Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Doctor Taylor Swift

 The pop star was honored with an honorary doctorate at New York University's Spring 2022 graduation ceremony.

Time: around 12:30 in the afternoon on Wednesday (May 18), 2022.

Venue : New York City’s Yankee Stadium where tens of thousands of newly diplomaed people welcomed Swift with high-decibel cheers.

Taylor Swift’s New York University Commencement Speech : (20-minute)

“Hi, I’m Taylor.

Last time I was in a stadium this size, I was dancing in heels and wearing a glittery leotard. This outfit is much more comfortable. 


I’d like to say a huge thank you to NYU‘s Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Bill Berkeley and all the trustees and members of the board, NYU’s President Andrew Hamilton, Provost Katherine Fleming, and the faculty and alumni here today who have made this day possible. I feel so proud to share this day with my fellow honorees Susan Hockfield and Felix Matos Rodriguez, who humble me with the ways they improve our world with their work. As for me, I’m…90% sure the main reason I’m here is because I have a song called ‘22’. And let me just say, I am elated to be here with you today as we celebrate and graduate New York University’s Class of 2022.


Not a single one of us here today has done it alone. We are each a patchwork quilt of those who have loved us, those who have believed in our futures, those who showed us empathy and kindness or told us the truth even when it wasn’t easy to hear. Those who told us we could do it when there was absolutely no proof of that. Someone read stories to you and taught you to dream and offered up some moral code of right and wrong for you to try and live by. Someone tried their best to explain every concept in this insanely complex world to the child that was you, as you asked a bazillion questions like ‘how does the moon work’ and ‘why can we eat salad but not grass.’ And maybe they didn’t do it perfectly. No one ever can. Maybe they aren’t with us anymore, and in that case I hope you’ll remember them today. If they are here in this stadium, I hope you’ll find your own way to express your gratitude for all the steps and missteps that have led us to this common destination. 


I know that words are supposed to be my ‘thing’, but I will never be able to find the words to thank my mom and my dad, and my brother, Austin, for the sacrifices they made every day so that I could go from singing in coffee houses to standing up here with you all today because no words would ever be enough. To all the incredible parents, family members, mentors, teachers, allies, friends and loved ones here today who have supported these students in their pursuit of educational enrichment, let me say to you now: Welcome to New York. It’s been waiting for you. 


I’d like to thank NYU for making me technically, on paper at least, a doctor. Not the type of doctor you would want around in the case of an emergency, unless your specific emergency was that you desperately needed to hear a song with a catchy hook and an intensely cathartic bridge section. Or if your emergency was that you needed a person who can name over 50 breeds of cats in one minute.


I never got to have the normal college experience, per se. I went to public high school until tenth grade and finished my education doing homeschool work on the floors of airport terminals. Then I went out on the road on a radio tour, which sounds incredibly glamorous but in reality it consisted of a rental car, motels, and my mom and I pretending to have loud mother daughter fights with each other during boarding so no one would want the empty seat between us on Southwest. 


As a kid, I always thought I would go away to college, imagining the posters I’d hang on the wall of my freshmen dorm. I even set the ending of my music video for my song “Love Story” at my fantasy imaginary college, where I meet a male model reading a book on the grass and with one single glance, we realize we had been in love in our past lives. Which is exactly what you guys all experienced at some point in the last 4 years, right?


But I really can’t complain about not having a normal college experience to you because you went to NYU during a global pandemic, being essentially locked into your dorms or having to do classes over Zoom. Everyone in college during normal times stresses about test scores, but on top of that you also had to pass like a thousand COVID tests. I imagine the idea of a normal college experience was all you wanted too. But in this case you and I both learned that you don’t always get all the things in the bag that you selected from the menu in the delivery service that is life. You get what you get. And as I would like to say to you, you should be very proud of what you’ve done with it. Today you leave New York University and then you go out into the world searching for what’s next. And so will I.


So as a rule, I try not to give anyone unsolicited advice unless they ask for it. I’ll go into this more later. I guess I have been officially solicited in this situation, to impart whatever wisdom I might have and tell you the things that helped me in my life so far. Please bear in mind that I, in no way, feel qualified to tell you what to do. You’ve worked and struggled and sacrificed and studied and dreamed your way here today and so, you know what you’re doing. You’ll do things differently than I did them and for different reasons. 


