If you want your life to enhance your life, they say you should turn to the three Chinese gods of luck. And they are none other than Fu (福), Lu (禄), and Shou (寿).

These three gods are collectively known as Fu Lu Shou, and each of them represents different things. Fu represents good fortune, Lu represents prosperity, and Shou represents longevity.

Each god has its own unique symbol and when placed together, they are said to transform your life for the better.

But what do these symbols look like? How can they bring luck into your life? Keep reading to find out 

What are the Fu Lu Shou Symbols?

The Fu Lu Shou symbols are three Chinese characters that represent the three gods of luck. See the image below for what they look like.

Fu Lu Shou Symbols


As you can see, each symbol is unique and has its own meaning.

福 Fu - Fortune Symbol

fu - fortune symbol

This Chinese character represents good fortune. It is often seen during Chinese New Year and other festivals as it is a symbol of luck and happiness.

The Fu symbol is based on Fu Xing, the star god of blessings. He is said to bestow good fortune, happiness, and luck upon those who worship him.

Fu Xing is also the Chinese god of agriculture. People rever him for a bountiful harvest each year. This led to the Fu symbol being associated with good fortune.

禄 Lu - Prosperity Symbol

lu - prosperity symbol

This Chinese character represents prosperity. It is often seen during business meetings or gatherings as it is a symbol of wealth and success.

The Lu symbol is based on Lu Xing, the star god of rank and wealth. Locals believe that he bestows riches and honor when you rever this god.

Lu is also the Chinese term for "official's salary." It is a common belief that he brings happiness by enhancing career success, specifically in the form of promotions or increased salaries.

寿 Shou - Longevity Symbol

shou - longevity symbol

This Chinese character represents longevity. It is often seen at birthday parties for elders and during the Chinese New Year to wish people a long and healthy life.

The Shou symbol is based on Shou Xing, the star god of longevity. He is said to bring health and longevity upon those who worship him.

Shou Xing is often depicted holding a peach, which is a symbol of immortality in Chinese culture. He is also sometimes seen with a peach staff and a deer, which also represent longevity.

Benefits of Having Fu Lu Shou Symbols in Feng Shui

There are many benefits of having Fu Lu Shou symbols in feng shui. Using the symbols is said to help with the following:

  • Attract good luck and happiness into your life.