Saturday, June 8, 2024

智慧课程 zhì huì kè chéng Wisdom Course

 智 慧  课 程 

zhì huì kè chéng 

Wisdom Course

如何通过语言,穿越一个人的灵魂在视频为引导汇 跟 : 周文强老师学习吧!

rúhé tōngguò yǔyán, chuānyuè yīgè rén de línghún zài shìpín wèi yǐndǎo huì gēn : Zhōuwén qiáng lǎoshī xuéxí ba!

How to use language to penetrate a person's soul? Guided by videos. Learn from: Teacher Zhou Wenqiang!


● 男人好色 Nán rén hào sè

Men are lustful,

英雄本色 Yīng xióng běn sè

heroic nature .

( 哈哈哈 Hāhā hā laughter )

花心不是男人的错 Huāxīn bùshì nánrén de cuò

It's not a man's fault to be unfaithful / flirtatious (an adjective that describes someone who behaves sexually attracted to someone else in a playful way)

那是他们的基因 Nà shì tāmen de jīyīn

That's their genes.

有人说男人好色 Yǒurén shuō nánrén hàosè 

Some people say that men are lustful

上下五千年 Shàngxià wǔqiān nián 

up and down five thousand years

男人都是三妻四妾的 Nán

rén dōu shì sān qī sì qiè de

Men all have three wives and four concubines 

突然这一百多年把人 家给斩了 Túrán zhè yībǎi duō nián bǎ rénjiā jǐ zhǎnle

Suddenly, in the past hundred years, people were beheaded. 

断了念想 Duànle niàn xiǎng

Stop thinking 

人家有个想法 Rén jiā yǒu gè xiǎng fǎ

People have an idea 

你还不允许 Nǐ hái bù yǔn xǔ

You are not allowed

你是武则天呐 Nǐ shì wǔzétiān nà

You are Wu Zetian

所以今天我们能得到 一个专属的男人

Suǒyǐ jīntiān wǒmen néng dédào yīgè zhuānshǔ de nánrén

So today we can get a special man

我告诉大家 Wǒ gàosù dàjiā 

I tell everybody 

这是这个时代 Zhè shì zhège shídài 

This is the era

对于我们所有女性的 奖赏 Duìyú wǒmen suǒyǒu nǚxìng de jiǎngshǎng

A reward for all of us women 

作为女人  Zuòwéi nǚrén As a woman ,

最幸运的一件事情就 是男人得到事业 

Zuì xìngyùn de yī jiàn shìqíng jiùshì nánrén dédào shìyè 

The luckiest thing is for a man to have a career.

得到天下 Dé dào tiān xià 

Get the world 

女人得到男人 Nǚrén dédào nánrén

Women get men,

顺便得到事业 shùnbiàn dédào shìyè 

get a career by the way, 

顺便得到天下 shùnbiàn dédào tiānxià.

get the world by the way. 

我当年20岁的时候 Wǒ dāng nián 20 suì de shí hòu 

When I was 20 years old, 

被一个19岁的小男朋 友给泡上了

Bèi yīgè 19 suì de xiǎonán péngyǒu gěi pào shàngle

I was hooked up with a 19-year-old boyfriend

那个人呢 Nàgè rén ne

What about that person?

就是周文强老师 Jiùshì zhōuwén qiáng lǎoshī

He is teacher Zhou Wenqiang. 

( 观众笑声 Guān zhòng xiào shēng audience laughter )

第一天叫他爸妈 Dì yī tiān jiào tā bà mā

The first day I called his dad and mom, 

叫伯父伯母 jiào bófù bómǔ

call (as) "uncle" and "aunt".

第二天我就改口叫"爸 妈" Dì èr tiān wǒ jiù gǎikǒu jiào bà mā

The second (next) day I changed the words to calling "Dad" and "Mom".

没有改口费 Méiyǒu gǎikǒu fèi 

No change (of calling) fee.

答案就是 Dá'àn jiù shì

The answer is

我脑袋转了一下弯 Wǒ nǎo dai zhuǎn le yī xià wān

my brain turned a corner ,

在想 Zài xiǎng  thinking 🤔 ,

周文强老师有可能带 过前女友回家

Zhōu wén qiáng lǎo shī yǒu kě néng dài guò qián nǚ yǒu huí jiā 

Teacher Zhou Wenqiang may have brought his ex-girlfriend (to his) home,

但是他前女友肯定干 不出来 Dàn shì tā qián nǚ yǒu kěn dìng gān bù chū lái

but his ex-girlfriend definitely can't do it

我这样的事 wǒ zhèyàng de shì

things like me.