So I won’t tell you what to do because no one likes that. I will, however, give you some life hacks I wish I knew when I was starting out my dreams of a career, and navigating life, love, pressure, choices, shame, hope and friendship.


The first of which is…life can be heavy, especially if you try to carry it all at once. Part of growing up and moving into new chapters of your life is about catch and release. What I mean by that is, knowing what things to keep, and what things to release. You can’t carry all things, all grudges, all updates on your ex, all enviable promotions your school bully got at the hedge fund his uncle started. Decide what is yours to hold and let the rest go. Oftentimes the good things in your life are lighter anyway, so there’s more room for them. One toxic relationship can outweigh so many wonderful, simple joys. You get to pick what your life has time and room for. Be discerning. 


Secondly, learn to live alongside cringe. No matter how hard you try to avoid being cringe, you will look back on your life and cringe retrospectively. Cringe is unavoidable over a lifetime. Even the term ‘cringe’ might someday be deemed ‘cringe.’


I promise you, you’re probably doing or wearing something right now that you will look back on later and find revolting and hilarious. You can’t avoid it, so don’t try to. For example, I had a phase where, for the entirety of 2012, I dressed like a 1950s housewife. But you know what? I was having fun. Trends and phases are fun. Looking back and laughing is fun. 


And while we’re talking about things that make us squirm but really shouldn’t, I’d like to say that I’m a big advocate for not hiding your enthusiasm for things. It seems to me that there is a false stigma around eagerness in our culture of ‘unbothered ambivalence.’ This outlook perpetuates the idea that it’s not cool to ‘want it.’ That people who don’t try hard are fundamentally more chic than people who do. And I wouldn’t know because I have been a lot of things but I’ve never been an expert on ‘chic.’ But I’m the one who’s up here so you have to listen to me when I say this: Never be ashamed of trying. Effortlessness is a myth. The people who wanted it the least were the ones I wanted to date and be friends with in high school. The people who want it most are the people I now hire to work for my company. 


I started writing songs when I was twelve and since then, it’s been the compass guiding my life, and in turn, my life guided my writing. Everything I do is just an extension of my writing, whether it’s directing videos or a short film, creating the visuals for a tour, or standing on stage performing. Everything is connected by my love of the craft, the thrill of working through ideas and narrowing them down and polishing it all up in the end. Editing. Waking up in the middle of the night and throwing out the old idea because you just thought of a newer, better one. A plot device that ties the whole thing together. There’s a reason they call it a hook. Sometimes a string of words just ensnares me and I can’t focus on anything until it’s been recorded or written down. 


As a songwriter I’ve never been able to sit still, or stay in one creative place for too long. I’ve made and released 11 albums and in the process, I’ve switched genres from country to pop to alternative to folk. This might sound like a very songwriter-centric line of discussion but in a way, I really do think we are all writers. And most of us write in a different voice for different situations. You write differently in your Instagram stories than you do your senior thesis. You send a different type of email to your boss than you do your best friend from home. We are all literary chameleons and I think it’s fascinating. It’s just a continuation of the idea that we are so many things, all the time. And I know it can be really overwhelming figuring out who to be, and when. Who you are now and how to act in order to get where you want to go. I have some good news: It’s totally up to you. I also have some terrifying news: It’s totally up to you.


I said to you earlier that I don’t ever offer advice unless someone asks me for it, and now I’ll tell you why. As a person who started my very public career at the age of 15, it came with a price. And that price was years of unsolicited advice. Being the youngest person in every room for over a decade meant that I was constantly being issued warnings from older members of the music industry, the media, interviewers, executives. This advice often presented itself as thinly veiled warnings. See, I was a teenager in the public eye at a time when our society was absolutely obsessed with the idea of having perfect young female role models. It felt like every interview I did included slight barbs by the interviewer about me one day ‘running off the rails.’ That meant a different thing to everyone person said it me. So I became a young adult while being fed the message that if I didn’t make any mistakes, all the children of America would grow up to be perfect angels. However, if I did slip up, the entire earth would fall off its axis and it would be entirely my fault and I would go to pop star jail forever and ever. It was all centered around the idea that mistakes equal failure and ultimately, the loss of any chance at a happy or rewarding life. 


