Tuesday, May 5, 2020



Peter burned all his  proverbial ships. He had no way out. There was no “if,” no “maybe,” no “I’ll try”—it was DO or DIE.

Peter was going to make it happen no matter what! He was
gonna do whatever the heck it took! He HAD to find away. That levelof
commitment is what creates results.

Within weeks, he tied up acres of land with an option. He divided
them up and sold them to multiple buyers, and he made more than
enough profits to come up with the additional 25% down payment for
his apartment.

In fact, I was just at his place. It’s spectacular, absolutely breath taking.
Was it stupid? Wasn’t it risky? Was he nuts? Or was he simply
committed and passionate about his dream?

If Peter had been anything other than red-hot he would have lost
his ass on the deal. Lukewarm would never have worked. That’s guts. I
respect and admire people who’ve got guts! I am proud to have a friend
like him.

Are you willing to give up your “security” in exchange of financial
freedom? What are you willing to sacrifice to make your F.U.Money?


I was in my local book store and bumped into one of my college
buddies. He almost didn’t recognize me, but I recognized him.

He asked, “How the heck have you been, man? You look good.”

“Thank you.”

“Mr, what have you been up to?”

I said, “Nothing much. Just busy growing my businesses.”
We chatted briefly. I found out he was working in a local restaurant
as a waiter. I didn’t tell him what I was up to because he would never
understand, and frankly I didn’t feel like explaining it.

I can still clearly remember that he was always into sports. He was
on the basketball team, the stud that got all the girls—one of the coolest guys on campus. Everybody wanted to hang out with him.

On the other hand, I was the geek who sat in the very back of the
room, afraid to put up my hand and ask questions. I was the quiet one
who was shy and didn’t make eye contact with people when I talked
to them. I would just go home and not participate in any after-class
activities because of the language barrier. People didn’t even remember my name. I was invisible.

But while all of the cool guys were going to parties, chasing girls,
getting drunk, and having fun, I would lock myself in a room and read
business books like a mad man.

I had started my copyrighting career at the age of nineteen, so I
was studying sales letters and writing copy for clients.They all thought
I was the geek, the weirdo. You see, success takes discipline—so much
so that your friends mightstart calling you Yoda!

“You can lose alot of money chasing women, but you will never lose
women chasing money.”
-I Think I Love My Wife (Movie)

I chose to forego a little immediate recreation, reward, and pleasure
for future security. Everything in life comes with an opportunity cost.
When you choose to do one thing, you automatically choose NOT to do
other things. You have to give up something to get something.

The price for F.U.Money is self-discipline and self-control. Even
when I was nineteen, I knew where I was headed. I knew even then
what I wanted to do in life. If it meant I had to sacrifice a little fun, that’s a price I gladly paid. And I’m damn glad that I figured it out as early as I did.

You gotta do what you gotta do.

I made some sacrifices early on, but looking back I have no regrets.
I’m damn glad that I decide dearly on to do what I did. When I think back
on all that nonsense that my college buddies were up to, and Icompare
it to the lifestyle I have now, there’s no fxxking way I would trade it for
the world.

Success doesn’t happen by accident. I chose to be successful. I
chose to be happy. I chose to make my F.U.Money, and I chose to be
fulfilled. I chose to give up a few fun time, and look at my life today.

I’ve made my F.U.Money. I have enough to live comfortably for the
rest of my life. I can do what I want, when I want, with no worries.

I don’t need a job. I can live life entirely on my own terms.

I did what was hard. I did what other people were not willing to do.

I gladly paid the price that other people were
not willing to pay. I endured the pain, hassle,
and pressure that nobody else was willing to
bear. That’s why I now have the easy life that
most people can only dream of.


If you’re not where you want tobe
financially today, let me ask you just how bad
you want it. What price are you willing to pay
to get what you want?

You deserve nothing. You must earn
everything. If you really want to make your F.U.
Money, you must decide what you are going to DO today that will move
you closer to your goal—and then get busy doing it. Not tomorrow—

Yes, there’s a price to pay to get there,and it will require some initial
work plus a willingness to learn and grow on your part. But once you
arrive, you will gladly say you’d do it all over again.

If you’d like to leave the cubicle life behind and fire your boss.
You’ll find additional tools and resources to help
you make your F.U.Money quicker and easier.

The rich do what
is hard; that’s why
their life is easy.
Poor people do
what’s easy; that’s
why their life is


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