Sunday, February 20, 2022

Six tips to activate for good luck

 六个小妙招好运自然来 .

Six tips for good luck.

你知道如何激活 Do you know how to activate

自己身上的好运吗 good luck on your own.

运气对一个人来说 Luck to a person

真的太重要了 really important.

运气好的人 Good luck people

做任何事情 do anything 

都容易成功 is easy to succeed. 

而运气差的人 And unlucky people

不管再努力 no matter how hard you try,

都是白费 it's all in vain.

任何事情的成功 Success in anything ,

努力很重要 effort is important

但是运气 but luck 

也是必不可少的 is also essential.

马云 Jack Ma , 比尔盖茨 Bill Gates,

沃伦·巴菲特 Warren Buffett

都说自己的成功 say their success 

离不开好运 inseparable from good luck .

令天骄阳给大家 Let the sun shine for everyone ,

分享六个 share six 

能够快速激活好运的 tips can quickly activate good luck

小方法 small way, 

简单又实用 simple and practical

在别的地方 at different places / elsewhere 

可看不到 can't see .

这么全的转运方法 Such a complete transfer method 

哪怕你能做到一点 even if you can do it 

好运就会主动找上门来 Good luck will come to you. 

1. 第一个 First.

大扫除 Clean up, 不管是办公室 whether it's an office 还是家里 or at home 

彻底打扫一遍 clean it thoroughly

把所有的死角 put all the dead ends

都清理干净 also clean up.

不穿的衣服 Clothes that never wear anymore 

或捐或卖 either donate or sell.

不用的东西 Things which not in use / unnecessary things

也都分类处理掉 are also classified

特别是你手机 especially your phone, 电脑的桌面 computer desktop, 

常年不用的文件 Documents that are not used all year round,

做好整理归档 organize and archive

古人说 The ancients said,

家净 则财进 A clean home brings wealth 

把周围的一切 put everything around 

都整理干净 clean up

为即将到来的好运 for good luck to come 

腾出空间 make room / space.

2. 第二个 The Second. 

锻炼身体 Exercise body

规律作息 Regular work and rest

别再熬夜 Don't stay up late nights.

熬夜 stay up late 

熬的不仅是你的 It's not just yours 

时间精力 time and energy

熬的也是你的 It's yours too.

生命运势 Life fortune

所有的运气 all luck

都是一个好身体 are a good body

吸引来的 attracted.

你的身体差 Your body is poor,

电量不足  insufficient charge

能量层级低 low energy level

又怎么可能 how is it possible

会吸引来好运气呢 Will it attract good luck? 

3. 第三个 The third.

换颜色 change color

尝试一些跟你原来 try something with your original 

喜欢的颜色风格 favorite color style

不同的色彩 different colors

比如 for example 

你原来喜欢穿黑色 you like to wear black color 

那么现在试试红色 then try red color now

也可以尝试 also can try 

带点红色的点绩 Score with a little red / dotted red dot product.

如果能再加个合适的 If you can add a suitable

水晶饰品 crystal ornament

效果会更好 the effect will be better. 

4. 第四个 The fourth.

每天晚上睡觉之前 every night before going to sleep 

写感恩日记 Write / Keep a gratitude journal 

调整你自己的心情频率 Adjust / align your own mood frequency 

把自己的关注点 put your own focus

聚焦在美好 focus on beauty good 和有爱的事情上 and on matters of love.

感恩是一切 Gratitude is everything

好运的前提 good luck premise

感恩你遇到的一切 be grateful for everything you encounter 

心情好起来 feel better

运气也会慢慢的 跟着好起来 luck will slowly follow along .

5. 第五个 The fifth. 

去人多热闹的地方 Go to crowded lively places.

转一转 Take a turn

这就是所谓的闹中取气 This is called get angry / That's what's called getting angry

因为人多的地方 because of the crowded place 

就代表着阳气旺 represents the yang energy prosperous.

我们多去这些地方 We go to these places a lot 

多接触 more contacts

吸收这些正能量 absorb the positive energy 

我们自身的运势 Our own fortune

也会变好 will get better / will change to good. 

物以类聚 Clustered together

当我们接触正能量越多 When we are exposed to more positive energy 

那么聚集在我们身边的 Then  what gathered around us ,

正能量也会越来越多 there will be more and more positive energy.

用不了多久 it won't take long

你的好运就来了 your good luck is coming too.

6. 第六个 The Sixth. 

日行一善, Do good deeds every day,

每天做一件善事, Do one good deed every day,

行善不在大小, Good deeds are not big or small,

哪怕是施舍一分钱 Even if it is a penny 

哪怕是给别人一个微笑 , Even if it is to give someone a smile ,

坚持一个月, for a month,

你的生活, your life,

会发生翻天覆地的变化, will change drastically,

最后 At last

告诉你个秘密, tell you a secret,

运气是可以, luck can be,

人为操控的, man-made,

只要你方法得当,  As long as you do it right,

就可以成为一个幸运的人. You can be a lucky person.


It is always more blessed to give than to receive .

感谢你的分享。 thank you for your sharing.  

谢谢你爱我们。 Thank you for loving us.

我也爱你。 I love you too.

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