The Generation of Blocking and Ghosting People.
The broken hearts, the family feud — the friend we no longer speak too — the falling outs of life. The people who went ghost on you.
When its really done, when you want to seal the deal that you are fed up entirely over with this soul, you open up your laptop, unlock your phone and do what any normal person would in this generation…hit BLOCK.
You block your ex boyfriend, that annoying coworker, your ex blocks, your ex’s new jealous girlfriend blocks you, your cousin who hates you blocks you, it goes on and on. There are 100 different reasons of why it happens and who does it, but:
It is the ultimate way that anyone can send you a clear message that they want you gone, never to be heard from again.
Instagram: (…) Block User [ Are you Sure?] (Cancel) (Yes I’m Sure)Twitter- @NoLongerExistsInMyLife will no longer be able to follow or message you. BLOCK.Facebook — You can block someone to unfriend them and prevent them from starting conversations with you or seeing things you post on your timeline. Block User:__________ BLOCK.
Phew! All Blocked. Now that’s over; I’m Queen B; we are on the way to good vibes all day every day. Screw em’. (insert hair flip here) Namaste.
Blocking someone is really weird because it’s erasing that person from your “life.” With the click of a button, they are gone. Vanished to this island in cyberspace where all the blocked people go.
(Sounds super dramatic — obviously nothing like that happens, and I think the word makes it sound worse than it is. They don’t turn into a gray blob, They still breathe and live in the world.)
This concept probably happened 100s of years ago, where you stopped writing a person and sending your carrier pigeon but it so easy to just “ghost” someone today.
Blocking and Ghosting are two different words but with underlying connections.
Ghosting according to Urban Dictionary: “The act of suddenly ceasing all communication. This is done in hopes that the ghost-ee will just “get the hint” and leave the subject alone, as opposed to the subject simply telling them he/she is no longer interested.”
You begin to ignore their texts, sending those one word responses: haha, cool, same.You open their snapchat and don’t respond (scandalous) even if it is with them looking adorable in the puppy filter.You do it in a “sly” manner to avoid hurting their feelings… lol KK.You slowly sink in quick sand and never appear again making them wonder if you moved out of town.
Can people not handle the face to face verbal confrontation or discussion anymore?
But no worries it’s 2016 so you don’t have too! You no longer have to speak to anyone you don’t want to talk to ever again. You can be a weenie.

I rather have someone legit tell me to my face:
“I don’t like you; I want nothing to do with you — therefor, I never want to talk to you”, but that’s a personal feeling.
I’m a person who always needs closure, who needs to know why-why why. It’s unhealthy, but I admit it. (the first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one)
If people “didn’t care,” you wouldn’t do anything about it. So what’s the reason behind the block?
Is there an underlying message?
I do think that it’s very straight-forward and simple.
You are not interested in knowing what the other person is up to, and in return, you don’t want them to know what is going in your life..
Iheard Anderson Cooper said in an interview his opinion on blocking people:
“Blocking gives them power, they feel like they accomplished something to get you that angry or upset.”
Do you think that you give a person more power by blocking them?
Some we block because we are legit being harassed, stalked, all the scary stuff totally understandable, and necessary — no question about it. I’m all for it.
But using this button to avoid truths, avoid conversations of failed friendships, family hardships, and unresolved relationships does it make a difference?
It seems we literally have two separate lives, internet lives, and the real world, where we interact with the physical form of a human, and it appears that this changes how people behave. Online personalities, and in-person personalities, its sad and weird.
If you bump into a person in real life 9 out of 10 times, they aren’t as tough as they are hiding behind their computer and cell phone.
I see people tweet horrible things and write mean comments, and if you wouldn’t say it to someone in real life why do they think they can say it online?
Like seriously, get a hobby, go knit, do some yoga, or learn how to deal with your feelings that you are clearly avoiding. People like that are the reason there is a block button.
The tiny button does help heal.
It allows are obsessive brains to relax to be weaned off a person slowly. To not need that addiction to know what is going on in that person's life or vice versa you don’t want that person knowing what you're doing in your life; a sense of your personal privacy that is back.
Today when you enter into any kind of relationship, a friendship, a romantic love, you start sharing your lives with each other so much.
When that relationship ends, you want to hide away from all those memories and moments. That it is not possible if you are constantly seeing them all over your feed. By blocking them, you get rid of them in your eyes, helping your mind heal. Out of sight, out of mind.
(There used to be an easier time, we could of just put a box of there stuff in the back of acloset, destroyed there mix tape. But you probably went on a road trip together, adopted a rescue dog, spent your 1 year anniversary in Mexico and have pictures of them all over every social media platform, but rest assured! I’ts okay! Your friend the block button has your back, and the delete button too.)
We ghost people,
we avoid conversations, pain, hurt, insecurities with a button.
❤ Heart it, Love it, Hate it, Block it — happy you read it!
Why do you block? Why do you ghost people?
I love to hear from you my sunflowers!
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