Dì yī tiān jiào bófù bómǔ

First day calling "uncle and aunt"

第二天就叫爸妈 Dì èr tiān jiù jiào bà mā

The next day, just call "father mother. "

我估计全世界就我干 的出来 Wǒ gū jì quán shì jiè jiù wǒ gàn de chū lái 

I guess I'm the only one in the world who can do this.

所以我干了 Suǒ yǐ wǒ gàn le. So I did it.

然后第二件事就是 Ránhòu dì èr jiàn shì jiùshì Then the second thing is

我们一般去跟男方在 一起 Wǒ men yī bān qù gēn nán fāng zài yī qǐ 

We usually go together with the men.

是不是要让男方给自 己买 Shì bùshì yào ràng nán fāng gay zìjǐ mǎi

Should I ask the man to buy it for me?

大包小包的东西 Dà bāo xiǎo bāo de dōng xī 

Big and small packages of things

对还是不对 Duì háishì bùduì 

Right or Wrong

我不是. 我去到他们家 的第一件事情 Wǒ bùshì. Wǒ qù dào tā men jiā de dì yī jiàn shì qíng 

I'm not. The first thing I do when I get to their house is


Jiùshì gěi tā bà mā mǎi dōngxī 

just buying things for his parents.

什么洗衣机啦 Shén-me xǐ-yī-jī la 

What washing machine.

电冰箱啦 Diàn bīng xiāng la 


然后给他所有侄儿侄 女那些

Ránhòu gěi tā suǒyǒu zhí er zhínǚ nàxiē

Then give it to all his nieces and nephews.

包含父母亲奶奶 Bāo hán fù mǔ qīn nǎi nai

Including parents and grandmother

我就全部买衣服 Wǒ jiù quánbù mǎi yīfú

I buy them all the clothes.

他们说结婚的时候 Tā men shuō jié hūn de shí hòu 

They said when they got married

是要公公婆婆给彩礼 的 Shì yào gōnggōng pópo gěi cǎilǐ de 

The parents-in-law are asked to give the betrothal gift.

我不但不允许他们给 彩礼 Wǒ bùdàn bù yǔnxǔ tāmen gěi cǎilǐ

Not only do I not allow them to give a betrothal gift (to bride-to-be)


Wǒ hái zì-jǐ dào-tiē-le cǎi-lǐ 

I even paid the gift myself.

我后面发现了人生最 重要的一点智慧

Wǒ hòu miàn fā xiàn le rén shēng zuì zhòng yào de yī diǎn zhì huì

I later discovered the most important wisdom in life ,

 就是小舍小得 Jiùshì xiǎo shě xiǎo dé 

It's about giving up little and gaining little.

不舍不得 bù shě-bu-dé Can't bear to

大舍大得 Dà shì dà dé 

Great sacrifice, great gain.

当你能够在一个男人 身上无条件的付出的时候

Dāng nǐ néng gòu zài yīgè nán rén shēn shang wútiáojiàn de fùchū de shíhòu

When you can give unconditionally to a man,

这个男人只 要有功成名就的那一 天:

Zhè ge nán rén zhǐ yào yǒu gōng chéng míng jiù dì nà yī tiān:

This man only needs one day to achieve success:

他的江山是你的 Tā de jiāng shān shì nǐ de

His kingdom is yours.

他的财富是你的 Tā de cái fù shì nǐ de 

His wealth is yours.

他的孩子也是你的 Tā de hái zi yě shì nǐ de

His children are yours too. 

所以女人不管你多强 大 Suǒ yǐ nǚ rén bù guǎn nǐ duō qiáng dà

So no matter how strong you are, women

哪怕你是武则天的基 因 Nǎ pà nǐ shì wǔzétiān de jī yīn 

Even if you are the gene of Wu Zetian

我也希望大家记住了 Wǒ yě xī wàng dà jiā jì zhù le 

I also hope that everyone remembers 

有个男人比没有好 Yǒu gè nán rén bǐ méi yǒu hǎo 

It's better to have a man than no man 

有了就要好好的体验 Yǒu le jiù yào hǎo hǎo de tǐ yàn 

If you have it, you have to experience it well.

