Triple P, or the "Positive Parenting Program", was created by Matthew R. Sanders and colleagues, in 2001. at the University of Queensland in Australia and evolved from a small “home-based, individually administered training program for parents of disruptive preschool children” into a comprehensive preventive intervention program. This program was inspired by health promotion programs aimed at impacting people at the population level. The overall goal of the program is to enhance the knowledge, skills, and confidence of parents in order to prevent behavioral, emotional, and developmental problems in children and adolescents.This free workshop is for families with children ages 0-12.
You will learn the principles for:
- raising happy, confident children
- managing behavior so families enjoy life more
- setting rules and routines that everyone respects and follows
- encouraging positive behavior
- taking care of yourself as a parent
Triple Ps Tip Sheet
Seminar Series
Raising Confident,
Competent Children
The values, skills and behaviours to encourage in children are the choice of every individual parent, guardian, or caregiver. However, some core skills are important for everyone. Children are more likely to be confident, succeed at school and home and get along with others when they are taught to develop certain life skills from now. these life skills include being respectful and considerate , communicating well with others politely, thinking positively even during time of crisis and having healthy self-esteem, being a good problem solver, and becoming independent and able to do things for themselves. Tis tip sheet gives you some ideas on how to help children learn and relearn these important life skills and become confident, competent and compassionate individuals.
The foundation for children's success at school and home, in their relationships, and in life in general, are laid down in the early years of a child's life. At each stage, from infancy through to the teenage years, parents and guardians have an important role, also as role models, in encouraging children to develop the life skills they need to develop confidence and reach their personal potential.
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