Thursday, May 14, 2020



Do you know that some people are actually addicted to their struggles? Now you might be saying, “Mr, I follow what you’re saying so far but this just sounds too crazy to be true. This doesn’t make any sense!”

Think about it. When someone asks you how things are going, how often do you respond with something negative, like, “Oh man, it’s been a tough day. So-and-so problem happened. Wah, wah…cry, cry.” Be honest.

Why the heck do you say negative, whiny shit like that? It’s like a
knee-jerk response for most of us. Most people don’t even realize they
do it. It’s like their brain is trained to spew negativity automatically. I’ll
tell you why this happens: it’s because we get empathy. “Oh, poor you”
—BOOM! That second you get attention and approval instantly. It’s a heck a lot easier to get empathy than to actually fix the damn problem.
I don’t care how successful or unsuccessful you are, all of us want
attention, approval, love, and affection, including me.

When you were a baby and you cried, what happened? Mommy or daddy ran to you and showered you with love and affection. Do you see how this stuff is ingrained into our brains since child birth?

Some people spend so much fxxking time feeling sorry for themselves, it’s sickening.They don’t want to take responsibility or actually do anything to change their circumstances. Instead, they “win” by losing. They “win” by not making mistakes, by complaining, by
justifying—and they become addicted to their struggles.

Some friends of mine always seem to experience ups and downs. They make a lot of money, they lose it, they make a lot of money again, they lose it again. If they were to instead focus all that energy they have feeling sorry for themselves on changing what’s wrong with them, their problems would eventually disappear or, at the very least,  become less evident.

Now, of course, this is easier said than done. It is easier for me to type this stuff up for you to read than to do it in real life. Even I constantly
have to fight and struggle and not be addicted to this kind of stuff.

Why waste so much time and energy thinking what’s wrong with your life? I mean, let’s face it: life is hard. Things don’t always fall into  place like you want them to. All of us get an unwelcome visit from Mr. Murphy from time to time. And even when things work out, something can come along to screw it all up again. Shit happens.

Bottom line: you can continue down the
self-pity path for the rest of your life looking
for sympathy and alienating all those who
have any interest in working with you. You’ll
die a miserable human being who contributed

Until you take responsibility, get your head screwed on straight, and understand the
psychology, you’ll never have F.U. Money.The
choice is always yours.

Until you take responsibility, get your head screwed on straight, and understand the psychology, you’ll never have F.U.
Money. The choice is always yours.

Life ain’t fair.
Business ain’t fair.
People ain’t fair.
Get over it!

If you’re ready to take 100% responsibility,  ask, seek and knock to check out some resources that will help you on your journey.

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