好好的用 Hǎo hǎo de yòng  

Use it well

好好的栽培 Hǎo hǎo de zāi péi 

Cultivate well

好好的鼓励 Hǎo hǎo de gǔ lì

Good encouragement

好好的看一下你到底 有多旺夫 

Hǎo hǎo de kàn yī xià nǐ dào dǐ yǒu duō wàng fū

Take a good look at how lucky you are to your husband,

而不是有多克夫 Ér bùshì yǒu duō kè fū

instead of kefu. 

(In ancient China, it was believed that a woman's face or fate had factors that affected her husband's progress, which was called kè-fū

'kèfū克夫 transliteration as 'kill husband' .

中国古代认为,女子面相或者命数里有影响丈夫的因素叫做克夫。出自《三命通会论》中,又细分为克夫旺子克夫克子 两种。古代《系辞传》、《滴天髓徵义》记载阴阳学中认为:这个世界上没有偶然只有必然,无论多么微小的邂逅都必定会影响未来的命运,缘分缔结就不会消失。世界貌似很大,其实很小只限于自己看的见的,手摸得到的。也是因此,古人认为化解凶煞与祈福是重要的事情,需要在紫冰银结印符上按照自己生日雕刻结印阵:农历3到5月出生是“紫嵇,介赑”两阵。农历6到8月出生是“峚峞,攰攱”两阵。农历9到11月出生是“龏鸮,雾餮”两阵。农历12到2月出生是“赉渫,丝咫”两阵。在结印册上添加“但马土佐,梦窗疏石,隐岐元简”结押从而可以祈福带来人生幸福的机遇。

中文名   克夫

外文名   kill husband

含义       女子命数里影响丈夫称为克夫

克夫相    蜂目狼头,下三白眼等

相关   面相命理

其他   服装行业

In ancient China, it was believed that if a woman's face or fate had factors that affected her husband, it was called "kefu". It comes from "Sanming Tonghui Lun"(Theory of the Three Fates)  , which is further divided into "kefu Wangzi" and "kefu Kezi". 

The ancient "Xi Ci Zhuan" and "Di Tian Sui Zheng Yi" recorded that in Yin and Yang, it was believed that there was no accident in this world, only inevitability. (系  tie ; 辞  resignation, discharge, shrik = shirk means to avoid work or a duty, especially if it is difficult or unpleasant; 传 Zhuán pass, spread, transmit, pass on, impart, infect, express)

(滴 drop, drip ; Tiān sky, day, God, heavens, nature, season, overhead; Suǐ marrow, pith = •The soft, spongy tissue in the center of the stems of most vascular plants, consisting mainly of parenchyma.•The soft inner substance of a feather or hair. •The spinal cord. •The essential or central part; the heart or essence. "The pith of your argument is controversial." •Strength; vigor; mettle. •Significance; importance.   "matters of great pith." ; 徵 Zhǐ Recruitment, levy, note in Chinese 🎶 musical scale;  righteous, justice, morality, virtue, uprightness, humanity, decency, )

No matter how small the encounter was, it would definitely affect the future destiny. Once the fate was concluded, it would not disappear. The world seems big, but it is actually very small and is limited to what you can see and touch. That is why the ancients believed that it was important to resolve evil spirits and pray for blessings. They needed to carve a seal formation on the purple ice silver seal talisman according to their birthdays: 

those born from March to May of the lunar calendar are "Zi Ji, Jie Bi". 

Those born from June to August of the lunar calendar are "Yi Yi, 攰攱". 

Those born from September to November of the lunar calendar are "龏鸮, 雾餮". 

Those born from December to February of the lunar calendar are "赉渫, 丝距". 

 Adding "Tajima Tosa, Mume Soseki, Oki Genken" to the seal book can bring blessings and opportunities for happiness in life.

Chinese name : 克夫

Foreign name : kill husband

Meaning : The influence of husband in a woman's fate is called 克夫

克夫相 : Bee eyes, wolf head, lower three white eyes, etc.

