Alenia Aermacchi M-346 Master
M-346 fact sheet
Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC). FADEC controls engine start and automatic relight in the event of flameout.
Auxiliary Power Unit – The APU provides autonomous engine starting via air turbine starter, electrical and pneumatic power (air conditioning) for ground operations and emergency needs.
Fire Protection – Based on a fire detection system which uses heat sensors in the engine and APU bays and a fire suppression system using the HFC-125 fire-extinguishing agent.
Fuel System – Includes one fuselage and two wing integral tanks. Total capacity 2,500.
l. Separate fuselage tank front section acts as engine feeder tank. Fuel supplied to engines via two redundant AC electrical pumps. The DC electrical pump feeds the APU and works as back-up to AC engine pumps. The feeder tank, being always full, also provides fuel during negative and zero “g” flight. Fuel transfer by gravity from wing to fuselage tank, by jet pumps from rear fuselage to front feeder tank. Three 630 l droppable tanks can be carried. Single point pressure refueling/defueling. Gravity refueling by standard adapters. Night operations-compatible air-to-air refueling system via removable probe. Electrical System – AC and DC power provided by two independent 20 KVA main generators, each driven by a different engine, two 9 KW Transformer-RectifierUnits (TRU), one APU-driven generator and two batteries. In case of a main generator or TRU failure, the other provides the complete AC or DC electrical load.An APU-driven auxiliary generator provides sufficient power (5KW, 28V DC) for ground operations. Two Ultra Low Maintenance NiCd batteries for APU starting and emergency operation of flight essential DC loads (30 minutes of operation). Standard receptacles for external AC and DC connection.
Hydraulic Systems – Two totally independent hydraulic systems (20.7 MPa/3000 psi working pressure) ensure aircraft operation in case of failure of either system. Each system feeds separate engine driven pumps. The hydraulic systems actuate:Safety–M-346 safety of operations and survivability in combat is built-in via:
Two-level maintenance concept (Organizational and Intermediate) for aircraft, equipment and systems. No depot level aircraft maintenance required. HUMS (Health & Usage Monitoring System) and Built-In-Test (BIT) enable monitoring and on-board systems and equipment data collection, in addition to airframe health (S-HUMS). The related Ground Support System provides a tool to quickly assess aircraft systems status after landing, reducing troubleshooting activities and speeding scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. Aircraft designed to be self-sufficient: APU, autonomous engine start, OBOGS, minimal specific GSE. Avionics – Based on a Main Computer and Symbol Generator (MCSG) and a Miscellaneous Compu-ter (MISCO). Two dual-redundant digital data buses (MIL-STD-1553B). Modular avionics architectureto integrate new systems/equipment, sensors and weapons, providing significant growth potential. The Communication/Identification subsystem includes: Navigation subsystem functions include: Pilot-Vehicle Interface – Representative of latest generation glass cockpit environment, Night Vision Goggles (NVG) compatible instrumentation and lighting, it offers the same lay out in each crew position with: Voice command
Configuration:2 x SRAAM2 x 500 lb
LGB1 x FLIR/LDP pod2 x ext. tanks 30 nm @ 20,000 ft, 370 KCAS (0.8 MN)
Combat: 3 min @ 20,000 ft, max thrust
Total mission time: 135 min
ANTI-SHIP36,000 ft/0.7 MN Radius 500 nm
Configuration:2 x SRAAM2 x Anti-Ship missiles2 x ext. tanks
Combat: 2 min @ 20,000 ft, max thrust
Total mission time: 155 min
SHIPCLOSE AIR SUPPORT30,000 ft/0.65 MNRadius 90 nm
Configuration:2 x SRAAM1 x 20 mm gun pod2 x RL (19 X 2.75’’)2 x 500 lb bombs2 x ext. tanks 60 min loiter @ 5,000 ft
Combat: 8 min @ sl, max thrust
Total mission time: 95 min150Kg300Kg550Kg650Kg650Kg650Kg550Kg300Kg150KgSTORESCARRIAGEOPERATIONALMISSIONS
Wing span 9.72 m (31.9 ft)
Length 11.49 m (37.7 ft)
Height 4.76 m (15.6 ft)
Wing area 23.52 sqm (253.2 sqft)
WeightsTake-off (clean) 7,400 kg (16,310 lb)
Take-off (maximum) 10,200 kg (22,490 lb)
Max weapon load 3,000 kg (6,610 lb)
Power Plant
Engines, turbofan Honeywell F124-GA-200
Thrust, max, sls, ISA 2 x 2,850 kg (2 x 6,280 lb)
Internal fuel (usable) 2,000 kg (4,410 lb)
Performance (Clean, ISA)
Max level speed 590 KTAS
Limit speed 572 KEAS / 1.2 MN
Stall speed (reference) 95 KCAS
Rate of climb 22,000 ft/min
Service ceiling 45,000 ft
Limit Load Factors + 8 / - 3 g
Sustained Load Factor (sl) 8.0 g
Sustained Load Factor (15,000 ft) 5.2 g
Take-off / Landing run 400 / 550 m (1,310 / 1,800 ft)
