Wednesday, May 13, 2020


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I love my self. If that sounds like I have a BIG ego,
you’re damn right I do. It comes from the control
that I have over my life. It comes from my work
ethic. It comes from knowing that I’ve done more
preparation than the other guys.

To have self-confidence is to feel capable, sure of
your abilities. Lack of confidence is fear that you
lack the ability to do something. I’ve read over a
thousand books when most people don’t even
read one book a year. I take risks and do things
that people are not willing to do. That’s what
gives me the confidence. That’s what gives me a
sense of superiority—and there’s not a damn
thing wrong with it.

I learned how to rely on myself. Am I self-centered? You bet I am, because I had to be.

I’ve learned fast that nobody’s going to come rescue me. Nobody else is going to make me successful. It’s all about me. I want to make myself happy, not anybody else.

I decide things for myself and am willing to take all
the criticism, all the blame—but also all the rewards
. My success is not dependent on anyone or
anything except me. That’s exactly why I place a
high value on myself, even if it means sometimes
giving the appearance of arrogance to others. It’s
also why I don’t care what other people think.
I was giving a seminar and a guy asked me, “Mr., it seems like
you’re full of yourself. Do you think you’re the center of the universe?”
I responded, “Yes, I do think I am the center
of the universe. Everything evolves around
me. And I like it that way.”

Now, this man was being a smart ass,
and certainly wasn’t asking for my advice.
In a way, my response was the BEST advice
I could have given him. Why? Because my
sense of superiority comes from confidence.
And confidence comes from competence.If
you know you can do something well, you’re
confident about it.

It comes from (and here’s the key) knowing that
I have the ability to make things happen. If this guy had taken his head out of his ass for a moment, he would have realized…

You can care about other people without caring what they think. What I think is my own business and what others think is their own business too.


If more people had this type of confidence, the world would be
a better place.Think about it. The world will never know how many
undiscovered “geniuses” there are—because of their lack of self-
confidence. They will never reach their true potential.

Who knows, there’s probably some person out there who has the
ability to cure cancer. But if he doesn’t have these self-confidence to step up to the plate, the world will never benefit from that knowledge.

Millions of people may continue to die needlessly because this
person doesn’t want to be so “arrogant” as to say to the world, “ I can
develop a cure for cancer,” and take the steps necessary—regardless of the cost or the potential of numerous failed attempts.

Instead, he will sit in some office cubicle somewhere, wasting
away, drawing a “comfortable” paycheck for the rest of his life. He will
go to his grave without making the impact on the world that he COULD
have—if only he had the guts. THINK BIG.

Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard because he saw the tremendous
opportunity brewing in the software market. At the time, people thought he was nuts.Dropping out of one of the most prestigious colleges in
the world to pursue something“ unproven”? Are you insane?
And yet, because Gates had the certainty and the confidence that
he was doing the right thing, the world is a better place because of it.
If he had NOT taken action—if he had taken the “safe” route andjust
chucked the idea and finished his degree at Harvard—Microsoftmight
have never have came into existence. And who knows? Maybe to this
day, there would not be personal computers in our homes. Maybe there
would be no Internet.

Without the Internet and the personal
computer, I wouldn’t have made my F.U.Money
and be enable to live such a luxury lifestyle. So
thank you, Bill Gates.


I never apologize for being confident. It’s because of my confidence
that I’m able to write this book so you can benefit from reading it. You
get to benefit from my so-called “arrogance.”

I would even go so far to say that people who DO NOT reach their
true potential are being selfish. They are not giving the world what they
could, none of the rest of us can benefit from what they could have

Maybe it’s a cure for a disease. Maybe it’s a new technology. Maybe
it’s a new book. Maybe it’s a new song. Maybe it’s a new invention.
Maybe it’s a new idea.

If this is your attitude, not only are you ripping yourself off, you’re
ripping your family off from the income you could have earned and the
lifestyle you could have provided them. You’re ripping the world off if
you don’t go out there, market to people, and let them know what you
have to offer.

Confidence comes from competence.

Think of the people you can help.Think of the lives you can change.
Think about your family. You owe it to yourself and also to OTHERS to
reach your true potential in this life. When we are not helping ourselves and others to get richer in this life, then we are wasting our time.


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