Thursday, October 13, 2016

Step 4 If I__________,would you___________?

If I__________,would you___________?

You’re not going to offer your 3rd party tool, unless they agree to do something in return. This has been my secret weapon for a very long time.

Let me offer you some examples: 

“IF I gave you a DVD that laid out all the information in a very professional way, WOULD YOU watch it?”

 “IF I gave you a CD that described the business, WOULD YOU listen to it?” 

“IF I gave you a magazine (or some other prospecting printed piece), WOULD YOU read it?” 

“IF I gave you a link to an online presentation that explained everything, WOULD YOU click on it and watch it?”

If you’ve done the first 3 steps properly, the answer will be yes. If they ask for more information first, just respond with “I understand that you want more information, but all of what you’re looking for is on the DVD, CD or in the Printed piece or Link. The fastest way for you to really understand what I’m talking about will be to review that material. So, if I gave it to you, would you review it?”

 If they say no, they won’t review it then thank them for their time and move on. Also, review steps 1-3 to see what you could have done better. Do NOT still give it to them. 

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