Make As Much Money
As You Damn Well Want
And Live Your Life
As You Damn Well Please!
Chapter11 Why F.U.Money is Not for the Touchy-Feely, pg 123
Chapter12 If Your Life Stinks, It’s Your Own Damn Fault, pg 133
Introduction pg6
Chapter3 F.U.Money Myth#1:
Money Can’t Buy Happiness pg48
Chapter4 F.U.Money Myth#2:
Rich People are Assholes pg56
Chapter5 F.U.Money Myth#3:
You Can Afford to Wait pg66
Chapter6 F.U.Money Myth#4:
YouHave to beLucky pg72
Chapter7 F.U.Money Myth#5:
You Have to be a Cheapskate pg79
Chapter8 F.U.Money Myth#6:
You Have to Get Rich Slow pg91
Chapter10 F.U.Money Myth#8:
You Have to be Perfectly Ready pg110
Chapter9 F.U.Money Myth#7:
You Have to Work Hard to Make Money
Chapter 1 What the Hell is F.U. Money? pg19
Chapter 2 How to Live Like a Hollywood Movie Star
Even If You’re Not Famous, pg31
You have never read a book like mine.
I am going to make some assumptions here. You are holding this
book in your hands because you know where you want to be financially, but you’re not there yet.
You’re sick and tired of your job, you’re frustrated with your financial
situation, or you don’t have enough cash flowing into your business for you to retire and/or make you rich.
One thing I am sure is that you’re reading this book because you
want MORE...
MORE money...MORE stuff...MORE satisfaction...MORE time…
MORE happiness...MORE sex...MORE fun...MORE love...MORE
pleasure...MORE of SOMETHING!
...and that’s really awesome.
Life is all about wanting more and making more. That’s the reality
of things, and there’s not a damn thing wrong with it. So I’m working on the assumption that you want more and you don’t feel guilty about it.
If you do feel guilty about it, realize your guilt is part of the problem.
It’s a big reason that you don’t have more. GET OVER IT.
If you go to the business section of bookstores and libraries, the
shelves are packed with all kinds of business and success books—
endless rows of personal development and self-help books. Most of
these books area complete waste of your time and money.
The first set of books is the touchy-feely, new age, prosperity-type
stuff in the self-help section. The thing is, if you were to actually meet
and get to know these so-called “prosperity gurus” in person, you
would find out they have no money—they’re poor. They don’t have a
pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of.
So how the heck can they teach you about prosperity when they
have no prosperity themselves? Oh, you might say, “Mr., they’re rich
spiritually.” Yeah, right. That’s nothing but a lame ass excuse for the
prosperity gurus to justify their lack of wealth.
To me, true prosperity means being rich in ALL areas of your life.
This includes your home, love life, family, health, friends, fun, and yes,
money. Lots of money.
The second set of books is the motivational psycho-babble.
These looney-toons tell you that if you recite daily affirmations…think
positively enough...if you meditate and visualize...lock yourself in a
room with purple candles and some hippy-smelling incense…that
somehow money will fall into your lap.
These motivational gurus tell you if you feel good about yourself,
you’ll make money. But I will be honest right here and say if you make a ton of money, then you’ll feel really pretty good about yourself.
The third set of books is the business books written by authors who
have no real personal world business experience whatsoever. I particularly can’t stand these posers.
These are the business school professors and “paper gurus” who
pose as business experts yet have never even started a business in
their entire miserable lives.
While their theories might sound good, they’re of no help at all
because the authors have never been in the trenches. They don’t know what it’s like to miss a payroll. They don’t know what it’s like to sell their car, mortgage their house, and live on rice and beans to keep their business alive.
Yet here they are doing “research” and feeding you all this non-
sensical data and making it all so complicated that in the end you’re so confused that you never implement a damn thing.
Then you have the fourth group of books that attempt to walk you through the step-by-step mechanics of starting, growing, and,
ultimately, selling a business.
Stuff like raising capital, marketing, selling, management,
leadership, those types of books. Some are really great, some are not so good, and some are downright dangerous. But NONE of these books will tell you how to prepare your mind and adjust your perspective for making your F.U.Money.
5. Last but not least.
Lastly, you have the financial books—work hard, save money, live
below your means, invest in mutual funds, let compound interest work its magic, and then ONE DAY you’ll be able to retire in comfort (not even rich) if you’re lucky.
Of course, that is if you have the self-discipline to put away the money, not blow everything you make at the end of every month, and get a high return on your investments for a LOOOONG period of time.
I don’t know about you, but I think the idea of working your entire
life, as hard as you can, usually at a job you hate, so you can retire and enjoy life, is ludicrous.
Why wait until you’re old and gray to retire? Why wait until retirement
to start enjoying your life? Why not do it now? Because you don't know?
By the way, do you know who most of these financial experts and authors work for? The mutual fund companies! Why do you think these mutual fund companies advertise their retirement plans like crazy? Cause they have your best interest at heart, or cause they make an obscene fortune in fees?
I think you already know the answer.
There are a group of books written by people who have achieved
a high level of success in business, such as the autobiographies of
Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, etc. I love those books.You learn from the successes and failures of people who have been there, done that. Those are the books you should read.
LISTEN TO ME? Read on.
I came to North America years ago with no money, no connections,
and not a word of the English language on my lips. In fact, I still speak
with a thick accent. I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I
started from scratch and made lots and lots of mistakes. I’ve been
screwed over by many people.
I’ve worked for minimum wage in a supermarket as a grocery bagger. I’ve been up and down multiple times, at one point $150,000 in debt, and, yet, I made it all back. I became a self-made multi-millionaire
NOT because I inherited it when my rich uncle died or somebody gave it to me, but because I made it from scratch, with my sweat and tears...through the cut throat world of business.
I can retire today if I want to. If I want to hop on a plane tomorrow
and go spend a month at a resort in the Caribbean, I can do it—and I
have done it.
I am free to do what I want, when I want, where I want, with
whom ever I want for as long as I want without having to worry about
money. And, yes, I can say fxxk you to anyone I don’t like, anywhere,
without consequence because I’ve made my F.U. Money.
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