About The Energy Therapy Centre
The Energy Therapy Centre specializes in personal development and relief of emotional and physical pain through the use of energy techniques, such as EFT and TFT. Individual therapy and coaching is available as well as accredited courses and workshops in the central London area, UK.

Ashley MeyerAshley Meyer, EFT Master Trainer and the founder of the Energy Therapy Centre, specialises in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). His therapeutic background is rooted in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and he is also a practitioner of Thought Field Therapy or TFT. In addition to being an advanced general practitioner of these techniques, Ashley does specialist work in the field of M.E./ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and has set up a clinic 'You Wellbeing' dedicated to this field of work.
The Energy Therapy Centre training courses & workshops are run in central London where you will be personally trained by Ashley Meyer and co-trainers who are specialists in the appropriate field. Training courses include EFT Practitioner Trainings, Levels 1, 2 and 3. Workshops of special interest are also regularly run.
For individual therapy and coaching, you can see Ashley at two different locations in London - Primrose Hill NW1 and Finchley N3. He also works extensively over the telephone and Skype, being able to share these truly amazing energy techniques with clients as far afield as New Zealand.
In addition to continuing to develop the Energy Therapy Centre, Ashley collaborates with Keren Smedley, who coaches and counsels people over the age of 50. Keren Smedley is a well renowned and experienced life coach and author.
Ashley is committed to deepening his experience and knowledge in the fields of energy techniques, personal development, psychology and spirituality and to share this with clients and students.
A note from Ashley
My love of these techniques all started when....
Sitting on a train many years ago, the day after doing my very first EFT workshop, I was feeling nervous about the meeting I was heading to. I decided to put this new, strange looking skill I had just learnt to the test. Not worrying whether I was being noticed by other passengers, I proceeded to "do a few rounds" on my feelings about the meeting. Well I am not sure that at that time I gave immediate credit to "tapping", but what I do know is that the meeting went really well and that many years later, I am involved in a field of work that gives me something way beyond what I can communicate in words, helping others to believe in their own inner power to heal and to be the person they know they really are. Like myself, I now also have numerous clients who tap before going to meetings, some of them in London's highest profile banks and companies. I am aware that toilet cubicles are notoriously used for a range of activities, but tapping on energy meridians must be amongst the newest, if not the strangest!
The community of "tapping" therapists is growing at a significant rate and attracting people from diverse parts of society and professions. This growth has been made possible by the work of Roger Callahan, John Diamond, Gary Craig and since its' inception, many many others. I am extremely fortunate to have trained with most masters in the field and continue to seek furthering my development in many ways. Through the work and insights of our fore runners; therapists, trainers, scientists, spiritualists and lay people have come to learn how to tap in to the essence of the mind/body's natural ability to understand and heal through the "Language" of Energy. I have benefited enormously from this gift personally and am testimony to the power of these techniques. I am extremely grateful and feel privileged to be performing the work I do, both as a therapist and as a trainer.
I look forward to the crossing of our paths!
Face-to-face sessions available at:
Triyoga - Primrose Hill, London NW1 and 93 Etchingham Park Road, London N3
Training courses are run at:
The Psychosynthesis Institute - Hendon, London NW4
The Healthy Living Centre - Islington, London N1
Bookings for training courses and workshops are available on-line or please contact us at
Telephone: 020 8371 8202 (International dial +44 (0)20 8371 8202)
Email: info@theenergytherapycentre.com
Ashley Meyer
Advanced EFT Practitioner (AAMET)
EFT Certified Trainer (AAMET)
Master NLP Practitioner
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Life Coach
Dip. Clin. Hyp. CMP NLP. Coach. Adv. EFT, MET, TFT
Member of
The Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques (AAMET International)
The British Institute of Hypnotherapy (BIH)
CNHC Registered
All training courses and workshops are accredited by the AAMET International
Sarah Marshall, Associate Trainer

Sarah with Jessica Ortner
Sarah Marshall, associate trainer at the Energy Therapy Centre, specialises in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Her therapeutic background is also rooted in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and she also holds a diploma (level 5) in Stress Management. In addition to being a general practitioner of these techniques, Sarah does specialist work in the field of M.E./ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and co-founded the 'You Wellbeing' clinic, with Ashley Meyer, dedicated to this field of work.
Sarah’s path into these techniques started from her experience of ill-health and her comprehensive exploration, and research, into why she became ill, what was preventing her from recovering her health, and how to turn it around. This eventually led to a full recovery. She was inspired to train in many of the techniques that she found beneficial, including EFT, NLP, Coaching, and Stress Management. She also became a certified trainer of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques).
Although “tapping” wasn’t the technique that initiated her journey back to health, because of its effectiveness and flexibility, it became a dominate force in her system being able to regain homeostasis and return to a state of good health. Its initial "strangeness" wasn’t enough to put her off at a time when the technique was in its infancy, and it has been an integral part of her (now and much needed!) preventative self-help approach to health.
Advanced EFT Practitioner (AAMET)
EFT Certified Trainer (AAMET)
Master NLP Practitioner
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Life Coach
Dip. Clin. Hyp. CMP NLP. Coach. Adv. EFT, Stress Management (level 5)
Member of:
The Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques (AAMET International)
The British Institute of Hypnotherapy (BIH)
All training courses and workshops are accredited by the AAMET International
The Energy Therapy Centre specializes in personal development and relief of emotional and physical pain through the use of energy techniques, such as EFT and TFT. Individual therapy and coaching is available as well as accredited courses and workshops in the central London area, UK.
