Thursday, October 19, 2023

As Is [ TEL QUEL ] by Valéry, Paul, 1871-1945

 AS IS: 


  to Valéry Larbaud.

  Genoa, city of cats. Black corners.

  We witness its continuous construction from the 13th to the 20th.

  This city, all visible and present to itself; continually familiar with its sea, its rock, its slate, its brick, its marble; in perpetual labor against his mountain. American since Columbus.

  Prodigious boredom with things of lesser art in Genoa.

  Conical hills, topped with a dark green sanctuary.

  Pink rattles, small light teeth, housed houses.

  45° slopes, cones and shadows.

(page 11)

Behind, Mount Fascia, general grayish and pinkish color of the elephant.

  Alleys. Here, countless children play around the poor naked or semi-naked people, for sale in front of their open rooms. There is prostitution similar to small street commerce. They sell their nature as the neighbor does her chestnuts, her figs, her immense golden tarts, chickpea flour. We walk in the thick life of these deep paths as we would enter the sea, the black bottom of a strangely populated ocean.

  Sensation of Arab tales. O stupid smells, icy smells, drugs, cheeses, roasted coffee, delicious finely roasted cocoa from which the bitterness exhales... Quick passers-by on these chisel-striated marbles. Towards the heights, the streets climb, adorned with ribbons of bricks and pebbles. Cypresses, tiny domes, frati.

  Fragrant cuisines.- These gigantic pies, chickpea flour, combinations, sardines in oil, hard-boiled eggs caught in the dough, spinach pies, fried foods. This very old kitchen.

  It's a slate quarry, Genoa.

  The Navicelles.

  Lavagna tartanes bristling with five (page 12) 

sharp sails diverging, heavy with bricks or fruit, heavy and winged on the sea.


 Monte Fascie: 834 meters, its cotton-colored power its descent in very wide and very slow folds - it dominates everything without rushing - it descends and does not climb.  Monastic and military physiognomy.  Not talkative.  With a silence and a bare, a level and a soft tone over all its mass which contains, watches over the whole city, of which it seems to listen to all the noises and the roosters and the sirens, bells and vaporous roars  , without ever responding.

 Make these massifs a beautiful topographical study.  Happy is he who is relieved by writing!  What drawing, what meticulous lifting would exhaust my gaze on these lobes and these levels, relax me

 would you like this mountain?  Man answers for all his answers, exonerates himself by all means, draws, paints, overexcites

 his dictionary.  Why this need for expression?  Who feels it in me

 Communicate.  To make last.  To stare.  Reconstructed


 (page 13)

 The bells opposite. Two sisters. Now I know them.

 Bells, bells of Genoa / Tan/ ti rin/ tan tan /... / Tan /...// I remain, my eye fixed on the bell which rings a hundred meters from here; turned away and the hand stopped which holds the pen ready for what? The void. And only the intention, the need, the instinct, the ghost of writing. Write what? The wall draws attention to its diamonds.

 <I think of perfect writing. » And this childish mark of boredom, this primitive process of putting a brief ideal on the horizon of each moment of laziness, this strange inability to peacefully let a day go to waste; and time, and pride, and the apparent being that we are, feel and suffer each other... as they are.

 Tan/tirïn/tantan/ It sings, instead of counting them, the hours.

 Liquidly, with infinite liquor, these notes tinkle. The bass, the hail on all levels of space, as if the air inhabited on all sides, was scratching... was thinning, bristling with sounds that it found....

(page 14) 

Golden atmosphere of music. Rope tension. Myth of the soul.

 The soul only healed at the moment of this tension.

 The event soul?...

 Two architectures.

 One whose life is nothing but pressure and bending. The other, more complete, brings tensions into play,

 extensions. If, in the first, we cut horizontal members, the building remains.


 Simplicity of life with inner nudity - needs reduced to a minimum, taste for reality pushed to the essential. Dark background and lightness; but always attentive. Carelessness and... depth. Secret.

 Pessimism contradicts activity. Depretia tio. Tendency to limits. Immediate passage ad infinitum.

 Selfhood. Aseity.

 Advantages and disadvantages of a sideline position.

 Readiness of familiarity. Get familiar with


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