Wednesday, April 29, 2020


“Waste not, want not. Be tight, be frugal. Cut up your credit cards.
Live below your means. Don’t drink the latte coffee in the morning.
Save that few dollars.”

“A penny saved is a penny earned.”

BULLSHIT. A penny saved is still just a penny.

You see, Mike and Andrea succeeded because they made a choice
NOT to scrimp and save.They said, “The HECK with that!”

Instead, they decided to change their financial situation by learn in a new high-paying skill. And what’s even better, they didn’t learn this
skill by going to college:they simply bought a copywriting course for
$1,500 and just started doing it. I love it!

Mike and Andrea have been freed up to live life they want NOW,
while they’re young.They go on three or four vacations per year, not
only because they have the money but also because they don’t have to
answer to some asshole boss telling them when they can or can’t go on vacation! If they want to go, they just GO.

That’s how YOU should live.You should
be able to buy stuff you want to buy and go
where you want to go, as long as your cash
flow will support it.

Here’s the thing that most people will
never understand: you will not become a
mega-millionaire until you begin to think and
live like one.

Now, I am NOT talking about living off credit cards or borrowed
money. I am NOT talking about spending foolishly either. You should
buy whatever you want as your income grows, as long as the gap keeps getting larger. Does that make sense? Isn’t that why we work so hard anyway? To buy the things that give us pleasure?

If you want to know how Mike and Andrea are able to live what I
call, ‘The Half Hour Work Day’ by being a copywriter,

Focus on
dollars, not
pinching pennies.

No matter where you live, I’m sure you’ve met people that complain
about the price of food, gas prices, or electricity bills, etc. Here’s my
advice—don’t worry about it because there isn’t a damn thing you can
do about it anyway.

Besides, why worry about things you can’t control? What you can
control is changing your financial situation. When you get to the point
where you’re making more than you spend, crap like how much food
costs won’t matter anymore.


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