Thursday, June 13, 2024

个人关系 personal relationship

 不管跟谁交往, 都要牢记的15条忠告, 以下内容是我用 10年血泪总结出的经验, 但凡记住一半, 你的人气就会瞬间开挂。

No matter who you interact with, here are 15 pieces of advice you should keep in mind. The following content is the experience I have summed up with 10 years of blood and tears. If you remember half of them, your popularity will instantly soar.

Nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks. Nothing. 

 “There is no passion to be found, playing small and settling for a life that’s less than the one you’re capable of living.”



 Chúfēi nǐ gǎnyú màoxiǎn, fǒuzé shēnghuó zhōng de yīqiè dōu shì méiyǒu yìyì de. Shénme dōu méiyǒu. 

“ Wán dé bù yì lè hū, mǎnzú yú bǐ nǐ nénglì suǒ jí de gèng shǎo de shēnghuó, zhèyàng jiù zhǎo bù dào jīqíng.”

And deciding what you want to do with life, I’m sure people have told you to make sure you have something to fall back on. Make sure you got something to fall back on, dear one. But I never understood that concept, having something to fall back on. If I’m going to fall, I don’t want to fall back on anything except my faith. I want to fall forward. I figure at least this way, I’ll see what I’m going to hit. 在决定你的人生目标时,我相信人们一定告诉过你,要确保你有后盾。亲爱的,确保你有后盾。但我从来不理解这个概念,有后盾。如果我要跌倒,除了我的信仰,我不想依靠任何东西。我想向前跌倒。我想至少这样,我会看到我会撞到什么。Zài juédìng nǐ de rénshēng mùbiāo shí, wǒ xiāngxìn rénmen yīdìng gàosùguò nǐ, yào quèbǎo nǐ yǒu hòudùn. Qīn'ài de, quèbǎo nǐ yǒu hòudùn. Dàn wǒ cónglái bu lǐjiě zhège gàiniàn, yǒu hòudùn. Rúguǒ wǒ yào diédǎo, chúle wǒ de xìnyǎng, wǒ bùxiǎng yīkào rènhé dōngxī. Wǒ xiǎng xiàng qián diédǎo. Wǒ xiǎng zhìshǎo zhèyàng, wǒ huì kàn dào wǒ huì zhuàng dào shénme.

If you don’t fail, you’re not even trying. I’ll say it again. If you don’t fail, you’re not even trying. To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did. “Imagine you’re on your deathbed, and standing around your deathbed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential, the ghost of the ideas you never acted on, the ghost of the talents you didn’t use. And they’re standing around your bed, angry, disappointed, and upset. They say, ‘We came to you because you could have brought us to life,’ they say. ‘And now we have to go to the grave together.'”

So I ask you today, how many ghosts are going to be around your bed when your time comes? You’ve invested a lot in your education, and people have invested in you. And let me tell you, the world needs your talents. Man, does it ever. The world needs a lot, and we need it from you. We really do. We need it from you young people. I’m not speaking for the rest of us up here, but I know I’m getting a little grayer. We need it from you, the young people, because remember this. So you got to get out there. You got to give it everything you got, whether it’s your time, your talent, your prayers, or your treasures. Because remember this, you will never see a U-Haul behind a hearse. U-Haul is an American company that offers truck, trailer, and self-storage rentals, as well as other services. Founded in 1945, it has over 17,000 locations across North America. I’ll say it again. You will never see a U-Haul behind a hearse. You can’t take it with you. So the question is, what are you going to do with what you have? I’m not talking about how much you have. Some of you have money. Some of you have patience. Some of you have kindness. Some of you have love. Some of you have the gift of long-suffering. Whatever it is, whatever your gift is, what are you going to do with what you have now? 如果你没有失败,那你就根本没有尝试过。我再说一遍。如果你没有失败,那你就根本没有尝试过。要得到你从未拥有过的东西,你必须做一些你从未做过的事情。“想象一下,你躺在临终的病床上,你的病床周围站着代表你未实现的潜力的鬼魂,你从未付诸行动的想法的鬼魂,你未曾使用过的才能的鬼魂。他们站在你的床边,愤怒、失望和不安。他们说,‘我们来找你,因为你本可以让我们活过来,’他们说。‘现在我们必须一起去坟墓。’”

