Thursday, February 27, 2025

‘Quality of Life’ QoL

Why don't Singaporeans just live in Johor Bahru (where costs of living are lower) and still work in Singapore?

There's more to life than just the cost of living to consider.

You don't just give up a certain quality of life that you are accustomed to, and experienced for many years, to take on a new way of living, in an adopted country albeit the close proximity.

New life, new environment invariably affect the wellbeing of the person in various degrees and different ways. It may be better. It may be worse than what you have in your home country.

Fill in your own answers pertaining to various aspects of ‘Quality of Life’ QoL -

Material living conditions [tick ✅️ or cross ❌️]

Leisure [tick ✅️ or cross ❌️]

Social interactions [tick ✅️ or cross ❌️]

Economic security and physical safety [tick ✅️ or cross ❌️]

Governance and basic rights [tick ✅️ or cross ❌️]

Natural and living environment [tick ✅️ or cross ❌️]

Overall experience of life [tick ✅️ or cross ❌️]

If your answers tick positive to all or a good half of the boxes, you may be in a position to consider relocation, to the neighbour country.

If your answers are perceived to be on the negative side, stay put. Home is still a better place, no matter the cost of living which can be accommodated.

‘Stay in JB, work in Singapore’ - is not realistic, impractical. The daily grind using current commuting methods will further pile on the pressure to everyday living. Those who do all these years are mostly unskilled or semi-skilled, early-morning risers of working-class Malaysians, with earnings from the lower income group. Singaporeans have moved up remarkably, why graze in old former pastures?

There's more to life than just the cost of living to consider.

You don't just give up a certain quality of life that you are accustomed to, and experienced for many years, to take on a new way of living, in an adopted country albeit the close proximity.

New life, new environment invariably affect the wellbeing of the person in various degrees and different ways. It may be better. It may be worse than what you have in your home country.

Fill in your own answers pertaining to various aspects of ‘Quality of Life’ QoL -

  • Material living conditions [tick ✅️ or cross ❌️]
  • Leisure [tick ✅️ or cross ❌️]
  • Social interactions [tick ✅️ or cross ❌️]
  • Economic security and physical safety [tick ✅️ or cross ❌️]
  • Governance and basic rights [tick ✅️ or cross ❌️]
  • Natural and living environment [tick ✅️ or cross ❌️]
  • Overall experience of life [tick ✅️ or cross ❌️]

If your answers tick positive to all or a good half of the boxes, you may be in a position to consider relocation, to the neighbour country.

If your answers are perceived to be on the negative side, stay put. Home is still a better place, no matter the cost of living which can be accommodated.

‘Stay in JB, work in Singapore’ - is not realistic, impractical. The daily grind using current commuting methods will further pile on the pressure to everyday living. Those who do all these years are mostly unskilled or semi-skilled, early-morning risers of working-class Malaysians, with earnings from the lower income group. Singaporeans have moved up remarkably, why graze in old former pastures?

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