Before we pray, I'd like to share a short message with you and then we'll pray together.
Have you ever thought to yourself, I need to do better. I have to start improving. Maybe it was at work , when you made a mistake. Maybe it was after you forgot something important. Maybe it was a realization that you could have handled a situation with more wisdom, more patience, or more grace. Whatever the case, the good thing is that you recognize the need for growth, the need for change. A moment of awareness is often the first step toward transformation. But dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, have you ever thought about this in your spiritual life. Have you ever paused in the middle of your day, in the quiet of the night or after hearing a convicting sermon. And said I need to do better. When it comes to the things of God, have you ever felt that stirring deep in your spirit. Calling you to be more intentional about reading God's word, spending time in prayer and making him the true priority of your life. Because the truth is as believers we can always go deeper. There is always another level of faith. Another step closer to God that we can take. No one can ever say I have done everything there is to do in my relationship with God. No one can ever claim I know him too much. The depth of God is infinite and the closer we draw to him, the more we realize how much more there is to know, to experience and to surrender. None of us can ever pray enough. None of us can ever worship God too much. None of us can ever spend too much time in his presence. The devil doesn't mind how often you go to church. What troubles him is when you live within awareness of God's presence. When you allow the Holy Spirit to guide your life, being a follower of Christ is more than just attending church on Sundays. It's more than simply wearing the label of a 'Christian'. It requires a lifestyle of devotion, a daily personal commitment to abide in him. It requires seeking him not out of obligation but out of love. Not just a moment here but a life that is fully surrendered to him. When was the last time you truly soaked in God's presence. When was the last time you sat in silence before him. Not just rushing through prayers but listening. Truly listening for his voice. When was the last time you opened the the Bible not just to read a verse quickly but to meditate on his truth allowing it to take root in your heart. The word of God reminds us in 2Timothy 2:15, " study and do your best to present yourself to God, approved а workman tested bу trial who has no reason to bе ashamed accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth and in 1 Corinthians 9: 24-22 says, "do you not know that in a race all the runners run their very best to win but only one receives the prize; run your race in such a way that you may seize the prize and make it yours. Now every athlete who goes into training and competes in the games is disciplined and exercises self-control in all things. They do it to win a 👑 crown that withers but we do it to receive an imperishable crown that cannot wither. This self-control, commitment. These are not just qualities of a great athlete. They are qualities of a faithful believer. Because the race we are running is not for Earthly success but for an eternal reward; a crown that will never fade away. So my dear brothers and sisters, let's commit to doing better when it comes to studying the word of God. Let's be more devoted when it comes to prayer. Let's be more intentional when it comes to self-control. Let's strive for growth. Let's stop making excuses for why we don't have time for God and start making him the center of our time. Let's stop settling for a shallow relationship with him when he is inviting us into something so much deeper. This is a call to rise higher, a call to walk closer, a call to seek him not just in moments of need but in every moment because the more we seek Him the more we will find him and the more we find him the more we will be transformed. So let's begin today not tomorrow not next week today let's do better not out of guilt but out of love not out of obligation but out of a desire to know the one who gave everything for us because he is worthy and because in him we find everything our souls truly for now let's take this moment to pray together dear Lord Jesus from generation to generation you have been unchanging steadfast and full tomorrow not next week today. Let's do better not out of guilt but out of love not out of obligation but out of a desire to know the one who gave everything for us because he is worthy and because in him we find everything our souls truly long. For now let's take this moment to pray together dear Lord Jesus from generation to generation you have been unchanging steadfast and full of mercy. You are Mighty and wonderful and am grateful for your love that never fails today Lord I long to walk closer with you to know you more deeply and to serve you with a pure and willing heart have mercy on me as I seek to grow in my faith I acknowledge that I need to do better that there are areas in my life where I have fallen short where I have been complacent where I have not given you the devotion you deserve but Lord I do not want to stay where I am want to grow to be transformed by your Spirit to walk in a way that pleases you your word says in John 15:26 but when the helper comes whom I will send to you from the Father the spirit of ruth who proceeds from the father he will bear witness about me
Holy Spirit I ask for your help I cannot
do this on my own. I cannot grow in faith,
in obedience or in love without you
working in me strengthen me to pray with more passion to seek you not out of routine but out of a genuine hunger for your presence stir within me a desire to spend time with you to dwell in your word to be still and listen for your voice remove all distractions that pull me away from you and help me to set my heart on things above teach me Lord to meditate on your word day and night help me not only to read scripture but to Live by it to let it shape my thoughts my actions my desires may your word be like fire in my bones like a lamp to my feet like a sword against the enemy as Titus 3: 1-2 says remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities to be obedient to be ready for every good work to speak evil of no one to avoid quarreling to be gentle and to show perfect courtesy toward all people father I pray for a heart that is eager to do good A Heart That chooses kindness over judgment patience over frustration love over Pride help me to see people the way you see them to extend Grace where it is undeserved to offer forgiveness where there is hurt to walk in humility instead of self-righteousness May my words be filled with gentleness my actions be marked by love and my life be a reflection of your grace fill me with your love oh God let your love Transform Me From the Inside Out. Break every hardness in my heart every root of bitterness every trace of selfishness that keeps me from loving as you love give me a heart that cares for the lost the hurting the broken I desire to grow Lord in faith in wisdom in understanding Ido not want to stay stagnant content with where I am Lead Me in the path of righteousness shape me mold me refine me teach me to be disciplined in my spiritual life to be faithful in prayer to be consistent in seeking you to be obedient even when it is difficult let my life be a testimony of
your transforming power I trust Lord
that through the power of the Holy
Spirit true transformation will take
place in my
life 1trust that you will take my
weaknesses and turn them into
strength that you will take my
failures and use them for your
glory that you will take my
Brokenness and make something
beautiful where I am weak Lord be my strength when I feel feel like giving up
remind me that your grace i
sufficient When I grow weary renew my
spirit when doubts creep in fill me with
faith when fear tries to paralyze me remind me that you are my refuge and my shield thank you Lord that your grace is more than enough for me your mercy never runs out no matter how many times I fall your arms are always open to lift me up again you are a God who restores who renews who redeems you never give up on me even when I have strayed even when I have been unfaithful Your Love Remains steadfast I will praise you Lord I will sing of your goodness I will magnify your name because you are worthy You Are Holy you are righteous You Are My Savior my king my everything thank you Jesus for your unending love even though you saw all my failures all my weaknesses you still chose to die for me you opened the way to eternal life and for that I will always be grateful I do not deserve your grace yet you freely give it I do not deserve your
mercy yet you pour it
out i do not deserve your love yet you
lavish it upon me thank you for hearing my prayer in the mighty and victorious name of Jesus Christ. I pray, Amen.
If this prayer has touched your
heart please type amen as a sign of
faith I pray that every blessing in this
prayer is now upon you in the name of
Jesus and if you need a special prayer feel free to let us know in the comments we would be honored to pray for you May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always
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