Range, clean / ext. tanks 1,980 / 2,720 km (1,070 / 1,470 nm)
Endurance, clean / ext. tanks 2h 45 min / 4 h
M-346 fact sheet
- 1. M-346A Finmeccanica Company
- 2. M-346The M-346 has been designed to provide the best possible balance between high training effectiveness and operational capabilities and low life-cycle cost. It is designed to the latest “design-to-cost” and “design-to-maintain” concepts, with avionics modeled upon those of fifth-generation combat aircraft. The M-346 exploits non-conventional features and advanced technologies to provide superior performance, flying qualities and safe operations. These characteristics, together with the man-machine interface and the advanced mission management suite offered by its Embedded Tactical Training Simulation (ETTS), make the M-346 truly representative of next generation combat aircraft. In addition the M-346 performance level, flight characteristics and on-board systems offer significant capabilities also in operational roles.
- 3. INTRODUCING THE M-346 ADVANCED & LEAD-IN FIGHTER TRAINERM-346 characteristics contribute to maximize its teaching effectiveness and to allow flight hours to be downloaded from Operational Conversion Units. In addition, the aircraft is also ideally suited to potentially satisfy the “Companion Trainer” requirement at reasonable cost. In its training role the M-346 has been conceived as the “core” of an Integrated Training System (ITS) which includes : Training Delivery System- Aircraft with built-in ETTS- Synthetic Training (Full Mission Simulator and Part Task Trainer)- Academic Training (Computer Aided Instruction and Computer Based Training)- Mission Handling (Mission Support Station to define training mission and support briefing and de-briefing phases)o Integrated Logistic Support Training Requirements- Training Needs Analysis (TNA)o Training Management Information System (TMIS)INTRODUCING THE M-346 OPERATIONAL CAPABILITIES From the beginning of the program, the M-346 has been conceived with additional operational capabilities, with the goal of providing a very capable multirole combat aircraft, particularly suited to ground and surface attack roles including CAS(Close Air Support), COIN (COunter INsurgency) or anti-ship missions as well as air police missions.Among the characteristics which make the M-346 an effective combat platform are:o the structure designed to carry up to three tons of various weaponso nine stores stationso an aerodynamic configuration which allows the integration of a wide range of external storeso provision for multi-mode radaro survivability built-in to the aircraft basic designo large fuel capacity for enhanced combat persistenceo remarkable speed and maneuverability even when fully armed or with one engine inoperative
- 4. M-346 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTIONAerodynamics – the M-346 introduces aerodynamic solutions previously found only on fighters. Wing LERXs (Leading Edge Root eXtensions) generate vortexlift, while computer-controlled leading edge flaps offer variable camber wings. These solutions enhance aerodynamic efficiency, maneuverability and high angle of attack flight. Differential all-moving horizontal“tailerons”further increase controllability, particularly at high angles of attack. This is complemented by the engine air intakes, placed under the LERX and canted upwards, to provide distortion-free airflow to the engines in all flight attitudes. Flight Control System – Quadruple-redundant, self-reconfigurable in case of failure, Full Authority Digital Fly-By-Wire.The Flight Control System (FCS) has fouridentical flight control computers at its core. In conjunction with its peculiar aerodynamics, the FCS endows the M-346 with flight characteristics similar to the latest fighters.The FCS offers both manual (three-axis stability and control augmentation, carefree handling) and automatic (flight director and auto-pilot) capability. It also serves as a data exchange interface between the avionics system, back-up instruments and engine FADECs. The quadruplex architecture allows the M-346 to operate safelyeven after two consecutive failures.The reconfigurable FCS can be tailored to present students with progressive levels of dif-ficulty as they build up towards front line fighter characteristics: different limits of Angleof Attack, Maneuver Load Factor and Roll Rate can be selected, helping inexperienced pilots transition from basic trainers to combat aircraft. A Pilot Activated Recovery System (PARS, the so-called“panic button”) is fitted for auto-matic recovery from unusual flight attitudes. When activated it returns the aircraft to a level wings slightly climbing flight-path to allow the pilot to recover control.
Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC). FADEC controls engine start and automatic relight in the event of flameout.
Auxiliary Power Unit – The APU provides autonomous engine starting via air turbine starter, electrical and pneumatic power (air conditioning) for ground operations and emergency needs.
Fire Protection – Based on a fire detection system which uses heat sensors in the engine and APU bays and a fire suppression system using the HFC-125 fire-extinguishing agent.
Fuel System – Includes one fuselage and two wing integral tanks. Total capacity 2,500.
l. Separate fuselage tank front section acts as engine feeder tank. Fuel supplied to engines via two redundant AC electrical pumps. The DC electrical pump feeds the APU and works as back-up to AC engine pumps. The feeder tank, being always full, also provides fuel during negative and zero “g” flight. Fuel transfer by gravity from wing to fuselage tank, by jet pumps from rear fuselage to front feeder tank. Three 630 l droppable tanks can be carried. Single point pressure refueling/defueling. Gravity refueling by standard adapters. Night operations-compatible air-to-air refueling system via removable probe. Electrical System – AC and DC power provided by two independent 20 KVA main generators, each driven by a different engine, two 9 KW Transformer-RectifierUnits (TRU), one APU-driven generator and two batteries. In case of a main generator or TRU failure, the other provides the complete AC or DC electrical load.An APU-driven auxiliary generator provides sufficient power (5KW, 28V DC) for ground operations. Two Ultra Low Maintenance NiCd batteries for APU starting and emergency operation of flight essential DC loads (30 minutes of operation). Standard receptacles for external AC and DC connection.
Hydraulic Systems – Two totally independent hydraulic systems (20.7 MPa/3000 psi working pressure) ensure aircraft operation in case of failure of either system. Each system feeds separate engine driven pumps. The hydraulic systems actuate:Safety–M-346 safety of operations and survivability in combat is built-in via:
- 5. Environmental Control System – Provides cabin air conditioning and pressurization, anti-g suit inflation, avionics compartments and equipment ventilation and cooling. Automatic electronic control maintains selected temperature. ECS supplied by engine bleed air or APU. 3.5 psi cabin pressure differential. Ejection Seats – Martin Baker Mk. IT16D model with“0-0”capability. Through canopy escape. Interseat Sequence Subsystem in each seat offers selectable escape mode combination. Oxygen System – On-Board Oxygen Generating System (OBOGS) used to reduce logistic support. Includes individual seat-mounted breathing regulator, oxygen analyzer and status indication system. Back-up oxygen subsystem uses an oxygen bottle located under the seat pan. Emergency oxygen system, activated manually or automatically on ejection, uses an oxygen bottle located behind the seat backrest. Maintenance – Numerous quick access doors and panels throughout airframe. On-Condition and Condition Monitoring maintenance for equipment and systems.
