFT that has not shifted for you; or that has changed but has not completely resolved.

2. Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and notice how you know it’s a problem. Do you feel something? If so, where in your body do you feel it? Do you see something or hear something? How do you know it’s a problem? You don’t need to know what it is, what it means or where came from; just notice how you know it’s there.

3. Tap between your eyebrows and say “I release and let it go.” Focusing on the feeling of your fingertips on your skin, tap next to your eye and say “Let it go.” Tap under your eye and say “Let it go.” Tap just below your collarbone and say “It’s safe to let it go.”

4. Grab your wrist, take a deep breath, blow it out and say “Peace”.

5. Go to a peaceful memory, and enjoy the feeling of that for a moment.

6. Now, go back to the problem and notice how it’s changed. How has the feeling, picture, sound or smell changed?

7. Repeat steps 3 to 6 until the negative feeling has changed to a positive one.

Now, if you’ve seen a result and achieved relief from whatever it was that was bothering you, isn’t it worth continuing to use it regardless of the differences to regular EFT?

It is a common human impulse to resist change and stick to what is known. Throughout history, the majority of humans have initially resisted all advancements. The automobile, electricity, the telephone, sea travel, air travel, photography, the internet, and all healing modalities – every advancement has met with resistance from those who have a compulsion to stick with what is and fear the changes. However, it is those who are willing to let go of the old and be open to the new that benefit from progress.

The Risk Factor
Of course, being one of the first people to travel by sea or air, or take new drugs was risky. Trying out tapping on four meridian points while saying “Let it go”, holding your wrist, taking a deep breath, saying “Peace” and remembering a peaceful memory really doesn’t come with any risk at all. And it can completely transform the results you see – for yourself and those you help.

The Biggest Challenge
The difference in belief systems is one of the biggest challenges for EFT practitioners. The fact that the foundation belief in EFT is that all negative emotions are caused by disruptions in the body’s energy system, while the foundation of  is that negative emotions are the result of the memories stored in the subconscious can cause a feeling of conflict in those who are committed to EFT.

If you are feeling this conflict, consider this: As long as you get the results you are looking for, does it matter whether it’s energetic healing or neurological and biological? Luckily you do not need to believe in FasterEFT for it to work; you only need to do it. What have you got to lose? And what could you gain?

To find out more about the differences between EFT and FasterEFT read on : 

What’s the Difference Between EFT and FasterEFT?

While both EFT and FasterEFT use meridian point tapping, there are key differences between the two modalities. The most important difference is the belief system behind each technique. In addition to this, the procedure is significantly different. Although Robert G. Smith, the creator of FasterEFT started out training in and using regular EFT, he gradually added his own variations to the process, eventually developing an entirely new system. The result is a faster process that is easier to remember and execute.


The Difference between the Belief Systems of EFT and FasterEFT

EFT is an Energy Healing Modality.

The foundation belief in EFT is that all negative emotions are caused by a disruption in the body’s energy system. The tapping in EFT is used to balance the energy using the energy meridians.

FasterEFT is based on Neurology and Biology.

The foundation belief in FasterEFT is that there is no disruption, in fact everything is functioning as it should – according to the way the brain has developed in order to survive in the environment. In FasterEFT, the tapping is used to disrupt the signal between the brain and the major organs of the body that trigger the fight or flight response while changing neural pathways in the neocortex of the brain.

Whereas FasterEFT recognizes that experiences are recorded in the subconscious for future reference (which is how we learn to walk, drive, respond to stimuli etc. without needing to consciously concentrate on every movement and decision) and that the subconscious prompts the body and conscious mind to act according to those memories, regular EFT specifically believes that negative emotions have nothing to do with memories and are caused only by a disruption in the body’s energy system.

These key differences in approach and belief mean that regular EFT works on balancing the energy system while FasterEFT works on changing subconscious programing through neurological and biological processes.

The Difference in Process

Regular EFT

In regular EFT the basic tapping is done on 9 acupuncture points (including the set-up point) and the process includes a set-up phrase with tapping, and then rounds of tapping on the other eight points while repeating a “reminder phrase” that keeps your focus on the specific problem you’re addressing. This process is repeated until the issue or feeling feels like it is gone. This is the basic tapping in regular EFT; there are additional points that are used for more challenging problems.


The process in Faster EFT starts with noticing how you know you have a problem (noticing feelings, memories etc.) – this is the aiming process since it focuses the subconscious on the problem. Then, the tapping is done on four meridian points that are connected to the major organs that produce the chemicals that cause the sensations of emotions.

While tapping, you focus on the feeling of your fingers on your skin and repeat the phrase “Let it go” or “It’s safe to let it go”. You then grab your wrist (which addresses the meridians of several other major organs) take a deep breath, blow it out, and say “Peace” – going to a peaceful memory.

Switching between feeling the problem and then focusing on your fingertips, followed by a peaceful memory causes a disruption in the programmed biological and neurological response.

This process is repeated until the feeling or memory “flips” – meaning it changes to something that feels good instead of bad. The neuroplasticity of the brain allows it to “rewire” that connection, and the result is a change in the automatic responses to that particular issue or trigger.

For more details on how and why FasterEFT works, read: The REAL Cause of All Your Problems! or watch FasterEFT Video 167

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