Friday, May 22, 2020



What are you interested in? What are you
passionate about? What subject or topic do
you have a lot of knowledge about? What
are people always coming to you for advice about?

You should pick a business where you at least have
some interest, versus something you have
absolutely no interest in.

If you do something just for the sake of
making money, that’s okay, but it’s short
sighted. Sure, you’ll make some money,
but honestly, life is too short. There are
so many things to do to make money,
so much opportunity in the world, why
not do something that you love?

I love what I do and I am damn good at
what I do. Any aspect of my work that I
don’t love and that I’m not good at is
done by others. By doing it this way, I’ve
set up my business in such a way that
I never get bored.

That’s one of the reasons I keep working even
though I’ve made enough money now that I
could stop working altogether. Everyday I get
up, I can’t wait to work. A lot of people who
live boring lives are down right jealous of me
because they wish they had something this
exciting in their lives.

There’s a saying you’ve probably l heard of: “I love
this so much that I would do it for free. ”I think
that’s MORONIC. Here’s what I want you to say
instead: “ I love this so much that it’s the ONLY
thing I would do for money.”


Who told you that they want what you have to offer?
What makes you think people would pay for it?

The foundation of your business must include:
a)evidence that the market wants to pay for it what you’re offering
b)evidence that they want to pay for that solution from YOU
c)strong evidence of the brilliance of your solution

Contrary to conventional wisdom (again!),
competition is good: it means there’s money in the market place.

Many people come to me and say, “I’ve got this
idea. No body has ever done it before.” That’s
probably because nobody has made a fxxking
dime doing it!  I’m not saying you can’t make a
fortune with new ideas; others have made
good money doing so. But remember—
pioneers mostly just end up with arrows in their backs.

That’s why I prefer just to sell something people
already buy. I don’t want to have to convince them
they need my product. They already know they
need it. The question is just whom they’re going
to buy from. Then my job is only to convince them
that I deliver more value than the competitors
and therefore it would be in their best interest to
buy from me.


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