Thursday, October 19, 2023

Chinese Stroke Order

Why and how 

Forever Chinese Character 

The Fundamentals of Chinese Stroke Order

Many people are often fascinated and attracted by Chinese characters. At first glance, characters may look like bizarre pictograms, randomly drawn at will. But did you know that Chinese characters all consist of fixed stroke orders and follow a specific set of rules?

(Chinese Traditional Characters)


 很多人常常被漢字著迷和吸引。 乍一看,文字可能像是隨意隨意繪製的奇異象形文字。 但你知道漢字都是由固定的筆順組成並遵循一套特定的規則嗎?

Hànyǔ bǐshùn jīchǔ

hěnduō rén chángcháng bèi hànzì zháomí hé xīyǐn. Zhà yī kàn, wénzì kěnéng xiàng shì suíyì suíyì huìzhì de qíyì xiàngxíng wénzì. Dàn nǐ zhīdào hànzì dōu shì yóu gùdìng de bǐshùn zǔchéng bìng zūnxún yī tào tèdìng de guīzé ma?

[Chinese Simplified Characters]


 很多人常常被汉字所着迷和吸引。 乍一看,文字可能像是随意随意绘制的奇异象形文字。 但你知道汉字都是由固定的笔顺组成并遵循一套特定的规则吗?

What is Chinese stroke order and why is it important?

Chinese character stroke order, called 笔画顺序 (bǐhuà shùnxù) or 笔顺 (bǐshùn), refers to the order in which the separate strokes that make up Chinese characters are written

( 什麼是中文筆順?為什麼它很重要?

 漢字筆畫順序,稱為筆畫順序(bǐhuà shùnxù)或筆順(bǐshùn),是指組成漢字的單獨筆畫的書寫順序。)

[ 什么是中文笔顺?为什么它很重要?

 汉字笔画顺序,称为笔画顺序(bǐhuà shùnxù)或笔顺(bǐshùn),是指组成汉字的单独笔画的书写顺序。]

Shénme shì zhōngwén bǐshùn? Wèishéme tā hěn zhòngyào?

Hànzì bǐhuà shùnxù, chēng wèi bǐhuà shùnxù (bǐhuà shùnxù) huò bǐshùn (bǐshùn), shì zhǐ zǔchéng hànzì de dāndú bǐhuà de shūxiě shùnxù.

First learn stroke order, then learn Chinese characters

The Chinese idiom 磨刀不误砍柴工 (módāo bù wù kǎnchái gōng) provides a dose of age-old wisdom: sharpening the axe does not delay cutting the wood.

What does this have to do with Chinese stroke order and learning Chinese characters, you may ask? Everything.

Knowing stroke order accelerates the memorization of characters and unlocks a deeper understanding of the structure of every Chinese character you encounter. Once you know stroke order, you can memorize Chinese characters more quickly.

First learning Chinese stroke order then moving on to character memorization accelerates the study of Chinese characters. 



 你可能會問,這和漢字筆畫順序、學習漢字有什麼關係呢? 一切。

 了解筆畫順序可以加快漢字的記憶速度,並加深對您遇到的每個漢字的結構的理解。 一旦知道了筆畫順序,就可以更快地記住漢字。




 你可能会问,这和汉字笔画顺序、学习汉字有什么关系呢? 一切。

 了解笔画顺序可以加快汉字的记忆速度,并加深对您遇到的每个汉字的结构的理解。 一旦知道了笔画顺序,就可以更快地记住汉字。


Xiān xué bǐshùn, zài xué hànzì

zhōngguó chéngyǔ `mó dāo bù wù kǎn chái gōng'tígōngle yīzé gǔlǎo de zhìhuì: Mó dāo bù wù kǎn chái gōng.

Nǐ kěnéng huì wèn, zhè hé hànzì bǐhuà shùnxù, xuéxí hànzì yǒu shé me guānxì ne? Yīqiè.

Liǎojiě bǐhuà shùnxù kěyǐ jiākuài hànzì de jìyì sùdù, bìng jiāshēn duì nín yù dào de měi gè hànzì de jiégòu de lǐjiě. Yīdàn zhīdàole bǐhuà shùnxù, jiù kěyǐ gèng kuài dì jì zhù hànzì.

Xiān xuéxí hànzì de bǐshùn, ránhòu zài jìnxíng hànzì jìyì, kěyǐ jiāsù hànzì de xuéxí.

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