This has not been my experience. My experience has been that my mistakes led to the best things in my life. 


And being embarrassed when you mess up is part of the human experience. Getting back up, dusting yourself off and seeing who still wants to hang out with you afterward and laugh about it? That’s a gift.


The times I was told no or wasn’t included, wasn’t chosen, didn’t win, didn’t make the cut…looking back, it really feels like those moments were as important, if not more crucial, than the moments I was told ‘yes.’ 


Not being invited to the parties and sleepovers in my hometown made me feel hopelessly lonely, but because I felt alone, I would sit in my room and write the songs that would get me a ticket somewhere else. Having label executives in Nashville tell me that only 35-year-old housewives listen to country music and there was no place for a 13-year-old on their roster made me cry in the car on the way home. But then I’d post my songs on my MySpace and yes, MySpace, and would message with other teenagers like me who loved country music, but just didn’t have anyone singing from their perspective. Having journalists write in-depth, oftentimes critical, pieces about who they perceive me to be made me feel like I was living in some weird simulation, but it also made me look inward to learn about who I actually am. Having the world treat my love life like a spectator sport in which I lose every single game was not a great way to date in my teens and twenties, but it taught me to protect my private life fiercely. Being publicly humiliated over and over again at a young age was excruciatingly painful but it forced me to devalue the ridiculous notion of minute by minute, ever fluctuating social relevance and likability. Getting canceled on the internet and nearly losing my career gave me an excellent knowledge of all the types of wine. 


I know I sound like a consummate optimist, but I’m really not. I lose perspective all the time. Sometimes everything just feels completely pointless. I know the pressure of living your life through the lens of perfectionism. And I know that I’m talking to a group of perfectionists because you are here today graduating from NYU. And so this may be hard for you to hear: In your life, you will inevitably misspeak, trust the wrong people, under-react, overreact, hurt the people who didn’t deserve it, overthink, not think at all, self sabotage, create a reality where only your experience exists, ruin perfectly good moments for yourself and others, deny any wrongdoing, not take the steps to make it right, feel very guilty, let the guilt eat at you, hit rock bottom, finally address the pain you caused, try to do better next time, rinse, repeat. And I’m not gonna lie, these mistakes will cause you to lose things.


I’m trying to tell you that losing things doesn’t just mean losing. A lot of the time, when we lose things, we gain things too. 


Now you leave the structure and framework of school and chart your own path. Every choice you make leads to the next choice which leads to the next, and I know it’s hard to know sometimes which path to take. There will be times in life when you need to stand up for yourself. Times when the right thing is to back down and apologize. Times when the right thing is to fight, times when the right thing is to turn and run. Times to hold on with all you have and times to let go with grace. Sometimes the right thing to do is to throw out the old schools of thought in the name of progress and reform. Sometimes the right thing to do is to listen to the wisdom of those who have come before us. How will you know what the right choice is in these crucial moments? You won’t.

How do I give advice to this many people about their life choices? I won’t. 

Scary news is: You’re on your own now.

Cool news is: You’re on your own now.


I leave you with this: We are led by our gut instincts, our intuition, our desires and fears, our scars and our dreams. And you will screw it up sometimes. So will I. And when I do, you will most likely read about on the internet. Anyway…hard things will happen to us. We will recover. We will learn from it. We will grow more resilient because of it. 


As long as we are fortunate enough to be breathing, we will breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, breathe out. And I’m a doctor now, so I know how breathing works. 


I hope you know how proud I am to share this day with you. We’re doing this together. So let’s just keep dancing like we’re…

… the class of ’22.