Ashley MeyerAshley Meyer, EFT Master Trainer and the founder of the Energy Therapy Centre, specialises in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). His therapeutic background is rooted in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and he is also a practitioner of Thought Field Therapy or TFT. In addition to being an advanced general practitioner of these techniques, Ashley does specialist work in the field of M.E./ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and has set up a clinic 'You Wellbeing' dedicated to this field of work.
The Energy Therapy Centre training courses & workshops are run in central London where you will be personally trained by Ashley Meyer and co-trainers who are specialists in the appropriate field. Training courses include EFT Practitioner Trainings, Levels 1, 2 and 3. Workshops of special interest are also regularly run.
For individual therapy and coaching, you can see Ashley at two different locations in London - Primrose Hill NW1 and Finchley N3. He also works extensively over the telephone and Skype, being able to share these truly amazing energy techniques with clients as far afield as New Zealand.
In addition to continuing to develop the Energy Therapy Centre, Ashley collaborates with Keren Smedley, who coaches and counsels people over the age of 50. Keren Smedley is a well renowned and experienced life coach and author.
Ashley is committed to deepening his experience and knowledge in the fields of energy techniques, personal development, psychology and spirituality and to share this with clients and students.
A note from Ashley
My love of these techniques all started when....
Sitting on a train many years ago, the day after doing my very first EFT workshop, I was feeling nervous about the meeting I was heading to. I decided to put this new, strange looking skill I had just learnt to the test. Not worrying whether I was being noticed by other passengers, I proceeded to "do a few rounds" on my feelings about the meeting. Well I am not sure that at that time I gave immediate credit to "tapping", but what I do know is that the meeting went really well and that many years later, I am involved in a field of work that gives me something way beyond what I can communicate in words, helping others to believe in their own inner power to heal and to be the person they know they really are. Like myself, I now also have numerous clients who tap before going to meetings, some of them in London's highest profile banks and companies. I am aware that toilet cubicles are notoriously used for a range of activities, but tapping on energy meridians must be amongst the newest, if not the strangest!
The community of "tapping" therapists is growing at a significant rate and attracting people from diverse parts of society and professions. This growth has been made possible by the work of Roger Callahan, John Diamond, Gary Craig and since its' inception, many many others. I am extremely fortunate to have trained with most masters in the field and continue to seek furthering my development in many ways. Through the work and insights of our fore runners; therapists, trainers, scientists, spiritualists and lay people have come to learn how to tap in to the essence of the mind/body's natural ability to understand and heal through the "Language" of Energy. I have benefited enormously from this gift personally and am testimony to the power of these techniques. I am extremely grateful and feel privileged to be performing the work I do, both as a therapist and as a trainer.
I look forward to the crossing of our paths!
Face-to-face sessions available at:
Triyoga - Primrose Hill, London NW1 and 93 Etchingham Park Road, London N3
Training courses are run at:
The Psychosynthesis Institute - Hendon, London NW4
The Healthy Living Centre - Islington, London N1
Bookings for training courses and workshops are available on-line or please contact us at
Telephone: 020 8371 8202 (International dial +44 (0)20 8371 8202)
Email: info@theenergytherapycentre.com
Ashley Meyer
Advanced EFT Practitioner (AAMET)
EFT Certified Trainer (AAMET)
Master NLP Practitioner
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Life Coach
Dip. Clin. Hyp. CMP NLP. Coach. Adv. EFT, MET, TFT
Member of
The Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques (AAMET International)
The British Institute of Hypnotherapy (BIH)
CNHC Registered
All training courses and workshops are accredited by the AAMET International
Sarah Marshall, Associate Trainer
Sarah with Jessica Ortner
Sarah Marshall, associate trainer at the Energy Therapy Centre, specialises in Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). Her therapeutic background is also rooted in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and she also holds a diploma (level 5) in Stress Management. In addition to being a general practitioner of these techniques, Sarah does specialist work in the field of M.E./ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and co-founded the 'You Wellbeing' clinic, with Ashley Meyer, dedicated to this field of work.
Sarah’s path into these techniques started from her experience of ill-health and her comprehensive exploration, and research, into why she became ill, what was preventing her from recovering her health, and how to turn it around. This eventually led to a full recovery. She was inspired to train in many of the techniques that she found beneficial, including EFT, NLP, Coaching, and Stress Management. She also became a certified trainer of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques).
Although “tapping” wasn’t the technique that initiated her journey back to health, because of its effectiveness and flexibility, it became a dominate force in her system being able to regain homeostasis and return to a state of good health. Its initial "strangeness" wasn’t enough to put her off at a time when the technique was in its infancy, and it has been an integral part of her (now and much needed!) preventative self-help approach to health.
Advanced EFT Practitioner (AAMET)
EFT Certified Trainer (AAMET)
Master NLP Practitioner
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Life Coach
Dip. Clin. Hyp. CMP NLP. Coach. Adv. EFT, Stress Management (level 5)
Member of:
The Association for the Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques (AAMET International)
The British Institute of Hypnotherapy (BIH)
All training courses and workshops are accredited by the AAMET International
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