Sunday, May 17, 2020



Jerry explains the procedure for ordering the soup to George, and
they go stand in line. When it comes time to order the soup, George
wants bread and the Soup Nazi says, “You have to pay for it.”

When George gets upset and refuses to pay for it, that’s when the
Soup Nazi says his world-famous catch phrase “No soup for you!”


What allows him to do that?

There’s a very important lesson here for all of us. And that lesson
is this: don’t take shit from ANYBODY. Have the attitude that nobody is
allowed to take you down or insult you without your permission.

So why could the Soup Nazi do that? Because he makes the best
damn soup there is! He has no need to please anyone, no need to be
popular, or politically correct—nope, because he knows his soup is
good. You either want it or you don’t want it. You don’t like the way he
does business? Well, just piss off. You’re gone.

And that’s the way I’ve always operated my business. You can always make money. You can always get new clients, new business, and you can always start new businesses. Working with asshole clients is never worth the grief. It’s just not worth it.

Doing it this way allows you to focus more on creating a great
product and spending your time, efforts, and energies with people
who actually like you. They like what you have to say, they like your
products—they are raving fans that are willing to spend money with
you. This is SO important.

Sometimes when I send a broadcaste-mail to my list with an offer,
I’ll get some hate e-mails. These are people who are pissed off, saying
things like, “You’re just a scam artist…you’re just trying to sell me stuff.” These people are always immediately removed from my list. They’re not going to be my customers anyway. Who gives a shit what they think?

This is a business, not some charity drive. Sure, I’m here to help people, but I’m also here to make money. So if anyone on my list is not cool with that, they’re history—I take them off the list. The heck with them.


If you don’t remove this negative crap, it
has the power to take you off your game. It’s
funny as heck, but sometimes you can get ten,
twenty, thirty, fifty really nice e-mails and
good comments; people telling you how great
your product is and how they have benefited
from you and your wisdom, and how much
they enjoy your service. But one nasty e-mail
from some prick can make you temporarily
forget all the good comments and ruin your
whole day.

That’s why I don’t see all of my e-mails. I
have my assistants filter them all so I don’t see
any of the abusive or insulting stuff. I only see
the legitimate ones that I would want to know
about. Other than that, I’m not interested.

You can conduct business on your own terms.

At this point, I can get rid of anyone in my life that I don’t want, don’t
like, and don’t want to deal with. I can fire clients at will—and I have.
I have refunded a twenty-thousand-dollar cheque to a client and told
him to fxxk off. I can disqualify any prospects as I feel like it. I fired this
client mainly because he was just a pain in the ass.

It wasn’t always like this. When I was broke, there was a time when
I had no choice but to take on asshole clients that I shouldn’t have.

Nobody is allowed to insult you without your permission.
Nobody is allowed to say anything bad about you without your agreement.

I’ve found that the aggravation far exceeds the money in these cases.
You may be able to relate to this. I learned this lesson the hard way.

If you have clients you don’t want to deal with at the moment, get
rid of them! Nobody is ever going to show up at your door, point a gun
at your head, and say, “You have to take me on as a client.” Nobody’s
ever gonna do that.

You can choose. You can disqualify them. You can get rid of them.

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