Watch the graduation ceremony in full ( click here )

这位流行歌星在纽约大学 2022 年春季毕业典礼上被授予荣誉博士学位。

时间:2022 年 5 月 18 日星期三下午 12:30 左右。


泰勒·斯威夫特的纽约大学毕业典礼演讲:(20 分钟)



我要向纽约大学董事会主席比尔·伯克利和所有董事会成员、纽约大学校长安德鲁·汉密尔顿、教务长凯瑟琳·弗莱明以及今天在座的教职员工和校友表示衷心的感谢,是他们让这一天成为可能。 我很自豪能与我的同届获奖者苏珊·霍克菲尔德和费利克斯·马托斯·罗德里格斯一起度过这一天,他们用自己的工作改善了我们的世界,让我感到谦卑。至于我,我……90% 确定我来这里的主要原因是因为我有一首歌叫《22》。我只想说,我很高兴今天能和你们一起庆祝纽约大学 2022 届毕业生。

今天在座的我们中没有一个人是独自完成这一切的。我们每个人都是拼凑起来的,那些爱过我们的人,那些相信我们的未来的人,那些向我们展示同理心和善良的人,那些告诉我们真相的人,即使真相很难听。那些告诉我们,我们可以做到,尽管根本没有证据。有人给你读故事,教你梦想,给你提供一些是非对错的道德准则,让你去尝试和生活。 当你问了无数个问题,比如“月亮是如何运转的”和“为什么我们可以吃沙拉而不能吃草”时,有人竭尽全力向你这个孩子解释这个极其复杂的世界中的每一个概念。也许他们做得并不完美。没有人能做到。也许他们已经不在我们身边了,在这种情况下,我希望你今天能记住他们。如果他们现在就在这座体育场,我希望你能找到自己的方式来表达对引领我们走向这个共同目的地的所有步骤和失误的感激之情。我知道语言应该是我的“特长”,但我永远无法找到合适的词语来感谢我的妈妈、我的爸爸和我的兄弟奥斯汀,感谢他们每天所做的牺牲,让我能够从在咖啡馆唱歌到今天站在这里和你们在一起,因为任何语言都不足以表达我的感激之情。 对于今天在座的所有支持这些学生追求教育充实的了不起的父母、家人、导师、老师、盟友、朋友和亲人,请允许我说:欢迎来到纽约。它一直在等着你。

我要感谢纽约大学让我在技术上、至少在纸面上成为一名医生。这不是你在紧急情况下想要的那种医生,除非你的特殊紧急情况是你迫切需要听一首有朗朗上口的副歌和一段强烈宣泄的桥段的歌曲。或者你的紧急情况是你需要一个能在一分钟内说出 50 多种猫品种的人。

我从来没有过正常的大学生活。我在公立高中读到十年级,并在机场航站楼的地板上做家庭作业完成了我的学业。 然后,我开始了一次电台巡演,这听起来非常迷人,但实际上,我只需要租一辆车、住汽车旅馆,我和妈妈还要假装在登机时大声吵架,这样就没人愿意坐在西南航空我们之间的空座位上了。


但我真的不能抱怨你们没有正常的大学经历,因为你们是在全球疫情期间去纽约大学的,基本上被锁在宿舍里,或者不得不通过 Zoom 上课。 正常情况下,每个上大学的人都会为考试成绩而烦恼,但除此之外,你还必须通过一千多项新冠测试。我想,你想要的也只是正常的大学生活。但在这种情况下,你和我都了解到,你并不总是能得到你从菜单中选择的包里的所有东西,这就是生活。你得到你得到的。我想对你说,你应该为你所做的一切感到自豪。今天,你离开纽约大学,然后走向世界,寻找下一个目标。我也会这样。



其中第一个是……生活可能会很沉重,特别是如果你试图一次承担所有事情。成长和进入人生新篇章的一部分就是抓住和释放。 我的意思是,要知道哪些东西该保留,哪些东西该放弃。你不可能背负所有的东西,所有的怨恨,所有关于前任的最新消息,你学校里的恶霸在他叔叔创办的对冲基金里得到的所有令人羡慕的晋升。决定什么是你的,放弃其他的。很多时候,你生活中的美好事物都比较轻松,所以有更多的空间去享受它们。一段有毒的关系可以抵消许多美好、简单的快乐。你可以选择你的生活有时间和空间去享受什么。要有辨别力。


