Saturday, March 26, 2022

History of Ancestors Worship

 All about the history of world cultures in ancestors worship.  

ancestor worship

Alternate titles: manism, veneration of ancestors




1. Ancestor worship, prevalent in preliterate societies, is obeisance to the spirits of the dead. Fetishism, the veneration of objects believed to have magical or supernatural potency, springs from the association of spirits with particular places or things and leads to idolatry. 

一。 在没有文字的社会中盛行的祖先崇拜是对死者灵魂的崇拜。 拜物教是对被认为具有神奇或超自然力量的物体的崇拜,源于精神与特定地点或事物的联系,并导致偶像崇拜。

2. African cultures

 In African religions: Ritual and religious specialists.

 Ancestors also serve as mediators by providing access to spiritual guidance and power. Death is not a sufficient condition for becoming an ancestor. Only those who lived a full measure of life, cultivated moral values, and achieved social distinction attain this status.

二。 非洲文化


祖先还通过提供精神指导和力量来充当调解人。 死亡不是成为祖先的充分条件。 只有过着充实的生活,培养了道德价值观,并取得了社会地位的人才能获得这种地位。

3. Ancient Chinese religion.

In China: Religious beliefs and social organization.

Early forms of ancestor worship, together with all that they imply for social organization and obligation among the living, were deeply rooted and extensively developed by the Late Neolithic Period. Such religious belief and practice undoubtedly served to validate and encourage the decline of the more egalitarian societies.

三。 中国古代宗教。


 早期的祖先崇拜形式,连同它们对生者之间的社会组织和义务所暗示的一切,在新石器时代晚期得到了深刻的根深蒂固和广泛的发展。 这种宗教信仰和实践无疑有助于验证和鼓励更加平等的社会的衰落。

4. Ancient European religions.

In Finno-Ugric religion: Sacred ancestors

…religion is thought to be ancestor worship. Some of the main terms (e.g., “grave,” “hades,” and “soul”) go back several millennia. The cult concerned only dead members of the family; other dead beings were experienced as restless haunters, and aggressive expelling rites were used to dispel them. 

四。 古代欧洲宗教。


 …宗教被认为是祖先崇拜。 一些主要术语(例如,“坟墓”、“阴间”和“灵魂”)可以追溯到几千年前。 邪教只涉及死去的家庭成员; 其他死去的生物被视为不安分的鬼魂,并且使用了激进的驱逐仪式来驱散它们。

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…society does not usually practice ancestor worship as does the hierarchical society. Among horticultural peoples with chiefdoms, the chief’s ancestors, in time, become gods. The most remote ancestors, the founders of the chiefly lineage, are the most important gods; more recent ancestors and those of related but collateral lines have…

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, ancestors in many religions). Benevolence is the primary requirement. In northern Malawi, death in later life is usually ascribed to the will of the ancestors, but a miscarriage or the death of a very young child is not considered to be their work because such…

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The veneration of ancestors is known in many religious communities (e.g., Confucianism, Shintō); shrines in honour of the ancestors were maintained in Greek and Roman homes in antiquity. Heroes of the tribe, the region, or the city were also focuses for acts of devotion in many…

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…the spirits of the dead ancestors or of all the dead who have been cremated or buried in accordance with the proper rites.

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…veneration of nature and with ancestor worship; it does not have saints according to the standards of ethical perfection or of exceptionally meritorious performance. According to Shintō belief, every person after his death becomes a kami, a supernatural being who continues to have a part in the life of the…

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…Asian countries that honours deceased ancestors on the 15th day of the first month (Yuan) of the lunar calendar. The Lantern Festival aims to promote reconciliation, peace, and forgiveness. The holiday marks the first full moon of the new lunar year and the end of the Chinese New Year (see…

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…the religious pictures used in ancestor worship; the spirit and soul idols of various local cultures in animism; the fetish, or charm, figures of West African fetishism; and the magical objects of hunter and agrarian cultures. This type of anthropomorphism reaches its high point in the ritual and mythical pictures…

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In sacrifice: Recipient of the sacrifice

…offerings at the shrines of ancestors (emizimu) of up to three generations back. Worship of spirits and of ancestors, often including the offering of sacrifices, occurs in widely distributed cultures; in fact, according to some scholars, probably the major recipients of sacrifice in non-Western traditions are the ancestors.

In sacrifice: Religions of China

Furthermore, ancestor worship has been the most universal form of religion throughout China’s long history; it was the responsibility of the head of a household to see to it that sacrificial offerings to the dead were renewed constantly. 


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