Related : Face reading and fortune telling

Others : Clothing industry)

听懂的请举手 Tīng dǒng de qǐng jǔ shǒu 

Please raise your hand if you understand

这个世界上没有不行 有不行 的男人 

Zhège shìjiè shàng méiyǒu bùxíng yǒu bùxíng de nánrén

There is no such thing as an incompetent man in this world.

只有让那个男人不行 的女人 Zhǐyǒu ràng nàgè nánrén bùxíng de nǚrén  Only have the woman who makes that man fail.

这句话很伤人 Zhè jù huà hěn shāng rén 

This sentence is very hurtful

很多人很不认可 Hěnduō rén hěn bù rènkě 

Many people don't recognize

尤其是女人 Yóu qí shì nǚ rén

Especially women,

绝对不认可 Jué duì bù rèn kě

absolutely do not approve

我一讲到互联网上 Wǒ yī jiǎng dào hùlián wǎng shàng 

When I talk about it on the Internet

骂死我, "你什么意思啊" 

Mà sǐ wǒ, "nǐ shénme yìsi a"

"What do you mean" by scolding me to death.

When I talk about this on the Internet, people scold me, saying, "What do you mean?"

我老公就是不行啊 Wǒ lǎo gōng jiù shì bù xíng a

My husband just can't do it.

并且有一些女人 Bìng qiě yǒu yī xiē nǚ rén

And some women 

动不动还要把不行拿 出来说 Dòng bù dòng hái yào bǎ bù xíng ná chū lái shuō

always bring up the bad things

就这句话会毁了你和 毁了你的另一半 

Jiù zhè jù huà huì huǐ-le nǐ hé huǐ-le nǐ de lìng yī-bàn 

This sentence alone will destroy you and your significant other.

就像我们经常说的话 Jiù xiàng wǒ men jīng cháng shuō de huà

As we often say

种子从种子长成参天 大树 Zhǒngzǐ cóng zhǒngzǐ zhǎng chéng cāntiān dà shù

The seed grows into a towering tree

它是有过程的 Tā shì yǒu guòchéng de

It has a process

这个阶段你的相信 Zhège jiēduàn nǐ de xiāngxìn At this stage, your belief

你的关怀 Nǐ de guānhuái Your care

你的体贴 Nǐ de tǐtiē Your thoughtfulness

以及你不断的鼓励 Yǐjí nǐ bùduàn de gǔlì And your constant encouragement 

其实就是男人离不开 你的 Qíshí jiùshì nánrén lì bù kāi nǐ de 

Actually, In fact, men cannot leave you.

最最大的依靠 Zuì zuìdà de yīkào

The greatest reliance 

再送你们一句话 Zàisòng nǐmen yījù huà

One more gift word for you

(again present you all one more word)

在夫妻关系里面 Zài fūqī guānxì lǐmiàn

In a  (couple/ man and wife) marital relationship

信任是基石 Xìnrèn shì jīshí 

Trust is the cornerstone

地基啊没有地基 Dìjī a méiyǒu dìjī Foundation, no foundation

你的婚姻关系绝对不 长久 Nǐ de hūnyīn guānxì juéduì bù chángjiǔ

Your marriage will never last.

不管是男人还是女人 都一样 Bùguǎn shì nánrén háishì nǚrén dōu yīyàng  It's the same for men and women

当年他追我的时候 Dāngnián tā zhuī wǒ de shíhòu 

When those years he was chasing (courtshiping) me, 

所有同事都说他是个 骗子 Suǒyǒu tóngshì dōu shuō tā shìgè piànzi  

All his colleagues say he is a liar.

然后我问他 Ránhòu wǒ wèn tār   

Then I asked him

他说如果我能骗你一 辈子呢 Tā shuō rúguǒ wǒ néng piàn nǐ yībèizi ní

He said what if I could lie to you forever?

我说那你就不算骗子 Wǒ shuō nà nǐ jiù bù suàn piànzi I said then you are not a liar 

我去到北京的时候 Wǒ qù dào běijīng de shíhòu 

When I arrived in Beijing 

我又成绩做的那么好 Wǒ yòu chéngjī zuò dì nàme hǎo And the result I did so well, 

然后他在北京学习 Ránhòu tā zài běijīng xuéxí  Then he studied in Beijing

我同事所有的人又都 说他是骗子 Wǒ tóngshì suǒyǒu de rén yòu dōu shuō tā shì piànzi All my colleagues say he is a liar

直到今天 Zhídào jīntiān  until today 

我的同事都问我说杨 韵冉 Wǒ de tóngshì dōu wèn wǒ shuō yángyùnrǎn 

My colleagues all asked me about Yang Yunran

当年你的眼光为什么 那么好 Dāngnián nǐ de yǎnguāng wèishéme nàme hǎo

Why did you have such good vision back then? 