我向你保证,你现在可能正在做或穿着一些你以后回想起来会觉得恶心和可笑的东西。你无法避免,所以不要试图避免。 例如,我曾经有过这样的阶段,在 2012 年的整个时期,我都打扮得像 1950 年代的家庭主妇。但你知道吗?我玩得很开心。趋势和阶段很有趣。回顾过去并大笑很有趣。

虽然我们正在谈论让我们感到不安但实际上不应该的事情,但我想说,我非常提倡不要隐藏对事物的热情。在我看来,在我们“无所顾忌的矛盾”文化中,对渴望有一种错误的污名。这种观点延续了这样一种观念,即“想要它”并不酷。不努力的人从根本上比努力的人更时髦。我不知道,因为我做过很多事情,但我从来都不是“时髦”方面的专家。但我是站在这里的人,所以当我说这句话时,你必须听我说:永远不要羞于尝试。毫不费力是一个神话。 最不想要它的人是我高中时想约会和交朋友的人。最想要它的人是我现在雇用来为我公司工作的人。


作为一名词曲作者,我从来都无法静坐或在一个创造性的地方停留太久。我已经制作并发行了 11 张专辑,在这个过程中,我的音乐类型从乡村音乐到流行音乐,再到另类音乐和民谣。 这听起来可能像是一个以词曲作者为中心的讨论,但在某种程度上,我确实认为我们都是作家。我们大多数人在不同情况下都会用不同的语气写作。你在 Instagram 故事中写的东西和你在毕业论文中写的东西不同。你给老板发的电子邮件和你给家里最好的朋友发的电子邮件也不同。我们都是文学变色龙,我认为这很有趣。这只是一个延续的想法,即我们总是扮演着很多角色。我知道,弄清楚自己应该成为谁,什么时候成为谁,这真的让人不知所措。你现在是谁,如何行动才能到达你想去的地方。我有个好消息:这完全取决于你。我也有个可怕的消息:这完全取决于你。

我之前跟你说过,除非有人问我,否则我不会给你建议,现在我来告诉你为什么。作为一个 15 岁就开始了我的公开职业生涯的人,这是有代价的。 而代价就是多年来不请自来的建议。十多年来,作为每个房间里最年轻的人,我不断收到来自音乐界、媒体、采访者和高管的警告。这些建议往往是隐晦的警告。你看,我是一个公众人物,而当时我们的社会完全痴迷于拥有完美的年轻女性榜样。感觉每次我接受采访时,采访者都会对我有一天“偏离轨道”的讽刺。这对每个人来说都意味着不同的事情。有人对我说。所以我在成为一个年轻人的同时,被灌输这样的信息:如果我不犯任何错误,美国所有的孩子都会长大成为完美的天使。然而,如果我真的犯了错误,整个地球就会偏离它的轴心,这完全是我的错,我将永远被关进流行歌星监狱。这一切都围绕着这样一个想法:错误等于失败,最终,失去任何幸福或有意义的生活的机会。




没有被邀请参加家乡的派对和过夜让我感到非常孤独,但因为我感到孤独,所以我会坐在房间里写歌,这样我就可以去别的地方了。纳什维尔的唱片公司高管告诉我,只有 35 岁的家庭主妇才会听乡村音乐,他们的名单上没有 13 岁孩子的位置,这让我在回家的车里哭了。 但后来,我会在我的 MySpace 上发布我的歌曲,是的,MySpace,并会与其他像我一样喜欢乡村音乐的青少年交流,但没有人站在他们的角度唱歌。记者们深入地、常常是批判性地撰写文章来描述他们眼中的我,这让我感觉自己生活在某种奇怪的模拟中,但这也让我开始反省自己,了解我到底是谁。世界把我的爱情生活当作一场观赏性运动,而我每场比赛都输,这不是我十几岁和二十几岁时约会的好方法,但它教会了我要坚决保护我的私生活。年轻时一次又一次地被公开羞辱是极其痛苦的,但它迫使我贬低每分钟都在变化的社会相关性和可爱度这个荒谬的概念。在网上被取消资格和几乎失去职业生涯让我对所有类型的葡萄酒有了很好的了解。我知道我听起来像一个完美的乐观主义者,但我真的不是。我总是失去洞察力。 有时,一切都感觉毫无意义。我知道以完美主义的眼光看待生活的压力。我知道我正在和一群完美主义者交谈,因为你们今天在这里从纽约大学毕业。所以这对你们来说可能很难接受:在你的生活中,你不可避免地会说错话、相信错误的人、反应不足、反应过度、伤害不值得的人、想得太多、根本不想、自我破坏、创造一个只有你的经历存在的现实、毁掉自己和他人的美好时光、否认任何过错、不采取措施改正、感到非常内疚、让内疚吞噬你、跌入谷底、最终解决你造成的痛苦、下次试着做得更好、冲洗、重复。我不会撒谎,这些错误会让你失去东西。