所以我今天问你们,当你的死期到来时,有多少鬼魂会在你的床边?你在教育上投入了很多,人们也在你身上投入了很多。让我告诉你,世界需要你的才华。伙计,真的需要。世界需要很多东西,我们需要你们的才华。我们真的需要。我们需要你们年轻人的才华。 我不是代表我们所有人发言,但我知道我有点灰心了。我们需要你们,年轻人,因为记住这一点。所以你们必须走出去。你们必须付出你们所拥有的一切,无论是你们的时间、才华、祈祷还是财富。因为记住这一点,你们永远不会看到灵车后面跟着一辆 U-Haul。U-Haul 是一家美国公司,提供卡车、拖车和自助仓储租赁以及其他服务。该公司成立于 1945 年,在北美拥有 17,000 多个门店。我再说一遍。你们永远不会看到灵车后面跟着一辆 U-Haul。你们不能把它带走。所以问题是,你要用你所拥有的东西做什么?我不是在说你拥有多少。你们中的一些人有钱。你们中的一些人有耐心。你们中的一些人有善良。你们中的一些人有爱。你们中的一些人有忍耐的天赋。 无论它是什么,无论你的天赋是什么,你打算用你现在所拥有的来做什么?Rúguǒ nǐ méiyǒu shībài, nà nǐ jiù gēnběn méiyǒu chángshìguò. Wǒ zàishuō yībiàn. Rúguǒ nǐ méiyǒu shībài, nà nǐ jiù gēnběn méiyǒu chángshìguò. Yào dédào nǐ cóng wèi yǒngyǒuguò de dōngxī, nǐ bìxū zuò yīxiē nǐ cóng wèi zuòguò de shìqíng.“Xiǎngxiàng yīxià, nǐ tǎng zài línzhōng de bìngchuáng shàng, nǐ de bìngchuáng zhōuwéi zhànzhe dàibiǎo nǐ wèi shíxiàn de qiánlì de guǐhún, nǐ cóng wèi fù zhū xíngdòng de xiǎngfǎ de guǐhún, nǐ wèicéng shǐyòngguò de cáinéng de guǐhún. Tāmen zhàn zài nǐ de chuáng biān, fènnù, shīwàng hé bù'ān. Tāmen shuō,‘wǒmen lái zhǎo nǐ, yīnwèi nǐ běn kěyǐ ràng wǒmen huó guòlái,’ tāmen shuō.‘Xiànzài wǒmen bìxū yīqǐ qù fénmù.’”

Suǒyǐ wǒ jīntiān wèn nǐmen, dāng nǐ de sǐqī dàolái shí, yǒu duōshǎo guǐhún huì zài nǐ de chuáng biān? Nǐ zài jiàoyù shàng tóurùle hěnduō, rénmen yě zài nǐ shēnshang tóurùle hěnduō. Ràng wǒ gàosù nǐ, shìjiè xūyào nǐ de cáihuá. Huǒjì, zhēn de xūyào. Shìjiè xūyào hěnduō dōngxī, wǒmen xūyào nǐmen de cáihuá. Wǒmen zhēn de xūyào. Wǒmen xūyào nǐmen niánqīng rén de cáihuá. Wǒ bùshì dàibiǎo wǒmen suǒyǒu rén fà yán, dàn wǒ zhīdào wǒ yǒudiǎn huīxīnle. Wǒmen xūyào nǐmen, niánqīng rén, yīnwèi jì zhù zhè yīdiǎn. Suǒyǐ nǐmen bìxū zǒu chūqù. Nǐmen bìxū fùchū nǐmen suǒ yǒngyǒu de yīqiè, wúlùn shì nǐmen de shíjiān, cáihuá, qídǎo háishì cáifù. Yīnwèi jì zhù zhè yīdiǎn, nǐmen yǒngyuǎn bù huì kàn dào língchē hòumiàn gēnzhe yī liàng U-Haul.U-Haul shì yījiā měiguó gōngsī, tígōng kǎchē, tuōchē hé zìzhù cāngchú zūlìn yǐjí qítā fúwù. Gāi gōngsī chénglì yú 1945 nián, zài běiměi yǒngyǒu 17,000 duō gè méndiàn. Wǒ zàishuō yībiàn. Nǐmen yǒngyuǎn bù huì kàn dào língchē hòumiàn gēnzhe yī liàng U-Haul. Nǐmen bùnéng bǎ tā dài zǒu. Suǒyǐ wèntí shì, nǐ yào yòng nǐ suǒ yǒngyǒu de dōngxī zuò shénme? Wǒ bùshì zài shuō nǐ yǒngyǒu duōshǎo. Nǐmen zhōng de yīxiē rén yǒu qián. Nǐmen zhōng de yīxiē rén yǒu nàixīn. Nǐmen zhōng de yīxiē rén yǒu shànliáng. Nǐmen zhōng de yīxiē rén yǒu ài. Nǐmen zhōng de yīxiē rén yǒu rěnnài de tiānfù. Wúlùn tā shì shénme, wúlùn nǐ de tiānfù shì shénme, nǐ dǎsuàn yòng nǐ xiànzài suǒ yǒngyǒu de lái zuò shénme?

Sometimes it’s the best way to figure out where you’re going. Your life will never be a straight path.

But I see you today. And I’m encouraged by what I see. And I’m strengthened by what I see. And I love what I see. 有时,这是弄清楚你要去哪里的最好方法。你的人生永远不会是一条笔直的道路。

但我今天看到了你。我被我所看到的所鼓舞。我被我所看到的所鼓舞。我爱我所看到的。Yǒushí, zhè shì nòng qīngchǔ nǐ yào qù nǎlǐ de zuì hǎo fāngfǎ. Nǐ de rénshēng yǒngyuǎn bù huì shì yītiáo bǐzhí de dàolù.

Dàn wǒ jīntiān kàn dàole nǐ. Wǒ bèi wǒ suǒ kàn dào de suǒ gǔwǔ. Wǒ bèi wǒ suǒ kàn dào de suǒ gǔwǔ. Wǒ ài wǒ suǒ kàn dào de.

3. Let me conclude with this one final point.

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