Wednesday, April 29, 2020


One of the credit cards I have is the TD First Class Travel Visa Infinite
that I use to save up travel points. I get a lot of points I could use for free traveling, so I love using the credit card and buying expensive stuff.

I have zero credit card debt. I payoff my balance every single
month. I love using my credit cards. There’s absolutely nothing wrong
with spending money.


Instead of cutting up your credit cards, living below your means,
and always feeling poor, make your F.U.Money. Buy whatever you
damn well want as long as the cash flow from your businesses and
investments supports it.

When you make a lot of money and you’re only spending 15-20%
of your income, suddenly the budgeting is just not that important now,
is it?

Besides, why make it if you’re not going to spend it? What are you
saving it for? Till you die? To pass on to your heirs?


Am I telling you not to save money? Heck no. Because if you don’t,
you won’t have money to invest, to grow and start businesses, and be
ready when opportunities come along that require some money. I’m
not saying that.

What I am saying is, why not enjoy the journey while pursuing your
F.U.Money? Don’t sweat the small stuff. If your time is spent pinching
pennies, your precious time can’t be focused on generating dollars. If you generate
enough dollars, the pennies won’t matter.

Don’t you know some people who are just cheap as heck? What do
they look like?

You can just see it in their faces.They’re not happy. They’re
depressed because they’re hanging on to every penny they have. They
clip coupons, drive miles out of their way to get cheaper gasoline and
line up at the crack of dawn for special sales. They won’t even go out
to dinner with friends because they’re trying to save a couple bucks.
Bottomline: they don’t enjoy life.

Money is just a vehicle, a medium to get you what you want. So you
shouldn’t sacrifice your life, your fulfillment,and your enjoyment just
because you want to save a few measly bucks.

Even when I was struggling financially, to condition myself for
wealth (and NOT for poverty) I would go to a five-star hotel,grabacup
ofcoffeeortea(which was about all I could afford), and sit in the lobby. I
would “loiter” in the hotel and just immerse myself in that environment.
Again, I was training myself to get comfortable with the F.U.Money

And here’s the thing: a limousine actually doesn’t cost that much
more that a cab. From my place to the airport for a cab, it’s fifty bucks. If I take a limo (a stretch limo, by the way, not the short one, the long one), I’m talking about less than $95, so a little less thandouble.
Now, was it necessary for me to spend that extra money? No.But
what I wanted to do was condition my mind to get comfortable with
having my F.U.Money. I wanted to condition my mind that I deserve
these great things, that I deserve better things in life.

When I had to go to the airport, instead of
taking a cab. from my house, which is what
most people do, I would take a limousine.

Now, do you think there’s a difference
when you arrive in a limousine versus a cab?
You bet there is.There’s a huge difference.
When you’re riding in a limousine, people look
at you and say, “Wow, he must be important.”

Most people
save their way to

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