……22 届的同学们。

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This is the only dental school in the United States with a research center that provides beds for 24-hour patient monitoring. Our dental hygiene programs offer extraordinary clinical and academic opportunities for students interested in preventive oral healthcare and the promotion of good health. Our students take part in challenging coursework while employing what they learn in real-world environments.

●Gallatin School of Individualized Study

Rigorous academics and course flexibility, close and collaborative personal advisement, and an extensive internship program are hallmarks of Gallatin. Purposely small and experimental, the school was established for students with the maturity to tailor their own curriculum to match individual academic and professional goals.

●Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Stern is one of the highest-ranked undergraduate business schools in the United States. You can choose to major in either the Core Business Program — with concentrations such as actuarial science, finance, entrepreneurship, and marketing — or the Business and Political Economy Program. While here, you’ll gain a solid foundation in both the liberal arts and global business.

●Liberal Studies

In Liberal Studies, you can choose from two unique options. The Global Liberal Studies bachelor's program features core coursework in the liberal arts with a focus on the great works in a global context. The two-year Core Program in the liberal arts is for students who intend to complete their undergraduate education in another NYU school or college.

●Rory Meyers College of Nursing

This is home to one of the oldest and most respected undergraduate nursing programs in the United States. With an average starting salary of more than $75,000, our alumni are among the highest earning nursing alumni in America, according to Forbes. The curriculum includes a strong liberal arts foundation, coursework in nursing science and theory, and clinical experience at NYU Langone Medical Center. 

●Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

Steinhardt is devoted to human service professions, including education, health, communication, and the arts (studio art and music). If you choose to study here, you’ll gain a valuable background in theory that you can then use during fieldwork at area schools, hospitals, agencies, cultural institutions, and organizations.

●Silver School of Social Work

At Silver, you will be provided with a strong liberal arts education and a firm grounding in the principles and practices of social work, which includes 700 hours of on-site fieldwork. Our close-knit learning community will be an invaluable part of your experience. You’ll be able to translate an interest in social justice into a career path to serve in leadership positions in the social professions.

●School of Professional Studies

We offer three programs geared toward traditional undergraduates. The Tisch Center for Hospitality offers a major in hospitality and tourism, the Tisch Institute for Global Sport offers a bachelor’s degree in sports management, and the Schack Institute offers an undergraduate degree in real estate. In each, you’ll have access to industry experts and job experience.

●Tandon School of Engineering

The NYU Tandon School of Engineering, which is located in downtown Brooklyn, is one of the nation's most comprehensive and respected institutions of engineering, applied science, and technology. You have the option of enrolling directly to NYU Tandon School of Engineering or exploring our dual degree program in science and engineering jointly offered through the College of Arts & Sciences.

●Tisch School of the Arts

The preeminent center for professional education and training in the media and performing arts, Tisch offers outstanding facilities and faculty. With many conservatory-style programs, our curriculum provides artists and scholars with rigorous preparation for their discipline, and invaluable opportunities for artistic development in the heart of the world's capital of the arts.

●NYU Abu Dhabi

NYU Abu Dhabi offers 26 majors across a range of disciplines.

●NYU Shanghai

NYU Shanghai offers 18 majors with a liberal arts  reserved.

New York University is a private institution that was founded in 1831. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 29,401 (fall 2022), and the setting is Urban. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. New York University's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, #35. Its tuition and fees are US$60,438.