我说因为你们在说他 骗子的时候 

Wǒ shuō yīnwèi nǐmen zài shuō tā piànzi de shíhòu 

I said because you guys were calling him a liar

只有我相信他是真心 的 Zhǐyǒu wǒ xiāngxìn tā shì zhēnxīn de 

I'm the only one who believes he's sincere.

相信老公是全天下最 不亏本的生意

Xiāngxìn lǎogōng shì quán tiānxià zuì bù kuīběn de shēngyì 

I believe my husband is the most profitable business in the world.

你相信他 Nǐ xiāngxìn tā  You believe him

你又没干啥 Nǐ yòu méi gàn shà 

What didn't you do?

你只是相信他 Nǐ zhǐshì xiāngxìn tā 

You just believe him

他成了你分他江山 Tā chéngle nǐ fēn tā jiāngshān 

He became your kingdom 


Tā bùchéng nǐ, háishì nǐ zìjǐ

He can't be you, you are still yourself 


Hěnduō rén yòu kāishǐ pēn wǒle

A lot of people started to criticize me again.

老师我信任他 Lǎoshī wǒ xìnrèn tā 

Teacher, I trust him.

结果他出轨了 Jiéguǒ tā chūguǐle 

He ended up cheating ( court other woman)

你不是信任他 Nǐ bùshì xìnrèn tā

( It's not) You don't trust him

你是放纵他 Nǐ shì fàngzòng tā

(It is )You are indulging him.

我觉得真的送给在座  的女士 Wǒ juédé zhēn de sòng gěi zàizuò  dÿe nǚshì

I think this is really for the ladies here.

我有一个潜台词 Wǒ yǒu yīgè qiántáicí

I have a subtext

我觉得真的送给在座 的女士

Wǒ juédé zhēn de sòng gěi zàizuò de nǚshì

I think this is really for the ladies here.


Nǐmen huì wúbǐ de xìngfú

You will be extremely happy/ blessed 


Jiù shì zì jǐ jiā de lǎo gōng

It's your own home's husband.


Zì jǐ kuā pīn mìng kuā

Praise him yourself, desperately praise


Wǎng sǐ lǐ kuā

Praise / boast to death


Kuā dào nǐ kuā bù dòng wéi zhǐ

Praise until you can't praise anymore

为什么? 因为你不夸就, 别人夸

Wèi shé me? yīn wèi nǐ bù kuā, jiù biérén kuā

Why? Because if you don't praise, others will praise (him) .

别人夸了以后就夸到 别人那里去了

Bié rén kuā le yǐhòu, jiù kuā dào biérén nàlǐ qùle

After being praised by others,  then (he) goes to others.


Zì jǐ kuā le yǐ hòu

After you praised (him) yourself


Tā dǎ sǐ dōu bù guò qù

He would never go there (other women) even if he was beaten to death

因为他再也找不到一 个

Yīn wèi tā zài yě zhǎo bù dào yī gè

Because he could never find one.

像他老婆一样欣赏他 的人了

Xiàng tā lǎo pó yī yàng xīn shǎng tā de rén le

Someone who appreciates him as much as his wife does.

所以女人 Suǒ yǐ nǚ rén

So women 

一定要跟男人的经营 之道里面相处

Yīdìng yào gēn nánrén de jīngyíng zhī dào lǐmiàn xiàng chù

You must get along with your man in his business practices


Yī dìng yào zhī dào jiào zuò jié zòu

You must know that it is called rhythm

[Zòu Play ]


Zài shénme chǎnghé xiǎn shénme xiàng

What image should be shown in what occasion

[ 在什么场  Zài shénme chǎng; In what venue ] [在 Zài exist / in / at / be /depend] 

在什么节点做什么样 的事情 Zài shénme jiédiǎn zuò shénme yàng de shìqíng

What matter/thing to do at which node

女人最重要的智慧是 节奏 Nǚ rén zuì zhòng yào de zhì huì shì jié zòu 

The most important wisdom of women is rhythm

所以你会发现 Suǒ yǐ nǐ huì fā xiàn

So you will find

杨老师在舞台上显得 这个像 Yáng lǎoshī zài wǔtái shàng xiǎndé zhège xiàng   Teacher Yang looks like this on the stage

杨老师厉不厉害 Yáng lǎo shī lì bù lì hài

Is Teacher Yang good/ sharp/awesome?

