Monday, April 27, 2020

Chapter 5. F.U.MONEY MYTH #3:


Think you have forever? Think again!

Let’s say the average lifespan is 70 years. For the first 20 years of
your life you’re growing up. Your parents are taking care of you while
you learn to be an adult—you’re a kid.

You really don’t have a lot of choices while you’re living with your
parents. So the first twenty years are gone, now you have fifty years
left. So at twenty you’re an adult. You can make choices and decide
what it is you want to do.

One third of your life is spent sleeping. The other one third of that is
wasted on entertainment, relaxing, watching TV, having sex, going to
the bathroom, commuting to and from work, etc.

When you really crunch the numbers, you really only have 10 or 15
years to work with and make your F.U.Money.

And that 10 or 15 years doesn’t even count the mistakes you’ll make,
the financial setbacks you’ll have, or the learning curve you’ll have to go
through. Now do you see why “get rich slow” doesn’t work?


Why would you want to wait until you’re 65 to retire? Who came up
with that crap anyway? The government? Oh, sure. The government
sure has your best interest at heart, huh?

Why not make your F.U.Money and retire as quickly as possible,
and then not have to work unless you want to? Why wait until 65? Why
not 55 or 45 or 35?

You can develop the ability to create
money out of thin air. I know that sounds far-
fetched, but true freedom comes when you
have developed the skills, the creativity, and
the mindset that it’s the fruit of your hard work
and creativity that provides financial security.

The reward is not only the money—that’s
part of it—but also knowing you have the
confidence, the freedom, and the ability to
make money whenever you need to.

Like I said, F.U.Money is NOT just a number. It’s a way of thinking.
It’s a mindset and a way of acting—a behavioral pattern. It’s a way of
life that allows you to make a lot of money and not have to wait until
you’re 65 to enjoy it.

Let me ask you…Do you want to travel luxuriously around the world? If you said YES!, would you like to do it when you’re 65 or when you’re 45?

“The real source of wealth and capital in this new era is not
material things. It is the human mind, the human spirit, the human
imagination, and our faith in the future..”
-Steve Forbes, Billionaire Publisher

Making huge
sums of money
requires a set of

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