New York University’s primary campus is located in the lively Greenwich Village neighborhood of Manhattan. NYU is a true city school, with no borders separating a distinct campus from the streets of the Big Apple. Students are guaranteed housing for all four years in the many residence halls throughout Manhattan, but many upperclassmen choose to live off campus in apartments around the city. NYU has a small but active Greek life with more than 30 fraternity and sorority chapters. There are more than 300 student organizations on campus, such as WNYU, the student radio station which streams online and broadcasts on a local FM channel to the university community.

NYU is divided into a number of schools and colleges, the largest of which is the College of Arts and Sciences. For those interested in drama or film, the renowned Tisch School of the Arts is the place to go, offering both undergraduate and graduate programs in acting, dance, dramatic writing, film, television and more. Former Tisch students include directors Martin Scorsese and Spike Lee. Other graduate programs include the highly ranked Stern School of Business; Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development; School of Law; School of Medicine; Silver School of Social Work; and Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service.

Setting: Urban

Tuition & Fees: US$60,438

Undergraduate Enrollment: 29,401

Acceptance Rate:12%

Visit School Website here

70 Washington Square S, New York, NY, 10012, USA.

QS World University Rankings 2024:

Top 5 US Universities

Rank #. University

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

2. Harvard University

3. Stanford University

4. University of California Berkeley (UCB)

5. University of Chicago

#35. New York University's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges USA.

# 43 New York University's ranking, QS World University Rankings

The World's top 100 universities 2025

Rank. University name, at Location

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), at Cambridge, USA.

2. Imperial College London, at London, UK. South Kensington Campus.

3. University of Oxford, at Oxford, UK. 

4. Harvard University, at Cambridge, UK.

5. University of Cambridge , at Cambridge , UK. 

6. Stanford University, at Stanford, UK..

7. ETH Zurich at Zürich, Switzerland.

8. National University of Singapore (NUS)

at Kent Ridge Campus, Singapore 🇸🇬. 

9. UCL at London, UK.Bloomsbury.

10. California Institute of Technology (Caltech) at Pasadena, USA.

Title: " 22 " (song lyrics)

Singer :Taylor Swift

It feels like a perfect night to dress up like hipsters

And make fun of our exes, uh-uh, uh-uh

It feels like a perfect night for breakfast at midnight

To fall in love with strangers, uh-uh, uh-uh


We're happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time

It's miserable and magical, oh, yeah

Tonight's the night when we forget about the deadlines

It's time, oh-oh

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22

Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you

You don't know about me, but I'll bet you want to

Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're

22, 22

It seems like one of those nights, this place is too crowded

Too many cool kids (who's Taylor Swift anyway? Ew), uh-uh, uh-uh

It seems like one of those nights, we ditch the whole scene

And end up dreamin' instead of sleeping


We're happy, free, confused and lonely in the best way

It's miserable and magical, oh, yeah

Tonight's the night when we forget about the heartbreaks

It's time, oh-oh (hey)

I don't know about you, but I'm feeling 22

Everything will be alright if you keep me next to you

You don't know about me, but I'll bet you want to

Everything will be alright if (alright) we just keep dancing like we're

22 (oh-oh-oh-oh, oh), 22 (I don't know about you)

22, 22

It feels like one of those nights

We ditch the whole scene

It feels like one of those nights

We won't be sleeping

It feels like one of those nights

You look like bad news

I gotta have you

I gotta have you

Ooh, ooh, yeah, eh-yeah (hey)

I don't know about you (I don't know about you), but I'm feeling 22

Everything will be alright if (ooh), you keep me next to you

You don't know about me (you don't know about me), but I'll bet you want to

Everything will be alright if we just keep dancing like we're

22 (oh, whoa, oh), 22 (dancing like)

22 (yeah, yeah, yeah), 22 (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)

It feels like one of those nights

We ditch the whole scene

It feels like one of those nights

We won't be sleeping

It feels like one of those nights

You look like bad news

I gotta have you

I gotta have you

Song "22" was written by: Taylor Swift, Max Martin, Shellback

Album: Red

Released: 2012

Taylor Alison Swift (born December 13, 1989) is an American singer-songwriter (35 year old on 13 December, 2024) 

The City University of New York (CUNY)the largest urban public university system in the United States has 11 four-year schools, seven community colleges, and seven professional and special schools.

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