厉害吧 Lì hài ba   Awesome, huh?

但是你很难想象到了 床上以后 Dànshì nǐ hěn nán xiǎngxiàng dàole chuáng shàng yǐ hòu 

But it's hard to imagine that after you get to bed

杨老师是另一番景象 Yáng lǎo shī shì lìng yī fān jǐng xiàng Teacher Yang is a different story

我会无比的崇拜我先 生 Wǒ huì wúbǐ de chóngbài wǒ xiānshēng

I will worship (admire) my husband


夸的人家不要不要的 Kuā de rén jiā bù yào bù yào de

The people who praise me don't want me to

我想问你一下 Wǒ xiǎng wèn nǐ yī xià

I want to ask you one time

在床上你是什么角色 Zài chuáng shàng nǐ shì shén me jué sè 

What is your role in bed?

可不得就是 : 老公好棒的角色吗

Kě bù dé jiù shì : lǎo gōng hào bàng de jué sè ma 

It's just that: Husband is a great character

可不得就是: 老公我好渴望你 

Kě bùdé jiù shì : lǎo gōng wǒ hǎo kě wàng nǐ

But it's true: Husband, I really eager want you

我好爱你 Wǒ hǎo ài nǐ I love you so much

我觉得你好行的角色吗 Wǒ jué dé nǐ hǎo xíng de jué sè ma 

I think you're a good character? 

难道你还有其他的角色 Nán dào nǐ hái yǒu qí tā de jué sè

Could it be you have other roles?

老公你这个月赚了多少钱 Lǎo gōng nǐ zhè ge yuè zhuàn le duō shǎo qián

Husband, how much money did you earn this month?

有没有上交 Yǒu méi yǒu shàng jiāo

Have you submitted it? ( to me?)

老公你说一下 Lǎo gōng nǐ shuō yī xià

Husband, tell (me) one time


Zuó tiān gēn nǐ liáo tiān dì nà gè xiǎo nǚ shēng shì shéi

Who was the little girl you chatted with yesterday?

什么场合讲什么话 Shén me chǎng hé jiǎng shén me huà

What to say in what occasion

会不一个不懂得好的 套路的女人 Huì bù yīgè bù dǒngdé hǎo de tàolù de nǚ rén 

Will there be a woman who doesn't know good tricks?

是个愚蠢的女人 Shì gè yú chǔn de nǚ rén

Is a stupid / foolish woman.

一个不懂得在什么场合 讲什么话的女人

Yī gè bù dǒng dé zài shén me chǎng hé jiǎng shén me huà de nǚ rén 

A woman who doesn't know what to say in what situation


Shì yī gè gèng yú chǔn de nǚ rén

is a stupider woman

就是这套衣服 Jiù shì zhè tào yī fú

This is the outfit

你知道吧 Nǐ zhī dào ba You know

不是我喜欢的 Bù shì wǒ xǐ huān de

Not what I like

是我老公, 周老师选的 Shì wǒ lǎo gōng, zhōu lǎo shī xuǎn de

It was chosen by my husband, Mr. Zhou.

他喜欢一般他喜欢的 东

Tā xǐ huān yī bān tā xǐ huān de dōng

He likes what he likes.

西我就当着他的面穿 Xī wǒ jiù dāng zhe tā de miàn chuān

I wore it in front of him.

适合穿不穿不重要 Shì hé chuān bù chuān bù chóng yào (Fit or not fit , not important)

It doesn't matter whether it fits or not

反正他在的时候一定 要穿 Fǎn zhèng tā zài de shí hòu yī dìng yào chuān

Anyway, I must wear it when he is around.

他就感觉到他有眼光 Tā jiù gǎn jué dào tā yǒu yǎn guāng

He felt that he had vision.