Two-level maintenance concept (Organizational and Intermediate) for aircraft, equipment and systems. No depot level aircraft maintenance required. HUMS (Health & Usage Monitoring System) and Built-In-Test (BIT) enable monitoring and on-board systems and equipment data collection, in addition to airframe health (S-HUMS). The related Ground Support System provides a tool to quickly assess aircraft systems status after landing, reducing troubleshooting activities and speeding scheduled and unscheduled maintenance. Aircraft designed to be self-sufficient: APU, autonomous engine start, OBOGS, minimal specific GSE. Avionics – Based on a Main Computer and Symbol Generator (MCSG) and a Miscellaneous Compu-ter (MISCO). Two dual-redundant digital data buses (MIL-STD-1553B). Modular avionics architectureto integrate new systems/equipment, sensors and weapons, providing significant growth potential. The Communication/Identification subsystem includes: Navigation subsystem functions include: Pilot-Vehicle Interface – Representative of latest generation glass cockpit environment, Night Vision Goggles (NVG) compatible instrumentation and lighting, it offers the same lay out in each crew position with: Voice command
- 7. M-346 Operational CapabilitiesWhile maintaining its superior advanced/lead-in fighter trainer characteristics, the M-346 is easily field-reconfigured to become an effective combat aircraft. In this operational configuration the aircraft can perform ground attack, anti-ship and aerial target missions, particularly in the so-called “homeland defence” role. Even when carrying a full load, the armed M-346 maintains a high thrust/weight ratio (in fact, not far from that offered by fully armed frontline multirole fighters) and moderate wing loading, both of which contribute to excellent overall performance and maneuverability.Even with one engine inoperative, the M-346 is still capable of high speed and maneuverability. This translates into remarkable battlefield survivability. The large internal fuel capacity, complemented by up to three 630 l external tanks and a quickly removable air-to-air refueling probe, endows the M-346 with significant combat radius and/or patrol endurance further enhanced by the non-afterburning engines. Stores Management System data presentation and control functions run on any of the MFDs in either cockpits. HOTAS controls provide weapon system functions selection. Weapon aiming is provided by the central main processor, while aiming data are presented to the pilots through HUDs and, when installed, HMD. The nine stores pylons are equipped with pneumatic ejector release units to reduce maintenance. Sensors – The M-346 can carry a targeting pod and provides space to install radar to detect and track both aerial and surface targets. Defensive Aids Sub-System (DASS) – In addition to the survivability provided in the M-346 by design (non-afterburning/low infrared emission twin-engines installation, totally duplicated main systems and power sources, quadruple FCS computers and sensors, re-configurable flight control system in the event ofbattle damage, multi-path structure etc) the aircraft has the provision to install a number of dedicated survivability enhancement equipment: Radar WarningReceiver (RWR), Chaff & Flare Dispensers (CFD) and active Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) pod. Gun pod Air-to-Air MissilesTraining Bomb and Rocket dispenser Air-to-Surface MissilesNav/Attack pod Anti-Ship Missiles ECM pod Free-fall bombs Recce pod Laser-Guided bombs Fuel tanks (3 x 630 l each)
Configuration:2 x SRAAM2 x 500 lb
LGB1 x FLIR/LDP pod2 x ext. tanks 30 nm @ 20,000 ft, 370 KCAS (0.8 MN)
Combat: 3 min @ 20,000 ft, max thrust
Total mission time: 135 min
ANTI-SHIP36,000 ft/0.7 MN Radius 500 nm
Configuration:2 x SRAAM2 x Anti-Ship missiles2 x ext. tanks
Combat: 2 min @ 20,000 ft, max thrust
Total mission time: 155 min
SHIPCLOSE AIR SUPPORT30,000 ft/0.65 MNRadius 90 nm
Configuration:2 x SRAAM1 x 20 mm gun pod2 x RL (19 X 2.75’’)2 x 500 lb bombs2 x ext. tanks 60 min loiter @ 5,000 ft
Combat: 8 min @ sl, max thrust
Total mission time: 95 min150Kg300Kg550Kg650Kg650Kg650Kg550Kg300Kg150KgSTORESCARRIAGEOPERATIONALMISSIONS
- 8. - © Alenia Aermacchi - All rights reserved - Published by Alenia Aermacchi - External Relations - June 2012cFSC
Wing span 9.72 m (31.9 ft)
Length 11.49 m (37.7 ft)
Height 4.76 m (15.6 ft)
Wing area 23.52 sqm (253.2 sqft)
WeightsTake-off (clean) 7,400 kg (16,310 lb)
Take-off (maximum) 10,200 kg (22,490 lb)
Max weapon load 3,000 kg (6,610 lb)
Power Plant
Engines, turbofan Honeywell F124-GA-200
Thrust, max, sls, ISA 2 x 2,850 kg (2 x 6,280 lb)
Internal fuel (usable) 2,000 kg (4,410 lb)
Performance (Clean, ISA)
Max level speed 590 KTAS
Limit speed 572 KEAS / 1.2 MN
Stall speed (reference) 95 KCAS
Rate of climb 22,000 ft/min
Service ceiling 45,000 ft
Limit Load Factors + 8 / - 3 g
Sustained Load Factor (sl) 8.0 g
Sustained Load Factor (15,000 ft) 5.2 g
Take-off / Landing run 400 / 550 m (1,310 / 1,800 ft)
Range, clean / ext. tanks 1,980 / 2,720 km (1,070 / 1,470 nm)
Endurance, clean / ext. tanks 2h 45 min / 4 h
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