[ 眼  : 光 ; Yǎn : Guāng ; Eyes: Light , insight, foresight, sight ]

就要夸我 Jiù yào kuā wǒ 

Just want to  praise me

其实好不好看是另外一回事 Qí shí hǎo bù hǎo kàn shì lìng wài yī huí shì Whether it looks good or not is another matter.

他就是觉得他选的好看 Tā jiù shì jué dé tā xuǎn de hǎo kàn He just feels he picked a good-looking one.

然后他又说一句话 Rán hòu tā yòu shuō yī jù huà  Then he said another word 

老婆你没有腰吗 Lǎo pó nǐ méi yǒu yāo ma

Wife, don't you have a waist?

我说其实我是有腰的 Wǒ shuō qí shí wǒ shì yǒu yāo de 

I said I actually have a waist

是这个衣服他没有腰 Shì zhè ge yī fú tā méi yǒu yāo

It is this dress has no waist.

其实我腰老细了 Qí shí wǒ yāo lǎo xì le

Actually, my waist is old and thin

但是为了我老公的眼光 Dàn shì wèile wǒ lǎo gōng de yǎn guāng

But for my husband's vision (sake)

我说没有腰也可以 Wǒ shuō méi yǒu yāo yě kě yǐ

I said it's okay without a waist

毕竟我又不要吸引别 的男生 Bì jìng wǒ yòu bù yào xī yǐn bié de nán shēng 

After all, I don't want to attract other boys students.

所以你们就会发现 Suǒ yǐ nǐ men jiù huì fā xiàn   So you will find out

杨老师说话的这个艺 术啊 Yáng lǎo shī shuō huà de zhè ge yì shù a 

Teacher Yang's art of speaking

我要是男的 Wǒ yào shi nán de

If I were a man

我都爱我自己的这张嘴 Wǒ dū ài wǒ zì jǐ de zhè zhāng zuǐ 

I will also love my own mouth

赠人玫瑰  Zèng rén méi guī

Give a Rose [ 赠 Zèng ; present, donate]

口留余香 Kǒu liú yú xiāng


[赠人玫瑰   口留余香 ; 

Zèng rén méiguī   kǒu liú yú xiāng; 

Giving roses to others  

Leaves a lingering fragrance in your mouth ]

[赠人玫瑰,手留余香,意思是让大家明白了付出了也会使自己快乐。只懂得收获的快乐,并不是真正的快乐。生活中也常有这样的情况,如:方便了别人的同时也会给自己带来方便,Zèng rén méiguī, shǒu liú yú xiāng, yìsi shì ràng dàjiā míngbáile fùchūle yě huì shǐ zìjǐ kuàilè. Zhǐ dǒngdé shōuhuò de kuàilè, bìng bùshì zhēnzhèng de kuàilè. Shēnghuó zhōng yě cháng yǒu zhèyàng de qíngkuàng, rú: Fāngbiànliǎo biérén de tóngshí yě huì jǐ zìjǐ dài lái fāngbiàn,

Giving roses to others will leave a lingering fragrance on your hands. This means that people understand that giving will also make you happy. Only knowing the happiness of receiving is not true happiness. There are often such situations in life, such as: making things convenient for others will also bring convenience to yourself.]

夸死人不偿命 Kuā sǐrén bù cháng mìng

Praising the dead is not a life-saving thing

口蜜不是腹剑 Kǒu mì bù shì fù jiàn

Honey on the lips is not a sword in the heart

是口蜜甜蜜蜜 Shì kǒu mì tián mì mì

It's mouth sweet honey

但是换一句话就是 Dàn shì huàn yī jù huà jiù shì   But in other words

一个女人 Yī gè nǚ rén  A woman


Zhǐyǒu nénggòu huó chū nà zhǒng yuánběn jùzú de zhuàngtài

Only by being able to live out that original state of completeness


 Bùyào duì tiān duì de duì kōng qì

Don't blame the sky, the earth, or the air.

[ 怼 Duì ; hate , dislike ]

见谁夸谁的时候 Jiàn shéi kuā shéi de shí hòu 

When you see someone praising someone 

谁都会爱你 Shéi dū huì ài nǐ

Everyone will love you

你觉得你真的会说话 吗

Nǐ jué dé nǐ zhēn de huì shuō huà ma

Do you think/feel you can really speak?

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